
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

Many thanks for the good telephone advice and help

November 30, 2012

Hello Mr. Röder,

Here at last is my experience report.

First of all, I have to say that the telephone contact with you was very helpful. Firstly, the "standard size" unfortunately didn't fit me and you fitted me with the perfect cuff after just one telephone consultation. Secondly, with regard to the fitting technique, as I was a little hesitant during the initial adjustment and put the cuff on too loosely.

Looking back, my tennis elbow had crept in over a longer period of time, so of course the pain didn't disappear after 3-6 weeks, but I didn't expect it to. The sleeve gave me a good feeling right from the start and I wore it day and night for several weeks. The pain slowly decreased and I was soon able to start training again, which is what my physiotherapist advised me to do.

I no longer wear the cuff day and night, but if I have overdone it during training or have been working too long at the PC, I wear the cuff again for a longer period of time. I think I could be more consistent, but I now know that with the Masalo cuff I have something that helps me at all times without any complications.

I have now disposed of the various tennis elbow supports that have accumulated over the years.

Many thanks for the good advice and help over the phone. I can only recommend everyone to contact you before ordering in order to find out the optimum size and to benefit from your kind expert advice.

Thank you for everything!

Bettina Dangl, Viernheim

Bettina Dangl, Viernheim

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Dangl, thank you very much for your report. I was happy to make the adjustments to your cuff. It is very much in my interest that my customers are also helped and if you persevere and really want it, it should work 🙂 I can understand that you no longer wear the cuff all the time, but that is also not necessary. The way you do it is perfectly fine. Use the cuff as a preventative measure when you are carrying out activities where you know for sure that the problem could occur again. Or if "it has happened", simply wear it again for a while until the pain is better again. However, a more "cosequent application" could possibly help you even more 🙂 I wish you all the best. Kind regards Harry Röder

Done - after only 7 weeks - many thanks for your advice and support

November 23, 2012

Mr. Röder - good afternoon!

Brief feedback on my state of health. I haven't worn the cuff for a good three weeks now. I only put it on now and again when I know I'm going to be doing strenuous work. I wore the cuff for a good 7 weeks at a time, day and night. Today I'm doingquite well again, i.e. my arm is mostly pain-free. However, my elbow still feels quite sensitive. What I have noticed is that the healing process has not been as linear as I had expected/hoped. Immediately after putting on the sleeve for the first time, I felt an immediate and significant reduction in pain. During the last two months, however, I had many ups and downs. There were days when I thought: hey, there's nothing more, no more tennis elbow, throw the cuff away! I was able to do strenuous gardening work practically pain-free. Then, the next morning, there was the pain again (I had the pain mainly in the morning when I stretched my arm or hand/fingers), sometimes even hellishly strong. This went on for weeks. I completed three physiotherapy sessions. They were good and had a supportive effect. At the same time, I kept anointing my arm with frankincense ointment and did my daily stretching exercises. I still do that today. Sometimes I think that the weather also has a certain influence on the healing process/sensitivity to pain. Could that be the case? In any case, this thing is persistent.

I can definitely recommend the cuff and would like to thank you for your competent advice.

Oreste Wernli, Lucerne, Switzerland

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Wernli, I am very pleased to hear from you again. I'm sure your report will help many people who feel the same way. First of all, I would like to answer your question. Yes, it can also be weather sensitivity, but in general tennis elbow / golfer's elbow develops differently in everyone, just as almost every injury / illness is individual. The sleeve works mechanically according to a logical physical principle. It cannot penetrate the body and, for example, relieve inflammation and pain directly there. Pain relief occurs because the tendon insertions are relieved and ideally do not tear any further. The relief can then support the healing process. However, if you have an inflammation, this can develop in a completely different way and this may be where the pain came from in the meantime. Or perhaps you have simply overextended yourself a little at work or during sport, stretching or similar, causing new injuries to the tendons. Take a look at famous athletes who have to take weeks or months off because of "simple" injuries. The most important thing is to persevere - as with everything in life, if you give up, you lose :-). I talk to customers a lot and I know that they almost want to despair. You want it to go away, preferably immediately. But it can take time. There are customers who have needed over 10 weeks to be permanently pain-free and still are (myself included, by the way). For others, it really did happen within minutes. I'm glad you persevered 🙂 The principle of the Masalo cuff is simple, logical and should help sooner or later. For example, some of my customers have returned to their doctor several times because the success with the cuff was not permanent. Additional illnesses were then found that were not previously known. However, many customers are able to return to full-time work and sport straight away. After all, medicine is very complex and doctors have to meet high standards, study for many years and constantly undergo further training. Nevertheless, many illnesses and injuries develop individually and sometimes unpredictably. Best regards and thank you again for your honest report Harry Röder

Playing tennis would no longer be possible without a cuff

November 17, 2012

I was diagnosed with tennis elbow, which was treated with the usual remedies, but no improvement was achieved. The cause of the ailment was certainly also due to playing tennis.

I have been wearing the cuff for about 10 weeks now.

I can now play tennis again with slight pain. But this would not be possible without a cuff. It is importantthat the cuff is not put on too lightly, but the distance to the elbow must also be right. H. Röder gave me good advice on this.

I must also say that the telephone conversations with Mr. Röder were very nice and informative.

I can definitely recommend this product, although no long-term studies are available yet!

Harald Stuber, Mertingen

Playing tennis would no longer be possible without a cuff

November 17, 2012

I was diagnosed with tennis elbow, which was treated with the usual remedies, but no improvement was achieved. The cause of the ailment was certainly also due to playing tennis.

I have been wearing the cuff for about 10 weeks now.

I can now play tennis again with slight pain. But this would not be possible without a cuff. It is importantthat the cuff is not put on too lightly, but the distance to the elbow must also be right. H. Röder gave me good advice on this.

I must also say that the telephone conversations with Mr. Röder were very nice and informative.

I can definitely recommend this product, although no long-term studies are available yet!

Harald Stuber, Mertingen

Many thanks for the help and the great relief

October 23, 2012

Dear Mr. Röder!

I would like to thank you very much for your help. You have developed something great here, tablets, ointments and therapy have not brought any success, but the cuff that I now wear regularly brings great relief and improvement. 🙂

Franziska Lang-Gurnig, Mettersdorf, Austria

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