
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

It has quite simply stopped the tormenting pain I was feeling every day

November 7, 2014

Dear Harry,

I am writing to tell you how much the Masalo brace has helped since I received the package on Friday.

Thank you for this invention it has quite simply stopped the tormenting pain I was feeling every day for four months and with no pain I am much more like my not soyoung happy self.

I truly feel like my injuries can now start healing properly and I will be back weight lifting in one or two months. When I do start back training I will be wearing your brace. I will also be ordering another set as im that kind of person and see these braces as being an integral part of my training program.

I would recommend the brace to anyone who has tennis or golfers elbow (and I will do so to anyone I hear suffering the same pain as we both have) as it really is the only cure and over the last four months I have tried many without success.

Now that I have been wearing the braces for a few days they feel apart of me and I have worked out the optimum settings to provide the tension I need to counter act the tensile forces which were aggravating the injuries.

One other point I would like to make is the level of customer service I received. It was second to none and all emails were responded to quickly and I received the braces in the post in Scotland only three days after I ordered them. This level of service only happens when someone cares about their product and their customers.

Thank you again Harry and I can`t say enough about the brace and service you provided.

With Christmas fast approaching, I wish you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas and a new year saying we say in Scotland "May the best ye hae ivver seen be the warst ye'll ivver see". In translation "May the best you have ever seen be the worst you will ever see".

Kindest Regards,

Gareth Dalrymple

Pain free in Scotland 🙂

Gareth Dalrymple

I didn't think it was possible. This cuff is absolute class.

November 4, 2014

Hello everyone,

I didn't think it was possible. This cuff is absolutely great. My pain is as good as gone after 3 weeks and I can already play tennis again without any problems. Before, I couldn't play without painkillers. Now I can even play without painkillers!!!! There is some slight discomfort after playing, butI think I can wear this sleeve for another 2 - 3 weeks and my discomfort will be completely gone!

Thank you!

Christian Korek, Verl

Golf elbow patients - it takes time, but it helps.

September 15, 2014

Hello Mr. Röder,

Now that I've been wearing your cuff for 4 1/2 months, it's time for a report.

I've been struggling with a golf elbow for 16 months. I first felt it when lifting weights, then after a while also when playing tennis. I had a total of 3 cortisone injections, 36 physiotherapy sessions andmany, many tablets from 2 different orthopaedists(10/13-02/14). No improvement.

As the pain was now so severe that tennis was unthinkable and even everyday activities were barely possible, I went to see an osteopath in desperation (03/14)), who offered me a treatment worth ¤ 3,000 - 4,000.

That was a bit expensive for me, so I kept looking and came across your site. After an initial conversation with you, I decided to try the cuff. I was supported by the risk-free offer, as they say "if there is no relief within an hour, the cuff is useless - then the cuff and money back".

According to them, golf elbow lasts considerably longer than tennis elbow, which is why I have been wearing them permanently and patiently since the end of April.

And it really does help. I have achieved an improvement of, I would say, 70%. Unfortunately, things haven't progressed for some time, i.e. they've stagnated. Of course, the condition was light years better than a few months ago (tennis and limited weight training possible again). But you want it to go away completely, so I went to see another doctor who was enthusiastic about the cuff concept. The MRI showed that there was still slight irritation (inflammation) of the tendon insertions. The problem with golf elbow is that this area is hardly supplied with blood, which causes the condition to become chronic. He recommended that I consistently cool the area (10 minutes every 2 hours) to support the cuff, which I have been doing for 2 weeks now and things are improving again. I also apply "Schuessler salts" cream no. 1 (what else can you do), as this is supposed to help heal the microcracks (which is the idea behind your therapy). I don't know if and what else it does - I don't give a damn, because it's getting better!!!

So, a huge thank you to you, because even if it doesn't go away completely (which of course I still hope), I can live very well with this current condition.

So, I hope, even if it is an endless text, that I have been able to help golf elbow patients a little. As I said, it takes time, but it helps.

Sven Sohr, Hamburg

I can only report positively about the Masalo cuff

September 8, 2014

I have only positive things to say about the Masalo cuff. I had tennis elbow that made it impossible to lift a magazine. All treatments, bandages, braces from various manufacturers and injections only helped for very short periods of time. My doctor said that an operation could bring improvement, so I did some research on the Internet and came across the Masalo machine. I ordered the Masalo and wore it day and night. After about 3 months my pain got better and better until it finally disappeared completely. I still wear the Masalo to prevent a relapse. I can recommend this cuff to anyone who has to put up with tennis elbow/mouse elbow. Masalo's service is also excellent and very accommodating. Make your doctor aware of this cuff. A "tennis elbow patient" who has recovered after a long period of suffering.


Anton Niederecker

Anton Niederecker, Landshut

Many thanks for this well thought-out operating principle 🙂

September 3, 2014

After suffering with the pain since January after a skiing vacation, red light, the recommended stretching exercises (which caused additional tendinitis in my wrist) and a three-week "Voltaren cure" did not help, I started looking for alternatives on the Internet and then came across this site.

The description of the active principleconvinced me immediately.

So I ordered the cuff at the end of May, put it on overnight and woke up the next morning without pain for the first time in months.

Not that the inflammation was already healed, but waking up in the morning without pain was impressive for me.

The cuff didn't bother me once in the 8 weeks I wore it. After a week I was already standing in the shower with it on, which is of course an accident.

I was able to do my work as a radiologist with it (monitor work with correspondingly high "mouse use", which previously caused me problems), was able to go mountain biking undisturbed, in other words, it is completely suitable for everyday use.

Of course, the leather discolors after almost 24 hours of use, but I personally didn't care.

After about 8 weeks, I took off the cuff. At this point I was able to shake hands again without pain, etc. To summarize, I can say that the therapy was 100% successful.

Many thanks for this well thought-out active principle :-) 🙂 🙂

Dr. med. Christian Rais-Biegalla, Roßdorf

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Dr. Rais-Biegalla, thank you very much for your great report. Although we have a lot of doctors as customers, and they are all very satisfied, they tend to be reluctant to provide written testimonials 🙂 It is of course very important for us to receive such well-founded professional opinions. Incidentally, what you report about these stretching exercises is something I hear from my customers every day. The stretching exercises are basically a really good and sensible thing to do. BUT only if there is no acute problem. For example, after curing epicondylitis or as a preventative measure. Reputable sites also point out that you should not do these exercises if you have an acute illness/injury. It is also logical that a problem caused by overloading should not be countered by putting even more strain on it - which is what stretching exercises are after all. Many thanks 🙂 and best regards Harry Röder

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