
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

I am still in the healing process

March 7, 2022

I have been wearing the cuff for four weeks now and have noticed a clear improvement. It's not quite okay yet, but it's much less painful. I was very skeptical at first, but I can now recommend the cuff without reservation. I am very confident that I will soon be able to use my arm completely pain-free again without a cuff.

Melanie Herrmann

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Herrmann, thank you very much for your feedback. We are very pleased that you have come so far. However, you will still need a little patience until the final healing process is complete. Although the sleeve provides immediate relief and helps you to cope with everyday life, work and sport, healing naturally takes time. You can speed this up considerably by following a few important tips. You can find these on our pages under "Tips for dealing with epicondylitis". Tendons are so-called bradytrophic tissue, i.e. tissue with very few blood vessels, which is why tendon injuries always take at least 6 weeks to 6 months to heal completely. The substances required for healing must be transported to the injured areas by the surrounding blood. Movement of the arm is very important for this. We wish you continued good recovery. Best regards Harry Röder

Has changed my life!

February 18, 2022

I have had tennis elbow for over 15 years. At times, I couldn't even hold a coffee cup. As a metalworker, I could hardly do some of the things I used to do in my job. All the supports I had tried so far only ever helped minimally.

The MASALO cuff, on the other hand, is a miracle cure because itcreates a countertraction / pressure when the arm is stretched out.I am grateful that I can now lead a "normal" life again in this respect.

Expensive, but worth it.

Marko Philipp

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Philipp, thank you very much for your feedback. We are very pleased that you are now able to work again and enjoy life normally 🙂 Stay healthy. Best regards Harry Röder

Simply brilliant!

February 14, 2022

I contracted acute epicondylitis while doing sports (pull-ups).

My elbow had already been hurting occasionally before, but it was temporary and didn't require treatment. Then the injury occurred, which also limited me a lot in my everyday life.

As it is currently very difficult to get to the doctors due to corona, Idid some research online.I came across the Masalo cuff and ordered one.

After initially hesitating to wear it, only when doing sport or under heavy strain, I realized that I was looking forward to putting on my cuff. After this realization, I kept it on day and night.

The discomfort is now significantly less. Whereas before it was very intermittent. Whenever I thought I was out of the woods, the next day was more painful again. You just have to get used to the sleeve, it can take a few days or weeks, but then the lump has burst and the injuries can finally heal completely.

Thank you very much, Mr. Röder and family, for this great invention!

And also for the helpful tips here on your homepage.

Kind regards,

Martina Czasch

Martina Czasch

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Ms. Czasch, thank you very much for your feedback. I would also recommend that you wear the cuff prophylactically during sport and physically strenuous work. Unfortunately, once you have had epicondylitis, it tends to come back... but this can be avoided. If it does happen, put the cuff back on straight away and it should go away within a few days. I wish you all the best and stay healthy 🙂 Best wishes Harry Röder

Didn't believe it...

January 25, 2022

Here is my feedback. I didn't believe it would help. I have been wearing them since April 17, 2021 and only now is the pain slowly going away after almost 9 months.

Incidentally, the whole thing came from playing the guitar. Thank goodness I can now play Masalo again

Kind regards

Elmar Hopperdietzel

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Hopperdietzel, thank you very much for your feedback. It really did take an extremely long time for you. It's rare that it takes 9 months, but when it happens, it almost always occurs with golfer's arms. However, playing the guitar is also very stressful for the tendons. In any case, we are delighted that you have finally got rid of the epicondylitis 🙂 To be on the safe side, I recommend that you wear the support as a precautionary measure when you are going to be putting a lot of strain on it, such as at work or during sport. Then you have protection and it is unlikely that the problem will occur again. When playing the guitar, I recommend that you also wear some very simple wrist supports for protection. I wish you all the best for the New Year, especially good health. Best regards Harry Röder

You have to be patient!

January 24, 2022

I got tennis elbow in my left elbow in August 2021. It was so painful that I couldn't lift anything, even the lightest things.

After unsuccessfully resting my arm, doing stretching exercises and trying my luck with ointment, I went to the doctor in November. I continued with physiotherapyand it didn't get any better.

I was then recommended the Masalo cuff, which I was also prescribed. The co-payment of 73 euros is of course very high. After 4 weeks I noticed significant relief. Today I still feel a slight pulling sensation but it will heal.

I wore the cuff day and night. It is very comfortable to wear and does not disturb my sleep at all. I feel safe with this cuff.

If you have patience, this cuff will help you to get well. A clear recommendation to buy.

Heinz Lippe

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Lippe, thank you very much for your report. Yes, that's really true, you need patience until the "spook" is over again. Unfortunately, this is a characteristic that is not always so pronounced in us "epicondylitis candidates" 🙂 We always have something to do and it's annoying when you can't do anything without pain. On the other hand, it usually takes quite a long time for tennis elbow / golfer's elbow to really settle in. You often notice something, then it gets better, then worse again, etc. It's a constant up-and-down until you finally go to the doctor. Sometimes months can pass. But you are almost there, just hang in there a little longer and then it should work just as well and pain-free without the cuff as with it. But I always recommend that you wear the support as a precaution if you are going to be putting a lot of strain on it, e.g. through work or sport. Then the tennis elbow won't come back in the first place. If you forget and it comes back, put the support back on the same day. It should then return to normal within a few days. We wish you continued good recovery. Kind regards Harry Röder

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