
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

I am a naturopath and hope that many of my colleagues will be informed that there is good help available 🙂

February 24, 2015

I have been the happy owner of the cuff for 2 hours. I have had radial epicondylitis humeri since Christmas. I am an alternative practitioner and also work manually, so I can't afford to do without my right arm at all.

By now it was so bad that I could no longer lift my cup.

I canhardly believe it, but I've been wearing the cuff for 2 hours now and immediately notice a lot of relief, and I can even lift my coffee cup again.

I am so glad that I came across this page. I immediately shared it on Facebook so that many of my colleagues can also be informed that there is good help available 🙂

Ortrud Höft, Stade

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Höft, that's exactly how it should be 🙂 If you now wear the support consistently (preferably also at night) and perhaps also do something about the inflammation (as a naturopath, you know what helps), you should be almost or completely pain-free within the next 4-6 weeks (but not yet cured). Especially in this phase, when you no longer feel any pain, please keep a close eye on whether it "starts up again" and, if it does, put the cuff back on immediately until it is really cured. I am pleased that you are informing your colleagues via Facebook, that helps us a lot and of course our customers too. We have wanted to inform the alternative practitioners for a long time, but as a small company you don't always make progress so quickly 🙂 If you have any further questions, please feel free to call us. Best wishes and continued good recovery Harry Röder

The pain was almost gone after the 2nd night

January 19, 2015

I was skeptical at first because of the many positive reviews and, in some cases, the almost unbelievable quick successes. But after almost 3 years of trying, including an operation (after which I was symptom-free for six months), I decided to give the cuff a chance. In the end, my biggest problem was that my arm was really stiff in the morning and it sometimes took hours before it was supple again. In the meantime, pain had also set in with everyday movements, e.g. shaking hands. And what can I say? After the 2nd night, the pain was almost gone. Of course, the tendon is not healed, but you can clearly see the progress. After wearing it for a good 2 months now, I take the cuff off from time to time when the arm is under moderate strain and hope to be able to do without it completely in a few weeks. I can only warmly recommend it. Above all, it saves a lot of visits to the doctor and injections etc. Oh yes: in the meantime, my arm was treated with shock waves without success, which my health insurance didn't cover. I would have preferred to have ordered this cuff for the cost.

Torsten Schulze, Hamm

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Schulze, your story is very similar to that of many other customers. It is often the case that you find the masalo.ch website, see the principle of action and think "No, it can't be that simple, I've been running from doctor to doctor for weeks, months or years and then this is supposed to help so easily?" Many customers have already undergone surgery without success. Unfortunately, some wait until they can't go any further before ordering, thinking "never mind, at worst the money is gone too..." and only then do they order the Masalo cuff - and are surprised - it actually works 🙂 (The unnecessarily long period of pain is annoying.) But I understand that. I would also be skeptical at first. On the other hand, you can google most of the authors of the testimonials. There are doctors, lawyers, tax advisors, tennis coaches, physiotherapists etc. with their full names and such people would never risk their good reputation for a dubious cause. They are almost completely over the hill. Just listen to your body and if you overdo it once and even the slightest pain reappears, put the bandage on again immediately. 1 - 2 days should then be enough. The tennis elbow should then be history for you 🙂 In your case, I even understand that you have tried shockwave treatment. This can help if you have been suffering from epicondylitis for a long time. However, I sometimes don't understand why such treatment is recommended after just 4 weeks. Patients are also bombarded with recommendations to do stretching exercises. At this point, I can only urge you to think about what will happen if you overload a tendon that is already severely injured by tensile forces by stretching it (as if you were pulling even harder on an already torn rubber band...). It's not uncommon for people to call here and say "I was in pain, but now I've been stretching for 2 weeks and can't move any more..." All the best to you and thank you for your report. Kind regards Harry Röder

Great product, I can only recommend it

January 18, 2015

I have been wearing the cuff for 4 weeks and am completely satisfied with it. The pain got better right after the first time I put it on and is getting less and less. Great product, I can only recommend it.

Hans Knapp, Fürth

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Mr. Knapp, thank you very much for your feedback. Now the "evil" has hit you twice (on both sides). I am all the more pleased that you are already feeling better. It will certainly take some time until it is completely healed, but you are well on the way. I would like to take this opportunity to point out once again that it doesn't work like this for everyone. Sometimes you have to hold out for 2-4 weeks while the pain slowly decreases, at least if there is still inflammation (pain at rest). Nevertheless, you will notice that the tendons are relieved immediately after correct application. However, the additional pain that you would otherwise have to endure when straining your arm (e.g. when lifting) should be significantly less immediately. Ideally, this should no longer occur at all with the Masalo cuff in place and you can get back to work and exercise with all your strength. I wish you a speedy recovery. Best regards Harry Röder

I can work and sleep again!

January 11, 2015

I would just like to say thank you, as a craftsman I strain my arms to the utmost every day and have done so for many decades.

Suddenly this pain came on and I could no longer put any weight on my left arm and sleeping at night was out of the question.

I was totally desperate and ordered this cuff from Masalo as a last resort, which arrived two days later.

I put on the cuff with great pain in my arm and what can I say, the pain was reduced to a minimum and I was able to work.

I immediately ordered one for my right arm because the increased strain caused the same symptoms as on my left arm.

I can finally sleep again and that alone was worth the money.

Thank you very much!!!

Günter Dreiling, Gudensberg

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Mr. Dreiling, nothing to thank you for 🙂 Thank you for the nice report. It was the same for me. First on the right, then I used my left arm more and then the same problem on the left. In the end, I felt like a nursing case and could do almost nothing on my own without pain. Of course, my job was also on the line. We now have almost 5,000 customers and it has worked for the vast majority of them. GPs, surgeons and physiotherapists are all enthusiastic about the simple but effective principle. They make comments such as "If the tendon is relieved, then it must also work..." Orthopaedists are sometimes a little "cautious" in their assessment (we have almost 4 million tennis elbow patients per year in Germany alone...). The only thing I always find a shame is when customers return the cuff without having called at least once beforehand (this was another case, but thank God it happens very rarely). I usually see immediately after unpacking that the bandage was put on incorrectly (unfortunately not everyone reads the instructions for use) and that the customer could have beaten their tennis elbow with a phone call. Well, there's nothing you can do about it, often a new order is placed after a few months in such cases 🙂 I also think you can have a healthy distrust of internet offers, but if you do a bit of research, you can even get in touch with one or two customers who have published a testimonial. Moreover, it is forbidden by law to falsify such reports. Why would we do that and how long could something like this go on in this day and age without being discovered? And if you don't trust it at all, you can always ask a doctor you trust whether what is written on our website is true and whether the Masalo cuff can help. I wish you all the best, have fun at work and enjoy your regained quality of life (permanent pain really drives you crazy) 🙂 Best wishes Harry Röder

The most ingenious invention since bandages were invented!

December 16, 2014

For more than half a year, I suffered from increasingly severe pain in my right arm.

My GP diagnosed me with tennis elbow and prescribed Voltaren and cooling compresses! After every time I vacuumed, went shopping with bags, etc., all my efforts were wasted again and the pain was unbearable.

Out of sheer desperation, I started searching the internet and cameacross the Masalo cuff. It really is the most ingenious invention since bandages have been around!

I ordered them and felt relief after just half an hour. Worn day and night for 3 weeks, I can now talk about a newfound quality of life!

I still wear the cuff at night and when shopping and will continue to do so for some time to come!

People, don't hesitate - don't be afraid to spend money on a Masalo cuff - it deserves a higher price, because it will give you back your quality of life!

Susanna Meister, Moos near Radolfzell on Lake Constance

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Meister, thank you very much for the great experience report. It almost reads as if we had posted it ourselves by a copywriter 🙂 But I only publish reports here if I can prove that they are true, genuine and honest. I also wish more people had the courage to buy the brace directly instead of having to endure months of unnecessary pain and sometimes pointless but expensive treatments. Many only buy after 4 to 12 weeks and try out everything possible. Then these customers are all the more surprised that the Masalo cuff actually helps 🙂 (After all, it can't be that simple...) Just one more thing to everyone reading this: Please do not do any stretching exercises as long as you are in pain. There are many customers who have injured their tendons even more by stretching when they are in acute pain. Please proceed with caution. I would like to wish you dear Ms. Meister all the best, a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year. Kind regards Harry Röder

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