
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

Super fast pain relief

January 13, 2022

Three days ago I bought the Masalo cuff at the Medicus medical supply store in Niestetal and I am thrilled!

I've never written an experience report anywhere before, but I have to here. After two minutes with the cuff I was able to lift my jacket again - a pencil was too heavy before. And I can nowsleep without pain,even if it is a bit uncomfortable with the cuff.But it's worth it.

I'm already looking forward to the healing process - after 6 weeks of pain (before anyone recommended this sleeve) it's great to feel my arm getting better every day.

Anny Hartmann

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Ms. Hartmann, thank you very much for your feedback. It should be exactly as you write 🙂 You now have the best chance of getting rid of your epicondylitis. Just please be patient. It will take longer until you are as pain-free without the support as you are with it and can put full weight on your arm again without the cuff. The cuff relieves the tendons, so you can put weight on your arm again with the bandage, but the healing process will still take time. When sleeping, you may want to loosen the bandage a little; circulation problems should not occur. Tendon and ligament injuries should always be expected to take at least 6 weeks, but tennis elbow / golfer's elbow can take 3-6 months or longer, although golfer's elbow is always the more persistent. If you have any problems, please feel free to contact us at any time. I also recommend that you read our tips on dealing with epicondylitis on our website. This will help you to recover more quickly and avoid further injuries 🙂 We wish you a speedy recovery. Kind regards Harry Röder

The best invention for tennis elbow

December 5, 2021

This product is worth every penny, that's all there is to it?

Mourad Dridi

You wouldn't believe it, super relief!

December 5, 2021

I put the cuff on as soon as I received it according to the instructions. It was actually easier than I thought.

I moved it a few more times and then it fitted me perfectly. I felt relief IMMEDIATELY and felt pain-free in 7th heaven.

Anyone who has experienced this pain understands this.

I have now worn the cuff for the first night. It works wonderfully because it is very comfortable to wear.

It doesn't pinch, it doesn't pinch like these conventional supports.

The cuff is definitely worth the money, thanks to the inventor!

Martina Scherf

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Ms. Scherf, thank you very much for your report. That's how it should be 🙂 However, not everyone experiences such immediate relief, but you should always at least feel that the support is working and relieving pain. In many cases until the pain is relieved, but not for everyone. If you now wear the sleeve consistently and perhaps also follow our tips for dealing with epicondylitis on our website, you will soon have overcome the problem. We sincerely wish you continued good recovery and if there is anything wrong, please do not hesitate to contact us. Kind regards Harry Röder

Can play golf again after two years of pain - I'm thrilled!

November 17, 2021

I started playing golf in 2018. Unfortunately, I stopped after just 3 months because I developed really painful tennis elbow.

I couldn't even hold my coffee cup anymore.

Over the next two years, I went through absolutely all the therapies recommended for tennis elbow. Somebrought some relief, some none at all. Physiotherapy and fascia therapy were helpful for me. The rest was pretty useless.

I was desperate and no longer believed I would ever be able to play golf again.

At the beginning of 2020, my husband found the Masalo cuff online by chance. I ordered one and after about 6 weeks my arm was so pain-free that I dared to carefully play 2-3 holes of golf.

As the season progressed, it got better and better and in the fall I was able to play a full court once a week.

I've been wearing this sleeve for the second season now and could play 18 holes twice a week if I had that much time. However, I know that without the sleeve the pain would soon return.

The cuff is certainly not very comfortable at first, but I soon got used to it. It is important to put it on correctly and tightly, otherwise it won't work. I can really only recommend the Masalo cuff.

Helene Reischer

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Ms. Reischer, thank you very much for your wonderful report. You have done everything right and I very much hope that many people will read your report. The last paragraph in particular is extremely important, because it is not uncommon for the cuff to be worn too timidly and for it to take too long because it is simply not effective enough. Of course, the cuff is initially perceived as a foreign body and perhaps also as not particularly comfortable, but as you say, this will improve over time and at a certain point you will even like the feeling, precisely because it helps. But it's just a support with a special effect and you have to get used to it 🙂 It's really good that you're wearing the sleeve prophylactically too, so you're directly preventing the epicondylitis from coming back. But even if you forget to wear the support and it starts to hurt again, simply put it on again in the evening and leave it on, and it should improve again within 1-2 days. We hope you continue to enjoy your golf and wish you a good game at all times 🙂 Best regards Harry Röder

Stay patient & carry Masalo

November 15, 2021

An absolutely top product, many thanks to the developers! I never write reviews, but I think it's extremely important to share my experiences here. Because I know how painful, discouraging and protracted tennis elbow can be.

In May 2021, I contracted tennis elbow. After the diagnosis and consultation with several orthopaedists, I underwent thefollowing therapies - without any noticeable success:

Medi compression sleeve (approx. 4 weeks during the day), stretching exercises (2x daily for at least 2 minutes each), ultrasound therapy (10 sessions of 15 minutes each), cooling (as often as possible in everyday office life), ibuprofen treatment (10 days, 3x daily 600s), curd compress (2 weeks, 30 minutes each evening), electro TENS therapy (3 weeks, 2-3x daily for 30 minutes), fascia massage (20-30 movements over trigger points every other evening).

Despite all attempts at therapy, the pain was significantly worse after 3 months than in the acute phase at the beginning of the injury, especially at night.

As I wanted to remain active in sports and didn't want to give up windsurfing aimlessly for months on end, I bought the Masalo cuff. No orthopaedist was familiar with the product or could prescribe it. Techniker Krankenkasse didn't cover the product either.

I then wore the cuff consistently during the day for 6 weeks. I didn't do any other exercises for the first 6 weeks, just a very light massage of the forearm after taking off the cuff in the evening. I would like to emphasize that it is really important to relieve the tendon and allow it to rest. I also didn't do any sport/windsurfing during the rest phase.

Only from the 7th week did I start mobilizing and strengthening with very careful stretching exercises WITHOUT pain. In my experience, it is super important to be careful here and not to stretch into the pain. In the weeks that followed, longer pain-free stretching phases (over 2 minutes) and common strength exercises were added. From the 9th week onwards, I no longer wore the cuff in everyday life as far as possible.

An important point that is rarely or never addressed from an orthopaedic point of view is diet. I have made a conscious effort to avoid inflammation-promoting foods such as alcohol or meat, fats and processed products. Alcohol and meat are poison for inflammation in the body.

Apart from an occasional twinge, I am now - November 2021 - pain-free in everyday life. When I exercise, I do stretching exercises and massage before and after sport to prevent renewed irritation.

I still notice my tennis elbow at night quite often.

To be fair, you have to look at cause and effect here too:

Of course, it is impossible to say to what extent the healing process would have been just as successful if I had not used the sleeve.

However, I am convinced that the targeted relief of the tendon has made an enormous contribution to healing.

Benjamin Turck

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Turck, thank you very much for this great experience report. I'm sure it will help many customers. First of all, I would like to briefly discuss the rejections by doctors and health insurance companies. Our Masalo® Cuff MED is registered in the German medical aid register as a medical aid subject to benefits under the medical aid number This means that prescriptions can be issued and that the insurance companies must cover at least part of the costs. After all, you are insured and pay your contributions. However, it is possible that prescriptions for other epi-bandages have already been submitted and the quota of such prescriptions has therefore been exhausted. Otherwise, your report contains very good tips on the subject of nutrition and massages, for example. I also think it is very good that you do not use and recommend the stretching exercises unconditionally, but approach them with due caution. Otherwise this can really have disadvantages and make the problem much worse. But the way you do it is OK. We are really pleased that you have almost completely overcome your epicondylitis. However, I would recommend that you wear the cuff for a few nights while you sleep, even if it is a little looser. What you describe happens more frequently. On average, you turn over about 30 to 80 times during the night. This may involve supporting yourself with your arm or pulling up the comforter etc. This can strain the tendons and "tear" micro-tears again. This can lead to pain. You have to understand that these are really microscopic injuries to the tendons, which can break open again even under unfavorable stress, without protection. Perhaps you should try applying the sleeve overnight. I wish you continued good recovery and thank you again for your report and your time. Kind regards Harry Röder

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