
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

When I think how much I've already spent on prescription co-payments and other therapies...

June 10, 2016

Hello Mr. Röder,

After wearing it for two and a half months now, I would like to share my experiences with the cuff. I had been suffering from severe tennis elbow since December 2015. Everything became a pain, especially the nights. I consulted various doctors. I really tried everything: Physiotherapy, ibuprofen cure, atlas therapy, horse ointment, tiger balm, osteopathy, all cuffs and braces, taping, Retterspitz, stretching, unhooking ect.pp

I was on the verge of having the money for the shock shaft taken out of my pocket.

Then I came across your website on the Internet and after a detailed telephone conversation with you, I ordered the cuff. Within a few hours of putting the cuff on, I felt significant relief. Of course, you have to get used to it for a few days because the leather is still a bit bumpy. I sometimes stuffed my shirt sleeve under the upper arm cuff, even though it is already padded. But the pain relief alone was a dream come true. You really do need to take some time for the adjustment and consult with you if necessary. I wanted to get as much benefit as possible from the cuff and was a little unsure.

After about four weeks I felt a relapse. However, after a phone call with you, I readjusted the cuff again. The leather had stretched quite a bit. You made it very clear to me that this relapse was certainly caused by a renewed overload, because you can suddenly grip again relatively pain-free with the cuff.

Now, after 10 weeks, thanks to the cuff, I am almost pain-free and have the impression that my arm is healing. However, you should be aware that the healing process also takes place in waves with the sleeve, but the painful days are easier to bear, drinking a coffee doesn't turn into a marathon and you can sleep without pain again at night.

I now only wear the cuff for a few hours a day and when doing sport and I know that I can fall back on it at any time. I will probably slowly "phase out" the cuff and only wear it for extreme exertion as a precautionary measure.

I am very happy about your invention and to have found it on the Internet. I have already recommended her several times. When I consider how much I have already spent on prescription co-payments and other therapies, I (and the health insurance company) could have saved a lot of money and suffering with your cuff.

Since my other arm is obviously developing golfer's elbow, I already know how to help myself(-;

Thank you very much for your patient advice and best regards. I wish you continued success and that you will soon find a solution made of medical material. (I found the leather solution perfectly adequate for me)

U. Kraus, Mettmann

My complaints have improved considerably...

May 26, 2016

Thanks for the great advice!

I have been wearing these cuffs since April 15th and after a short time there has been a clear improvement.

My physical work as a forestry worker means I need my hands every day, thanks to the Maslo cuff

I can now do this again without any problems.

Thank you for the good description of how toapply these.My symptoms have improved considerably and are almost gone.

However, I will wear them for another two weeks until the inflammation is completely gone.

I will be happy to recommend the cuffs to others.

Mfg. Mr. Behringer

B. Behringer

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Mr. Behringer, thank you very much for your report. That's how it should be 🙂 However, I recommend that you continue to wear the support for at least 2 weeks after you are pain-free, at least at work, so that the tendons have a chance to heal completely. If you feel even the slightest bit of pain coming on again, wear the support immediately (it's best to keep it with you at work for a while - just to be on the safe side). Continued good recovery and best regards Harry Röder

I am a new person!

May 24, 2016

Hello Mr. Röder,

Here comes my feedback:-)

I've been plagued by severe shoulder pain for a long time, tennis and golfer's elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome and occasionally numb fingers... Although my elbow has become the most unbearable of all in the last few weeks 🙁

I can't believe it - after 10 long, painful months, I am a new person!

Ihad initially ordered the cuff one size too big - after a long phone call with you, I had the right size at home the next day. And it came with a nice personalized note recommending how to adjust it. After 45 minutes I realized that it was the right decision! It was an unbelievable feeling, after endless cortisone injections, physiotherapy, infusions, painkillers, ointments etc., to FINALLY be able to use my fingers again. I can FINALLY press the fingertips of my left hand together again:-D Or lift a glass or grip the steering wheel or close a button... Not to mention my two children (1+2 1/2 years), who I can lift almost pain-free!

I have been wearing the cuff for almost two weeks now and hope that the pain will continue to decrease and that my arm will finally heal properly...

Many thanks and best regards,

Nadine Jung

Nadine Jung, Kürten

Brushing your teeth again for the first time without pain 😀

May 13, 2016

Dear Masalo Team,

I've only been wearing the cuff since yesterday, and I'm full of joy this morning I can brush my teeth without pain for the first time in a year 😀 😀 😀 😀

I've had golfer's elbow for about a year now and have tried a lot of things. First, of course, conventional medicine, anti-inflammatory tablets, cortisone injections, then various energy therapists, incense and vitamin tablets etc. etc. I'm not particularly sensitive to pain, but in the long run it wears me down and restricts my sporting activities to such an extent that it's more than annoying. Sleeping is also restricted, as soon as you move your arm you're awake. And the doctors say no weight-bearing, no sport...pfff.... that's ok for a while, but certainly not for months or years.

That's why I'm now full of hope that things will continue as positively as they have, because I can already feel the improvement after such a short time. I can do some sports better, of course some exercises hurt and I'd better skip them. But I'm really pleased with this progress and assume that things will get even better. I will report further on this if necessary.

Thank you very much in the meantime for this great invention!!!!!

Marion Salinger, Berndorf / Austria

I can work and drive again and feel really good!

May 4, 2016

Dear Masalo team.

The Masalo cuff arrived on April 26. I would like to thank you very much.

I've been plagued by pain in my right arm since September 2015. The first time, I went to the Dr. - he diagnosed epicondylitis (incorrect posture at the computer) and prescribed physiotherapy, ibuprofen/diclofenac and ointments. After 2 weeks, I hadno more pain.

However, it was back again in December...

Diclofenac, ibuprofen, ointments and I was fit again.

But since the end of January, I have had no more rest. The pain got worse and worse and, as usual, I tried everything. In my desperation, I even discovered a "famous" website that showed how to get rid of tennis elbow with stretching exercises. However, the exercises made my condition even worse - after 2 days of stretching I could hardly recognize my hand, everything was swollen, bluish in colour - it wasn't just my elbow that hurt, but my whole arm. Stretching put additional strain on my tendons.

I resisted the cortisone injection for a long time until I couldn't take it any more - but it didn't help either! I even tried acupuncture and it had no effect on me. Then I came across your homepage and after the numerous positive feedbacks, I am full of hope. In the meantime, I've also had trouble with my employer because I've been on sick leave almost every 2 months since September. I no longer felt like leaving the house, driving (driving is extremely painful) or going for a walk, as everything I did only made my condition worse. Could no longer sleep properly because the night became a nightmare.

Now, after a week with the sleeve, I can feel a clear improvement. I was able to sleep again on the very first day - the inflammation is still there, but the pain and swelling have subsided. I can work and drive again and feel really well. I occasionally feel a "twitch" when I overexert myself, but nothing compared to what it was before. I will continue to wear them until my arm is completely healed.

Thank you Masalo team for this great invention!!!

Kind regards

Flavia Medeiros

Flavia de Medeiros, Dübendorf / Switzerland

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