
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

I am absolutely delighted with the Masalo cuff - thank you very much!

May 27, 2014


I am absolutely delighted with the Masalo cuff - thank you very much!

I have one suggestion: as many people are allergic to nickel, the rivets should not contain nickel! Otherwise everything is great.

Kind regards

Jasmine Fernane

Jasmine Fernane, Opfikon, Switzerland

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Fernane, thank you very much for your feedback and suggestions. We have just ordered the first series of machine-made bandages, which no longer have any nickel-containing metal parts that come into contact with the skin. Further versions are also in development, with inner lining, special equipment for certain sports etc. and a version that is to receive health insurance approval (completely without metal parts) 🙂 Best regards Harry Röder

Since wearing the brace I feel much better

April 2, 2014

Dear Mr. Roeder

I have now been using the masalo brace for almost 3 months. You may recall we decided to try your brace after having unsuccessful experience with various treatments to treat my epicondylitis for the past three years. However, since wearing the brace I feel much better and quite confidently say my armfeels almost 60% better. I have also been taking wobenzyme tablets simultaneously. I cannot underestimate the contribution of either in bringing about so much improvement to such a chronic problem in such a short period of time. I would like to offer my sincere thanks and congratulations for inventing such an effective remedy for a chronic problem as epicondylitis. I will continue wearing it until the whole problem is solved.

It would be my pleasure if you chose to include my feedback as customer feedback on your website. I am extremely satisfied with masalo brace.

Thank you once again.

Kind regards

Papia Chatterjee

Papia Chatterjee, Prague, Czech Republic

No pain despite 2 days of gardening 🙂

March 26, 2014

Hello Mr. Röder,

I have been wearing the sleeve for a week now and have noticed a big improvement. I was particularly surprised that I was able to work in the garden on two days without feeling any discomfort again. Two weeks before that, I was gardening for half an hour on three days - still without the cuff -and then I was in a lot of pain. I was particularly annoyed about the "relapse" as I had spared my arm for months.

Thank you very much for your invention!

With best regards

Philipp Steck

Philipp Steck, Schallstadt

I would just like to say thank you

March 23, 2014


Just wanted to say thank you!

The cuff has helped me a lot!

After a very long period of problems, I was back on the road within 2

months absolutely pain-free!

So thank you again!

Frank Walgenbach, Kaisersesch

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Walgenbach, thank you very much for your feedback. We are always pleased when people still think of us "afterwards". These reports are really very important for us and other fellow sufferers. Kind regards Harry Röder

No pain the next morning

March 10, 2014

Dear Ms. Röder, dear Mr. Röder.

After a few days of wearing the cuff, my (interim) conclusion, combined with two questions/comments.

I make no secret of the fact that I was very skeptical about your offer! My orthopaedist had already treated me for a few weeks for my mouse arm in various ways and quite intensively as aprivate patient. However, everything was only successful with a slight improvement. I came across your sleeve by chance as a result of my increasing internet research and finally decided to buy it, despite all my reservations (it can't be that simple!).

The processing of the order was very pleasant: ordered late in the evening, the shipment was in the packing station the next day at noon! And without any Prime membership 😉

Unpacked, put it on (it's quite simple, also thanks to the good instructions) and shortly afterwards the feeling of an improvement! Can't be, so I continued to observe skeptically. Left on overnight, no pain the next morning. Probably a coincidence. Then the first day with the cuff on the PC. The "normal orthopaedic support" that I had previously worn to help relieved the pain, but the effect diminished by noon at the latest, and the lack of blood supply was also painful. With your cuff: the relief lasted until the end of the day!

In addition, after two or three days, I got the feeling that I could write more relaxed again in a more "manual" way. That had hardly been possible for a long time.

Let me make a long story short: after less than a week, the relief is like nothing I've ever experienced before. Although I can't (yet) speak of a cure, I can get through my daily office routine almost normally and even carrying heavy loads is no problem! Still a miracle for me, but also undeniable.

Nevertheless, I have two points of criticism. I am writing this here and not calling you because I hope that you will also comment on it here so that other interested parties or customers can also benefit from it.

Firstly, at the beginning and depending on the position of the cuff, I still had pressure pain on the inner bone, i.e. where the long band is held so that it does not slip down over the elbow.

On the other hand, I quickly fitted the Velcro tape supplied so that the inner flap doesn't slip. Unfortunately, this has the disadvantage that it is then no longer possible to fix it (later) using the buckle. You have to fix the cuff with the Velcro so that it sits correctly and then just hold it in place with the strap. However, this is only possible if it is not yet firmly attached to the arm. So, fits or doesn't fit. Otherwise, loosen it again and try again.

One more tip (actually obvious due to the material): Depending on the temperature of the arm/cuff, but also the exact alignment, the fixation must sometimes be further up on the strap or further down. For me, this can sometimes mean that I still have several holes free (with size M) or have to use the last one. In addition, you quickly get used to the pressure (or better: tension) once it has been set.

In conclusion: I still can't believe it and it can probably only be explained by the "market mechanisms" that your invention, Mr. Röder, is still living such a pansy existence. But what an economic loss for orthopaedists, pharmacies and surgeons this cuff represents ... 😉

Many thanks and best regards from Braunschweig

M. Iser

Manfred Iser, Brunswick

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Mr. Iser, thank you very much for the nice experience report. It reflects exactly what most customers experience. You don't really trust the whole thing - it's too easy 🙂 (The simple things are often the best...;-) ) But on the other hand, you can read the full names in most of the testimonials and use Google to find out whether the people exist and the reports are "real" (including a doctor from Steyer in Austria). There are also some who have even published a link to their own homepage (tax consultants, tennis coaches, etc.). But now to your "points of criticism" and questions. - Yes, depending on how you adjust the support, it may press on the pain point when fully extended. This usually happens with the goffer's elbow (inner epicondyle; on the inner = body-facing elbow bone). Initially, you should tighten the bandage slightly and only fully extend the arm for a few days if absolutely necessary. However, you can also shift the pressure point a little by moving the support further towards the hand or closer to the elbow. There is potential for optimization here, but we are working on it 🙂 - The Velcro strap actually works quite well. However, you should use the entire strip (fleece tape) and stick it along the tongue right to the end. (not just in one place, like the bandage sits at the beginning) The hook bank must be exactly under the rivet where the strap is riveted on. Now you can easily adjust the forearm cuff. We are also looking for a better solution here. As the flap doesn't really slip out every time, we didn't actually want to work the Velcro in straight away, but perhaps that would be easiest after all. - The material changes its properties with temperature. It would be better to move the underarm cuff further away instead of tightening the upper arm strap. However, most customers use 2 settings anyway. One for daily work and another for "relaxation". The leather expands a little (just like good shoes), so the support may need to be readjusted after a few days. - I really know the "getting used to" part very well, it's just an incredible feeling when you realize that the pain is subsiding... but don't worry, there's no danger of addiction 🙂 (I also wore the support for a long time when the tennis elbows were no longer there... at some point you really like the sleeve a lot 😀 and want everything but epicondylitis anymore) I'd rather not say too much about your last comment 🙂 just this much: We're working on it 😀 Oh yes, by the way, it's the surgeons who refer the most customers to us... we wouldn't have expected that. Thank you again for your feedback. We wish you continued good recovery and hope that your epicondylitis will soon be nothing more than a bad memory. Best regards Harry Röder

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