
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

I have been wearing the Masalo cuff for 3 days now, and I would never want to take it off again 🙂

December 15, 2015

Dear Roeder family,

I spent another sleepless night scouring the internet in search of help. I've had tennis elbow since November 2013. I've tried lots of things. Cold and heat. I bought a Tens device. I have had injections. Although I know that the injectionsaren't that great either.Various packs and other commercially available cuffs = no results. Acupuncture brought moderate success.

I have been wearing your cuff for 3 days now. I would prefer never to take them off again. I felt relief shortly after putting them on. The leather is already a little softer on the 3rd day. They don't bother me much at night either. You have to get used to it. I showed this cuff to my physiotherapist...she didn't know it yet. But the working principle makes sense to her.

Thank you for this great invention and the prompt delivery in less than 24 hours.

Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Greetings from the north

Diana Conradt, 51 years old

Diana Conradt, Rostock

Hardly any pain after only 5 days - but the leather should be softer

December 9, 2015

Hello, I ordered the sleeve because I no longer knew how to help myself, I had pain that was almost unbearable. I have been wearing the cuff for 5 days and I already have hardly any pain, I can only recommend it to anyone who has tennis elbow. The only thing that is perhaps not so great is that the cuff is quite stiff and uncomfortable. But I hope that it will become softer over time :-)

Wioletta Polak, Recklinghausen

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Polak, first of all, thank you for your feedback. Yes, the leather needs a few days to soften, usually you notice this after just 3 days. It depends on how much body heat the leather gets, sporting activities are ideal. However, you can also do something yourself to make the leather softer and more comfortable more quickly: 1.) "Knead" the support, this is called walking. This breaks the leather fibers and makes the leather softer. 2) Use a moisturizing leather milk or a non-toxic leather grease. Leather is softer or harder, depending on the fat content of the leather hide. If this is the case, please call us, there are several other options, but it is better to discuss them on the phone. In any case, the support works as it should and your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow will soon be nothing but a bad memory 🙂 I wish you a wonderful Advent season and continued good recovery. Best regards Harry Röder

The Masalo cuff has given me back a bit of quality of life

December 1, 2015

Hello Mr. Röder.

Thank you very much for the great cuff, after I consulted with you because my upper arm strap kept slipping down, you were able to help me immediately on the phone and I now have no more problems.

I would like to thank you once again.

Thank you for the great service. I canonly recommend them, they have developed a great product that will certainly help many more people.

They have given me back a bit of quality of life.

Yours sincerely

Kerstin F. Thank you.

Dr. Kerstin F., Ebersbach

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Dr. F. As a doctor, you are practically at the source and can draw on the latest scientific findings. I, too, am always amazed that there is nothing really effective - apart from our support - against "simple" epicondylitis. But I am all the more pleased that our Masalo cuff is so successful. All the best for the future, thank you for your feedback and enjoy the quality of life you have regained 🙂 Best regards Harry Röder

Moving despite tennis elbow - best tennis brace in the world 🙂

December 1, 2015

Hello Mr. Röder,

Thanks to the cuff, I managed my move at the weekend virtually pain-free.

Everyone who helped me could hardly believe it.

But it's true and I'm thrilled that I can get back to doing things without thinking about my arm.

I wish you awonderful week and a wonderful Advent season.

Yours sincerely

Christiane Heidrun Lehmann

Christiane Heidrun Lehmann, Bad Oldesloe

My physiotherapist is also delighted and now recommends the Masalo cuff to all her patients with epicondylitis

November 30, 2015

Thanks to the Masalo cuff, which I have only been wearing for about 4 weeks, my painful tennis elbow is almost history!

For 6 months I had been in continuous therapy with a physiotherapist, had radiation therapy, took strong painkillers, wore the usual orthoses and of course spared my arm wherever possible.

I could hardly do my beloved sport, or onlywith great pain.

Well, to summarize, I can report that I am doing sports regularly again with the Masalo cuff and WITHOUT pain.

My physiotherapist is also delighted and now recommends it to all her patients with epicondylitis.

Sabine Sauter-Obermüller, Esslingen

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