
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

Virtually no more pain!

April 22, 2016

Dear Masalo team

Thank you very much for your help!

Have been wearing your

Masalo cuff and have virtually no

pain anymore...I am very happy that I have everything

can do with your arm! 🙂

LG Heike Graf

Heike Graf

Infinite pain since last year - But then, HONESTLY, 3 hours after putting on the cuff the pain is gone 🙂

April 13, 2016

Dear masalo team,

I have had this pain in my left arm since last year. Sometimes more, sometimes less. Especially at work, as a courier driver, it was sometimes unbearable. Now at Easter the climax, 2 plates broke because I couldn't hold them because of the pain. As soon as the holidays were over, I couldno longer stretch my arm. So I went to the doctor, had an ultrasound scan but there was very little improvement. Last weekend I searched the internet because the constant pain was getting to me. So I came across your website and ordered the device after reading the testimonials and it arrived yesterday! You have to be patient when putting it on. I was also very skeptical.

But then, HONESTLY, 3 hours after putting on the cuff I had no pain. I kept looking at my arm and shaking my head. Today, day 2, I can't believe it, it hurt from time to time but only briefly when I lifted something. But actually I'm as good as pain-free.

A great feeling, the cuff must be available for everyone. The health insurance companies should definitely accept it.

Apart from that, I would like to thank you for the fast delivery and say to everyone reading this: the money is really well spent.

Thank you very much,

A.Köhring:-) 🙂

Andrea Köhring, Leipzig

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Köhring, yes, it's hard to believe at first, many customers think "I'm imagining things", but: the Masalo cuff actually works:-) and immediately. Thank you very much for your nice report. Incidentally, it is completely normal for certain movements and activities to pinch again or even cause a lot of pain. The cuff protects very well, but not 100% and in every situation. The progression is also not always linear, there are completely pain-free days, but there can also be a setback if you have overdone it a bit (but this is usually only for a short time). You may also suddenly notice pain in completely different areas (muscles, wrist, etc.). This is also normal. As a rule, however, this is not "new" pain, but has been "superimposed" by the extreme pain of the epicondylitis. On average, the course is roughly as follows: - after approx. 3-5 days you can put full weight on the arm again without any major pain - after approx. 6-8 weeks you can move largely pain-free without and with a support - if it should recur even in the slightest, please wear the support again for another 2 weeks. - after approx. 3 months the problem is usually healed (but this depends on your personal situation, I have a customer - 83 years old, tennis elbow for 9 years - who can only work pain-free with a support. But these are exceptions, the Masalo sleeve is supposed to eliminate the problem and not be a lifelong companion :-)) I wish you continued good recovery, enjoy your regained quality of life (I know exactly how that feels :-)) Best regards Harry Röder

I was very skeptical, but now I'm training again 🙂

April 12, 2016

Dear Masalo Team!

I received the cuff on Friday.

I was a little skeptical at first when I took them out of the packaging and tried to put them on. It seemed a bit complicated, but after a few attempts I got it to fit. Saturday was the premiere in my basement (fitness room). Rowing, bench press etc. for the first time in a long time with almost no pain and on my first attempt. I have to say that I ruptured my left lower biceps tendon in 2011 and never had an operation on the advice of the doctors. Everything went well at first and apart from some loss of strength, I didn't have any major problems. However, some time ago I started to have pain from the elbow downwards (tendon insertion) and it got worse and worse, so that I could hardly stretch my arm in the morning. I was therefore very happy to have come across your product on the Internet and it passed its baptism of fire during training yesterday.

THANK YOU! and best regards from Vienna

Yours sincerely, Erich KÖLBL

Erich Kölbl, Vienna, Austria

Convincing active principle - here is a "Masalo poem" as a thank you 🙂

March 31, 2016

Dear Masalo team,

As already announced, here is my experience report:

I got my tennis elbow last summer when I was working in the garden, swinging the hedge trimmer on my outstretched arm.


Where brute forces reign senseless,

a tennis elbow can develop!

My orthopaedist prescribed the usual pressure bandage (which did more harm than good) and stimulation current treatment. This didlittle except for two burn blisters because the trainee was obviously not familiar with how to use the device and had set the current too high during the penultimate application.


God save us from storm and wind

and trainees who are stupid,

especially in the healthcare sector.

No patient can recover like that!

Physiotherapy was okay, but didn't really bring any lasting success either. Next, my orthopaedist offered me the prospect of shock waves and, if that doesn't work, surgery (thank you very much!).

In my search for further insights, I came across Masalo. I ordered the cuff because of the consistently positive testimonials and because the principle of action seemed absolutely plausible to me. It took a little getting used to at first, the leather was still quite stiff, but that changed after a few days. Relief was noticeable after a short time. The only thing I couldn't get used to at first was the recommendation to keep the cuff on overnight. However, after a certain amount of time to get used to it, this also worked. The damage has not yet been completely repaired, but I no longer have to think about every movement 5 - 8 times before I have to grip something harder. With the help of the sleeve, I got through my "kitchen renovation" project without any further damage, as well as the next stress test of mowing the lawn (on a slope with an extreme gradient in places). Now I think that the forthcoming opening of the sailing season can also go ahead without any major problems.

Apropos: For us sailors, surfers and all other captains and water rats, a version suitable for water sports (i.e. one that dives for water sports) would be absolutely desirable, ideally with port (BB)/starboard (SB) labeling! 🙂

Last but not least, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you once again for the fast and smooth order processing.

I can definitely recommend the sleeve to anyone with tennis elbow pain and summarize as follows:

Is tennis elbow bothering you?

Are you hit with golf arm?

Do you have to complain about mouse arm?

even on Sundays and public holidays?

Doubts begin to gnaw,

if all your questions

Doctors always say the same thing.

There is no point in daring to object.

Want to send them packing...

Permanent defeats

are already getting on your stomach,

and you're almost bursting at the seams.

But you should not despair

and instead with pleasure

and patience Masalo!

Best regards

K. Werner

Karin Werner

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Werner, thank you very much for this beautiful and extraordinary experience report. It's easier to get through life with a sense of humor 🙂 As soon as the textile/synthetic version is ready, we will let you know in good time. We will take a closer look at the idea of marking starboard and port 🙂 All the best for the future and thank you again. Best regards Harry Röder

I am now pain-free and have regained my strength to grip

March 20, 2016

Dear Mr. Röder,

Here is my experience with your cuff:

In July 2015, I (40) developed pain in my right arm. My arm was painful and I could hardly lift a book.

After many ointments and unfortunately too many painkillers, I went to the orthopaedist in September. Diagnosis: tennis elbow. I was given 2 injections. No effect. I then changed orthopaedists. He prescribed me 300¤ shockwave therapy. No effect.

Like so many others with my history, I then started to move away from conventional medicine. I discovered the Masalo cuff online. As health costs money, this cuff was actually a bargain.

After receiving and putting them on for the first time, I still had some problems. The cuff was still too loose.

It was only really relieving after I had tightened it properly. I wore the cuff for a total of 3 months. In the last period I only wore it part-time.

I am now pain-free and have regained my strength to grip.

They say that a healthy mind lives in a healthy body. It's very stressful for the soul when you're a 40-year-old man with two small children and can't even lift them up for six months. I really struggled for half a year not to constantly concentrate on the pain in my arm.

It's working again and you feel like living again.

What else can I say. Thank you for the product. It is one that I think really works and helps people.

Thank you.

Greetings from Norderstedt!

Marko Stöhr

Marko Stöhr, Norderstedt

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