
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

I am so thrilled...

April 25, 2015

Hello Mr. Röder,

I am so enthusiastic about your sleeve. I've had massive problems with my tennis elbow for a year and a half. I've taken it easy, stretched, had cortisone injections and lots of physiotherapy. None of this produced a satisfactory result. I've had the sleeve for a good 6 weeks now and wear it every day. Since last week I've even beenplaying badminton again

and have no pain at all when playing. I'm just super happy and wanted to thank you very much for this excellent invention.

Best wishes and have a good time

Michaela Schwab

Michaela Schwab, Friedberg/Ockstadt

I have had your cuff for almost a week now and am enjoying the now mostly pain-free time 🙂

April 23, 2015

Dear Röder family,

I don't like public feedback that includes my name, but I would still like to thank you.

I had been in pain since January, housework was a torture followed by sometimes sleepless nights filled with jokes, at work not a quarter of an hour went by without rubbing my arm orotherwise trying to get rid of the pain.

My doctor recommended the standard support, which I also bought. It helped minimally at work (a lot of PC work), but the effect was zero.

After struggling with it for weeks, even months, I was fed up with it and kept googling.

I came across your site and couldn't believe it at first, but after another day of pain and time to think about it, I decided to go for it and thought you spend so much money on unimportant things, in case it doesn't work out I've paid the price. No sooner said than done... now I've had your cuff for almost a week and I'm enjoying the pain-free period for the most part, it's still painful at times, but I wouldn't define it as pain any more.

It still hurts when I put more weight on it (e.g. lifting a crate of water), but that's a sign that I'm just not ready yet.

As I was so enthusiastic, I showed your cuff to my trusted pharmacist, who didn't know it either. But he was very interested in it. I hope that was okay.

Thank you for your inventive spirit and the opportunity to experience great relief after just a few days. I hope it continues like this 🙂

Best regards,

Nina R.

(Name is known to us, but will not be published in full at Wusnch)

Nina R., Marl

My pain was relieved immediately (!)

April 19, 2015

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Five months ago I was diagnosed with epicondylitis. Physiotherapy, cold and heat compresses, stretching, giving up tennis and skiing.... none of this has helped to date.

The Masalo cuff I ordered arrived three days ago. I have now been wearing it for 72 hours.

My pain was relieved immediately (!). Shopping anddaily household chores are much easier.

I'm full of hope again that I'll be able to get my elbow under control after all.

Kaufmann Julia, Munich

For me, the Masalo cuff is a small miracle (clarinettist with the Duisburg Philharmonic Orchestra)

April 9, 2015

Dear Ms. Röder, dear Mr. Röder,

Thank you very much for your Masalo cuff. I developed the typical tennis elbow problems about 3 years ago due to my profession as a clarinettist with the Duisburg Philharmonic Orchestra and my hobby of badminton. After many different treatment methods, none of which really helped, Icame across your website on the Internet.I have always had slight pain in my right arm for 3 years, but after wearing your cuff I was completely pain-free after about 3 days. I wear the cuff when I play the clarinet, when I do sport and also very often. For me, the Masalo cuff is a small miracle. All the best to you and your family and thank you again for your invention and the uncomplicated order and prompt delivery.

Ulrich Samtenschnieder, Rheurdt

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Mr. Samtenschnieder, thank you very much for your report. I am always pleased when people remember us when the problem is finally under control 🙂 Feedback like yours is very important, it is easy to determine whether you really exist. The great testimonials probably seem "dubious" and untrustworthy to some people. Although it would be a criminal offense to place false reports here, some people believe that the reports are fake. (Too good to be true...) Yesterday someone even called me and asked why he couldn't find anything bad about the Masalo cuff after 4 hours of Google research and actually suggested that we should delete the testimonials, that would be more credible... Well, you can't and don't always have to follow every train of thought 🙂 He then bought one and reported its success by phone today 🙂 I hope you continue to enjoy your sport and music (by the way, we have countless musicians as customers, tennis elbow is very common in everything from piano players to guitarists). Best regards Harry Röder

I'm glad I discovered them 🙂

April 9, 2015

I am satisfied 🙂

after a long search and 10 weeks of pain:-( visit the doctor

I am glad that I discovered them;-)

i have been wearing the masalo cuff for 1 week and i can move my arm again without stabbing pain:-)

I've also used it for small gardening jobs and it worked great 😀

Let's see if wecan get back to work now.😛

i know that it will be a long way until i can move my arm properly again.

will recommend them to others 😉

mfg sonja freitag

Sonja Freitag, 48167 Münster

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Freitag, you did it right 🙂 (and obviously applied the bandage correctly according to the instructions :-)) The "younger" the problem is, the quicker you can get rid of it with the Masalo counter-pull cuff (even if it still works after 2 years or more, you don't have to torture yourself with it for so long:-)) I wish you a good recovery. Best regards and thank you for your report. Harry Röder

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