
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

A unique wonder weapon 🙂

June 17, 2013

Dear Mr. Röder,

It has now been 3 months since I wore your sleeve on my tennis elbow. I haven't had any complaints for 6 weeks and last Friday I was able to play a 6-hour tournament completely pain-free! I am a table tennis player and after your prompt delivery I wore the sleeve for 4 weeks. I didn't feel much improvement at first, but it was worth persevering. Today I only wear the sleeve to play and can use my smashes and above all my backhand again without pain!!!

Thank you very much for this unique "wonder weapon".

I will recommend you wherever I can.

Rüdiger Hombeck

Rüdiger Hombeck, Iserlohn

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Hombeck, thank you very much for your feedback. Unfortunately, many of my customers also forget about the testimonials that are so important to me. Few of them get back to me. If the product were less successful, I would probably have more customer contacts 😀 As a table tennis player, you naturally offer the best conditions for tennis elbow / golfer's elbow. These are always the most difficult cases, as table tennis involves a lot of hand rotation. This is where the cuff reaches its limits. But you've done it right. Continuous wear, especially outside of activities and at night, can bring success. This allows the tendon insertions to recover and give them a chance to heal. I wish you continued fun and success. Kind regards Harry Röder

Working again without pain

June 10, 2013

Hello Mr. Röder,

The cuff arrived on Saturday. Thanks for that :o)

The cuff then had to endure the endurance test straight away. Painting wood was the order of the day and I put the cuff on straight away. After 3 hours of work, my left arm would normally fall off from the pain. At the moment I don't notice anything, no pain. If this works, they'll have one more fan :o) I will report back soon.

Best regards

Marion Siefert

Marion Siefert, Wolfenbüttel

I am pain-free with the cuff!!!!!

May 15, 2013

I am very satisfied with the cuff !!!!!!!!!!!!!. Doctors/tablets/bandages in all forms/insoles/plaster/splints have not helped. with the cuff I am pain-free!!!!!absolutely.you don't notice the cuff at all. i am very, very grateful to mr. röder.

Heike Vogel, Wolfsburg

I am thrilled, great effect, pain subsides!

April 5, 2013


Thank you for the fast delivery.

I am thrilled! Great effect! Pain is subsiding 😀

The cuff should be prescribed by a doctor!

Yours sincerely

Gaby Tenhumberg

Gaby Tenhumberg, Straubenhardt

Badminton, the Masalo cuff is a great help to me

March 30, 2013

Dear Mr. Röder,

First of all, thank you very much for the quick and uncomplicated handling of the delivery. I received the cuff just one day after our phone call.

As I always play badminton on Thursdays, I immediately tested them in the evening when I was doing sports. I have to say, it was a great help to me.I always had problems hittingthe balls long, in particular.With the cuff, I was able to adjust the resistance of the arm so that the arm was not pushed all the way through, which in itself relieved the pain.

I then wore the cuff day and night in accordance with your advice. Of course, the pain didn't go away. However, wearing the cuff makes it considerably easier to work, especially when the arm is fully compressed without the cuff.

What worries me, however, is the workmanship of the rivets. Can these rivets withstand constant strain, e.g. during sport, when the cuff is adjusted so tightly that it is difficult to push the arm through? Then there is a lot of tension on the cuff, and especially on the weak points, e.g. the rivets. I'm still unsure whether the rivets will be able to hold the cuff together in the long term to withstand the load caused by the leverage effect.

Otherwise I am very satisfied. However, I will continue to wear my brace, which is also very helpful depending on the work being carried out.

I wish you a happy Easter and would be pleased if you could comment briefly on my handling and the load on the rivets.

Yours sincerely

Achim Wolff

Tax consultant

Achim Wolff, Wassenberg

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Wolff, don't worry about the rivets, they can normally withstand anything. The leather is more likely to tear before they "give way" and this has never happened so far, even under extreme loads. If it does happen, you will of course have a guarantee and will receive a replacement. The handling described is correct. Nevertheless, you should wear the cuff as often as possible as the tendon insertions have a better chance of healing due to the constant relief. I wish you a happy Easter too. Best regards Harry Röder

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