
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

Thumbs up for your invention

January 14, 2014

Hello Mr. Röder,

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you once again for the speedy delivery and exchange of the Masalo cuffs.

The size M now fits my arm perfectly :-D

After the first day of working on the computer with the sleeve, I am pleased to report that the sleeve hasalready helped my mouse arm immensely and working with the keyboard and mouse has been less painful.

Thumbs up for your invention and a great alternative to other medical versions (such as tablets, syringes etc.)

I wish you continued success with the Masalo cuff.

Best regards from Hamburg

Carmen R.

Carmen R.

Completely pain-free with the cuff

November 27, 2013

Ladies and Gentlemen,

my trust in normal medical care is not particularly high, so I have been traveling for a year with a painful tennis elbow that has been bothering me a lot while riding and at work.

Even several tubes of Voltaren and Kytta ointment did not help.

Even after the first few days, I can say that I am completely pain-free when I wear the cuff. When I was riding, the cuff still slipped sometimes because I had overlooked the guide hole. But the cuff is a great inconspicuous aid and I hope that I will be able to use my elbow normally again in the medium term.

I am very happy that I found you, because the information I got from fellow sufferers with the normal bandages was really not very encouraging.

With the lead opening it is now also fine when riding, only when playing the piano does the somewhat restricted movement interfere, but then I leave it off for a short time.

I am really satisfied, you are welcome to post my comment.

Yours sincerely

Irina Srebot


Irina Srebot, Pfullendorf

It took a while, but now I'm almost complaint free

November 16, 2013

Dear Mr. Röder!

Many thanks for the Masalo cuff.

It took a while, but now I'm almost complaint free.

I only wear them for physical work now.

Thank you very much

Dr. Ludwig Roland

Dr. med. Ludwig Roland, Steyer, Austria

My thanks to this ingenious invention! But it's not over yet

September 24, 2013

First of all, I would like to thank Mr. Röder for his extremely quick help! At first I had ordered a cuff that was too small for my right arm, but after a very informative conversation with him I decided to use the cuff for my left arm as well, as I was already experiencing discomfort here too.

Ihave been wearing both cuffsaround the clock for almost 5 weeks now and they make my life a lot easier. Unfortunately, my right arm is really badly "affected", I have had severe pain for 1 1/2 years, had my first shock wave treatment in Nov. 2012, was pain-free after 12 weeks, after I had undergone all the additional therapies. The symptoms then latently reappeared in April, became acute again, the 2nd shockwave treatment took place in mid-August 2013 - and anyone who has had such a shockwave treatment themselves knows what I'm writing about here. I am now in week 6 and the convalescence lasts 12 weeks, then I will decide whether to have surgery or not.

I stretch regularly, do light strengthening exercises, but I don't feel up to more physio at the moment. I've worked as a medical typist in a hospital for 25 years, I used to use the computer mouse alternately left and right, but now I only use the left.

The cuffs help me so much that I can at least manage my 6-hour office and my everyday life to some extent. My thanks to this ingenious invention!

My request to you, dear Mr. Röder and all those affected who write on this portal: If you have any tips for me or have already had epicondylitis surgery, please write me a few lines about your experience! Thank you very much!

Helga Obermüller, St. Georgen/Y., Lower Austria

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Obermüller, please find out more about shock wave therapy on the Internet. Experiences and opinions differ widely here, as do opinions on surgery. What I can advise you, however, is the following: 1) Stretching exercises can be dangerous, so please make sure you use the cuff to protect your tendon insertions and prevent further injury. 2) You can increase the effect of the counterstroke to have more effect and therefore more relief during PC work. To do this, adjust the upper arm strap a little tighter and/or the forearm cuff a little more towards your hand (adjust the forearm cuff one or two holes tighter and push it further towards your hand). Now turn the forearm cuff slightly outwards. A customer got this tip from a physiotherapist and it works quite well. If you are already seeing a clear improvement with the cuff after 5 weeks, I recommend that you persevere. In cases like yours, it can take 3 months before you have the problem under control again. But your chances are good. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions. Best regards Harry Röder

I don't normally give a rating, but the bandages are worth every written word

September 18, 2013

I also feel the need to pass on my absolutely positive experience! I don't normally write reviews of purchases, but the bandages are worth every written word.

After a long history of suffering, I'm finally pain-free! It all started 5 years ago. First one side, then the other, then the lower sides too. As a result, I lost my job(stone setter) due to constant downtime and pain. I had to give up my hobbies (mountain biking, sport climbing etc.) Operations, conventional bandages, physio etc. did nothing. I had to retrain for an office job, but I didn't want to work there under any circumstances, I'm a practical person. I started working in a health food store, but the constant carrying of vegetable crates soon made itself felt and my old problems were back immediately. I was desperate and wanted to give up everything, but by chance I came across these cuffs. I wear them on both sides. What can I say? I was very skeptical at first because I had already had so many setbacks and I thought too many positive reviews were unbelievable. But: the pain was significantly reduced on the very first day and I was able to put them on without any problems. The leather is a bit hard at the beginning, you have to roll it properly, then it becomes softer and more comfortable more quickly. At the beginning the leather stretches a lot and you have to readjust it more often. After 2 months of wearing it consistently, I can now grip almost as hard as before without pain. (Even without supports) I have regained a great deal of quality of life and, above all, I can work again. Thank you very much for that! These supports should be available from specialist orthopaedic retailers and nothing else. After 5 years I can finally take part in life normally again! Thank you!

Incidentally, the e-mail correspondence and dispatch was very nice, fast and uncomplicated.

Torben Sengebusch, Lübeck

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Sengebusch, thank you very much for your report. Stories like this are our motivation to keep going. The cuff should be approved as an aid by the statutory health insurance companies and then be available on prescription. We are working on this. You have almost made it and now really have the best conditions to be able to forget about tennis elbow completely. However, in my experience, anyone who has had the problem once has a latent tendency to get it again. So - after everything is completely over - wear the cuffs as a preventative measure whenever you are doing heavy work (paving, shoveling snow, etc.). Then the problem won't occur again. All the best and best wishes Harry Röder

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