
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

The active principle is great, the idea behind it is right, it works!

January 17, 2016

After being diagnosed with tennis elbow, I went searching on the Internet. I found two interesting things. 1. the Masalo cuff, 2. stretching exercises with unhooking on the horizontal bar. So, which is it, either resting with the cuff or stretching as instructed? At first glance this seems contradictory, but it's not. There's a world of difference between wearing the cuff all day and only taking it off for the stretching exercises and constantly re-irritating the arm through daily activities.

So I did both. My problems are almost gone after a month. Without the cuff, I had considerable problems when driving, especially when parking. I couldn't turn the steering wheel with my damaged left arm. I only had enough strength to hold it, and contrary to my habit, I had to turn it with my right arm. With the cuff, I was able to drive and park as usual immediately after putting it on - brilliant. I was also able to do most of my other daily activities again thanks to the cuff. The working principle is great, the idea behind it is right, it works.

I showed the cuff to my orthopaedic surgeon. He didn't know it, but thought it was great. And here's the thing: he didn't ask where I got it, nor did he make a note of the name. He certainly won't recommend it to his patients. Why should he? He recommended shock wave treatment to me after the diagnosis. There is a suitable device in his practice. You have to pay for this treatment yourself and now everyone can think what they want.

Norbert Kilian (non-fiction author), Obernkirchen

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Mr. Kilian, thank you very much for your report. I am always happy when stretching has not caused any further damage. These stretching exercises (hanging on the bar etc.) are not entirely harmless. You pull directly on the injured tendons with maximum force. I always advise against doing this, at least until the injuries have healed. Of course, cramps can occur in the muscles, but stretching hardly moves the muscles at all, it merely exerts force on the injured tendon insertion. I recommend buying a so-called hedgehog ball (approx. 9 cm diameter, massage ball with nubs). You should massage the entire forearm muscles with this several times a week in the evening, then cool the elbow (e.g. with a quark compress, although some people cannot tolerate cold) and treat it with an ointment against inflammation. This should work well in conjunction with the Masalo cuff. Yes, you are right about the orthopaedists. But fortunately there are also many orthopaedists who are more concerned about the well-being of their patients than their own pockets 🙂 Shockwave therapy is highly questionable, but brings in a lot of money (take a look at the Spiegel report "How doctors make money with nonsense": https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/medizin/pruefbericht-aerzte-machen-mit-unsinn-kasse-a-810942-10.html and here is the corresponding study: https://www.igel-monitor.de/igel_a_z.php?action=abstract&id=52 ) I wish you all the best for the future. Kind regards Harry Röder

Thank you for this excellent help!

January 2, 2016

I would like to publish my experiences with the Masalo cuff here. One week after putting it on, I am almost pain-free and the best thing is that the numbness in my arms and hands, which had already started, is receding. At the beginning I had to try out a bit how the cuff fits well. It took me a while to realize that I had to wear the cuff so that the guide of the upper arm strap was almost in the middle of the underside of my forearm. This is how the cuff works best for me. I can only warmly recommend this aid and look forward to Mr. Röder bringing out a leather-free version in the course of 2016. Thank you for this excellent aid!

Jutta Brandt-Stracke, Düsseldorf

A tennis brace that really helps - and a recommendation that has paid off

December 22, 2015

Dear Mr. Roeder,

I would also like to join the ranks of satisfied cuff wearers. After suffering from severe tennis elbow pain since February and neither physiotherapy nor orthopaedic help (appropriate exercises) helped, I ordered the Masalo cuff on the recommendation of a friend. Initially, I needed a size larger than the one I had measured, but thanks toyour quick exchange and the super-friendly, competent telephone advice, I was free of pain after a short time. The pain was already significantly reduced after the first time I wore it and today I only wear the cuff as a precaution during heavy gardening work or at work (long pipetting in the laboratory as a right-handed person). The prototype of the foam insert also minimized the somewhat hard leather pressure at the beginning, but I no longer need it as the leather has adapted.

So all the best and a Merry Christmas to you and your family

Birgit Förster

Birgit Förster, Schneverdingen

Worth every penny (or Euro 🙂 !) No pain at day. No pain at night. Carry on as if injury never happened.

December 22, 2015

I was in great pain with tennis elbow brought about by climbing around on roofs. Pain killers had little effect. I saw this item on line and although I thought it was expensive I decided to give it a go not expecting much success.

Well how wrong I was. I cant believe the difference ithas made after only 2-3 weeks. No pain. No pain at night. Carry on as if injury never happened.

I never bother to send feedback on products but this is so exceptional in its effectiveness

Expensive ? Not so. Worth every penny (or Euro 🙂 !)

Stephen Lock, Trunch, United Kingdom

You have given me back a bit of quality of life - living normally again despite tennis elbow

December 22, 2015

Hello Mr. Röder,

I would also like to thank you for this great product!

After we spoke on the phone and everything you told me made sense, I asked my orthopaedic surgeon to prescribe this cuff for me, but he immediately waved me off...... but my GP, who was not familiar with this aid, prescribed it for me.

As I havedysmelia in my right arm, I am heavily dependent on my left arm.

And it's true that shortly after the application my pain was minimized to such an extent that I was able to live my everyday life normally again.

I am already looking forward to your further development, which will then be washable and also wearable in water. I think you have given me back a bit of quality of life.


Sven Theiling

Sven Theiling, Rodewald

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