
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

No more pain after just 4 hours of wearing !!!!

April 7, 2015

Can only recommend them too - goodbye surgery, no more pain after just 4 hours of wearing them !!!!

Elke Kühn, Mönchengladbach (via Masalo Facebook page)

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Kühn, very nice report. Short and to the point 🙂 Believe me, most surgeons don't like to operate on tennis elbow and certainly not on golfer's elbow 🙂 I wish you continued good recovery. Best regards Harry Röder

Finally! Thanks to pain-free training, I was able to improve my performance at competitions a lot

March 30, 2015

Hello Mr. Röder

I would like to thank you very much for the top advice and the nice approach.

I am an active strength athlete and have had major problems with my tennis elbow for the last two years. I have been wearing the sleeve for 8 weeks now and can only report positive results. Pain-free training has enabled me to improve my performance atcompetitions. Although only one of my arms is affected, I wear the sleeve on both arms on the advice of Mr. Röder due to the heavy loads.

Thank you again and I can only recommend this product.

Lg. Zuser Markus

Zuser Markus, 3231 St.Margarethen Austria

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hi Markus, I'll stick with the "you", which is absolutely normal among athletes :-). That's how it has to work. Unfortunately, you strength athletes have the problem that you always go a bit beyond your limits and therefore overload your tendons. The Masalo sleeve is now highly recommended in weight training and bodybuilding 🙂 There are now studios where almost 20 people train with the support... I'm delighted that you can train properly again and have regained your quality of life. Best regards Harry

The Masalo cuff was by far the best purchase I have ever made

March 25, 2015

Good evening,

I would like to thank you. I have been wearing the Masalo cuff for a week now and am almost pain-free....

I had been suffering from severe pain since December (I could hardly sleep at night). Neither tablets, ointments, stretching exercises nor bandages helped.

The Masalo cuff was by far the best purchase I have evermade.

Thank you and I will pass it on to as many people as possible 🙂

All the best, Yvonne Imre

(36 years old Diagnosis tennis elbow)

Yvonne Imre, Pinneberg

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Imre, thank you very much for your feedback. We really appreciate every feedback and every victory over the epicondylitis 🙂 It will certainly take a while until it is completely gone, but you will have your quality of life back and the cuff will do the rest. Continued good recovery and best wishes Harry Röder

I've been wearing the cuffs since yesterday and it's a hit!!!!!

March 19, 2015

Hello Mr. Röder,

Thank you very much for the fast delivery .

I've been wearing the cuffs since yesterday and it's a hit!!!!!

I can do everything, practically without pain, how wonderful.

I'm curious to see if I will also make a full recovery 🙂

Kind regards from Anja Eisenbeiss

Anja Eisenbeiss, Stein, Switzerland

Immediately after putting on the support I could already feel that it was working - I am almost pain-free despite playing tennis 3 times a week

March 1, 2015

Hello Mr. Röder,

As an active amateur tennis player, my tennis elbow was so painful that I could hardly lift the famous coffee cup and even shaking hands was very painful.

I have had ointments, acupuncture, massages, injections and braces, Diclo ect, until I came across your site in the depths of the net. The sh... Tennis elbow had alreadycost me a lot of money, time and nerves because of the constant pain, so I didn't care about your costs for the brace.

Especially as the positive feedback made me curious.

I also just didn't want to take a break from tennis - the doctor said 6-9 months off.

Immediately after putting on the bandage I could already feel - it works !!!

I've been wearing it for 3 weeks now - I'm almost pain-free, even though I play tennis 3 times a week (with a support - it takes a bit of getting used to - but it works great).

So it's an absolute joke why this thing hasn't been used by doctors, physios or alternative practitioners for a long time.

Well, the pharmaceutical industry just doesn't earn anything from it 😀

I am very grateful for your invention and would like to encourage you to develop the same thing as a knee support, because the 'market' is much bigger - muscle pull calf, upper-lower leg to Achilles tendon 😉

10 out of 10 points for your bandage.

Sincerely, Marc.

Marc Müller, Schwalenberg

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Marc, thank you very much for your report 🙂 Yes, our customers are always surprised because it actually works. Fortunately, we also have more and more doctors who understand the principle immediately and advise their customers to buy a Masalo cuff before injections etc. are used. It will... I'm just sometimes surprised that there are still people who "don't trust" the Masalo cuff and the experience reports. We have been on the market for 2 1/2 years now and you can find a lot about the results. You can also google most of the customers who have published reports here. We are continuing to work on optimization and are very much hoping for the aid number at the end of the year so that the support can then be obtained regularly by prescription. But our BASIC works (if you follow the instructions :-)) and that's the main thing. Kind regards Harry Röder

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