
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

I had the cuff on for 5 minutes and the permanent pain was gone

October 9, 2015

Mr. Röder,

I just don't believe it..... How can you invent something so great, so incredibly effective. I had the cuff on for 5 minutes and the permanent pain was gone, I've had tennis elbow for years. For further healing and improvement, I simply rely on the testimonials.

I am so glad that they invented this cuff and had the courage to market it so professionally. The website and the brochure .... are simply superb. All the best for you and your family

Alice Stuffer, Bielefeld

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Stuffer, that's exactly how it should be 🙂 (Even if immediate and complete freedom from pain cannot be achieved for everyone and in every case). Thank you very much for your feedback. You wouldn't believe how motivating it is 🙂 and your report will certainly help many fellow sufferers who may not have to wait unnecessarily long as a result. Unfortunately, fewer and fewer customers have been writing anything recently (although I hear from our customers that it worked and that they now want a second one for sports, etc.), perhaps because they think there are already so many reports, but that's wrong. Every single customer is important to us and so is every single report. I wish you continued good recovery and all the best. Best regards Harry Röder

Many thanks to the inventor 🙂

September 16, 2015

Unfortunately, I'm only getting around to writing this review very late. Nevertheless, I am really keen to pass on my experiences. Like many others, I spent almost two years in pain. I tried everything, but nothing helped in the long term.

I was so far gone that I would have danced around a campfire by moonlight if someone had told me that this would help. Then I tried again to find a solution online and came across Masalo. Don't think twice, order it was my motto. The cuff arrived by post, everything was clean and perfectly processed and I put the cuff on as described. The result was amazing. Immediately after putting it on, I felt the first relief from the pain. That gave me hope. I wore the cuff and had some problems with the strap over the elbow always slipping down. A phone call to the inventor and he sent me two more variations of sizes to test. Free of charge! I thought that was really fantastic and felt very well advised and taken seriously. I wore the cuff for about 8 months. Initially practically without interruption and when relief came, only during heavy exertion. I also applied compresses with Retterspitz and cabbage leaves, which also brought relief and helped against the inflammation. I minimized special stresses, such as mouse work on the PC, shaking hands and other painful activities. Incidentally, I bought an orthopaedic mouse, which also helps in any case.

I have been pain-free for about 1.5 years now. A long path of suffering and many different attempts and many visits to the doctor didn't help. Masalo finally did and I am grateful for that. Today I ordered a cuff for one of my employees and I expect a positive response here too.

Many thanks to the inventor 🙂

Ralph Schmidt, Wermelskirchen

Without your miracle cuffs I would not be able to do nearly as much and would be in far more pain

September 7, 2015

Hello Mr. Röder,

1000 thanks for inventing this cuff! It's just a shame that I only came across it by chance on the Internet over a year later! Unfortunately, I am still not pain-free, but I still have hope! The cuffs are already almost firmly attached to me (they are no longer rigid and arereally nice and "bacony") 🙂 Without your miracle cuffs, I wouldn't be able to do nearly as much and would be in much more pain. In my case, it's not just tennis elbow (on both sides) but also a lot of other things and other "damage" and diganosis. Otherwise, thanks to the Masalo, it would certainly have been 100% cured long ago.

I am advertising for you everywhere and hope that other tormented people will find you more quickly. One piece of good news for you and all those affected: I have had my cuffs replaced by my health insurance company! I hadn't expected this at all. But my doctor (orthopaedist and surgeon) wrote me a prescription on his own initiative when I presented the cuffs and the principle to him and my health insurance company recognized and reimbursed it without asking! Also nice, considering all the therapies, injections, bandages etc. that I paid for myself! 😉

As I said, thank you for this great invention! I hope that doctors and medical supply stores will also come up with the Masalo!

Best regards from the Wine Route

S. Judge

Sabrina Richter, Edenkoben

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Richter, thank you very much for your feedback 🙂 Since we already have so many testimonials, I usually only hear about the successes briefly, because many people think "oh, there are already so many reports, I don't need to write another one...". But every report is important. I'm particularly pleased that the cuff makes your everyday life easier 🙂 Yes, the leather becomes very comfortable after a while, even if it is a little hard at first. However, as it is virtually "eco-leather", i.e. vegetable-tanned bare leather (untreated), that's just the way it is - similar to high-quality shoes. It takes a few days, but there are no harmful chemicals in it and after a while it gets a nice dark leather color - the customers like it (but so do I) 🙂 Thank you very much for your recommendations and I'm sure everyone you help to regain a piece of quality of life. We now sell significantly more bandages through recommendations than through advertising 🙂 That's exactly how it should be. First and foremost, it's about the customers and only then about the money. Many people laughed at this at first, but you can see that a good product can prevail, even if you're not a large corporation. I wish you continued good health and all the best. Best regards Harry Röder

Immediate improvement after a short wearing time

August 24, 2015

Very friendly and comprehensive advice and very good product 🙂 an immediate improvement after a short wearing time

5-star rating via our Facebook page

Michael Behrens, Munster

I am very satisfied with the effect of your cuff

August 24, 2015

Dear Mr. Roeder

I would like to tell you briefly that I am very satisfied with the effect of your cuff.

After I received the next size up and it fitted, I could feel increasing pain relief after 1 week.

At the moment I am virtually pain-free and don't wear a cuff.

Thanks again for the smooth exchange

With kind regards

Ernst Benz


Ernst Benz, Wildberg

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