
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

I am now completely pain-free with the Masalo cuff

July 7, 2015

Dear Mr. Röder,

I also came across your product after a lot of trial and error on the Internet and can only confirm all the previous reports.

I work in a property management company (office work - moving computers, folders, etc.) and in my spare time I practice a self-defense sport called "All Style jiutzu", which involvesusing defensive techniques such as levers and blocks, as well as tonfa and other batons. In December last year, I was hardly able to train undisturbed due to the pain in my right elbow. I have been using your support since the end of December and am very pleased with it. I felt pain relief immediately after wearing it for the first time. It doesn't bother me at all during sport. I am now completely pain-free with the support. Without the support, it only "pulls" from time to time when I'm under a lot of strain. Then I wear the support again straight away and the pain is gone very quickly. Thank you very much for this great product. It's a shame that it's not yet accepted as a treatment by health insurance companies.

Sunny greetings from Leipzig

Sabine Seifert, Leipzig

I have had the support since March and now play tennis 3 times a week - pain-free!!!

June 22, 2015

Hello Mr. Röder,

As promised, my short report after the tennis season so far.

I have had the support since March and now play tennis 3 times a week - pain-free!!!

Here is a short report, as I was contacted by some interested parties:

Hello xy,

I dragged this terrible tennis elbow around with me for about 1 year; injections, Diclo, stimulation current, friction massage, acupuncture, stretching exercises, horizontal bar, E-brace...

tried everything - nothing helped in the long term...

It cost a lot.

Then, out of desperation, I stumbled across the cuff in the depths of the net.

I played through the entire tennis season and am out and about playing tennis about 3 times a week.

The pain is 95% gone.

If I'd taken a break and worn the thing, it would probably have gone long ago - but I'm a sports junkie - it's worth it to me!

I now only wear the cuff during and after exercise - I haven't worn it at night for a long time...

Since I have nothing of it (monetarily), I am happy to pass on the information out of gratitude...

A friend of mine is a doctor and wants to recommend the cuff to patients - unfortunately the health insurance won't pay for it.

I experienced a significant improvement just a few hours after putting it on!

Thanks again !!!

I'm waiting for the comfort model and the knee support 😉

Marc Müller, Schwalenberg

After 1 week I was able to play tennis again - I can't believe it

June 19, 2015

Dear Ms. Röder,

I too can only agree with the very positive experience reports.

I was practically pain-free on the very first day after the cuff was fitted, and after a week I could play tennis again - I can't believe it.

All the other cuffs I have tried have nowhere near the same pain-relieving effect.

The cuffmay look very rustic, but that is completely irrelevant to me, as the only thing that matters is the effect.

Best regards

Dieter Schlereth

Dieter Schlereth, Zorneding

The Masalo cuff has helped me a lot

June 8, 2015

How do you do?

I would like to tell you that the cuff has helped me a lot. I got it in January and will soon no longer need it, which makes me very happy and grateful.

Best regards to Germany and thank you

Marion Wildling

Marion Wildling, Wolfern / Austria

I have to say it is the first time that I have held an aid in my hand that brings relief almost immediately after putting it on.

May 28, 2015

Dear Mr. Röder,

As promised, my long-term report, gladly for publication as a field report, but please without mentioning my full name, as I would be very grateful.

Now that I have had your cuff for almost 3/4 of a year, I have to say that it is the first time that I have held an aid in myhand that brings relief almost immediately after putting it on.

Regardless of whether you are gardening, but especially there and / or doing heavy manual work, there is absolute relief and rapid pain relief and relaxation of the arm.

In addition, the loosening in the elbow also affects the forearm or the radiocarpal area. Recurrent "carpal tunnel symptoms" can be significantly alleviated.

In my professional life - as a desk worker with a mouse - temporary wearing is often enough for me, and always after a previous overload, then for days or weeks. Everyone will have their own experiences.

I can only say that I would also like to have this cuff in another version - such as a bandage fabric in e.g. white or black for use in the medical field, preferably washable or washable.

I would and will choose this cuff again at any time.

Best regards

Dr. Christina H.

Dr. med. Christina H., Waldesch

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Dr. H. Thank you very much for your report. I understand that as a doctor you do not wish to be named publicly and I respect that. It is only important to us that we are able to verify the authenticity of each individual report 🙂 We have been working hard for a long time to produce the support in a modern, washable, disinfectable and aesthetically pleasing material. Then the support will also receive the well-deserved medical aid number (the product is effective, but it can only be entered in the medical aid register if the support is washable, as the regulations state). Since we generate an extreme load through the countertraction, all materials and fasteners (except the leather and buckles) have failed so far. On top of that, we have to deal with unreliable suppliers. But there will be a modern version, I'll make sure of that. This can then also be worn in the water and will look great, but that may take some time. We now have so many success stories (actually, it only doesn't work if customers don't read the instructions properly and/or use the product incorrectly and then don't even call) that we continue to sell the leather version despite everything. After all, it is still a decent aid and has already brought back or secured the quality of life, the beloved sport and above all the professional existence of thousands of people. As you write, you notice immediately - within 15-30 minutes - that the support is working. If something is wrong, you should contact me immediately. We are all very committed when it comes to tennis elbow or golfer's elbow and are really happy about everyone who has been able to overcome this problem with our support 🙂 Best regards Harry Röder

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