
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

I can definitely recommend the cuff

January 24, 2017

Hello dear Masalo team,

This is my first internet review and it is only now that I have been wearing the Masalo cuff permanently for a quarter of a year.

I had really massive and extreme pain in my right arm and was diagnosed with tennis elbow. However, the Masalo cuff only brought about an improvement very slowly and in the long term. Now, approx. 3 months after continuous use, I can definitely confirm significant relief. At the moment I can confirm my recovery to 80% and thank you very much for this. I can definitely recommend the cuff to others and hope that I will finally and permanently be free of symptoms.

Thank you very much!

Andrea Häußler, Burgthann

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Häußler, thank you very much for your report. What you report is not typical for the Masalo cuff. I suspect a small but crucial application error here. I am not satisfied with the 80% improvement after 3 months 🙂 Please get in touch with me and send me 2 photos with the bandage on by email. Take a photo of the arm so that I can see at least the area from the wrist to the elbow, stretched to about 120 degrees (until the countertraction / resistance is clearly noticeable), one picture from the outer side, one from the inner side of the arm, so that I can see the settings. The Masalo cuff must provide significant relief within 15-30 minutes. In the case of tennis elbow, it should only take 3 months to get over the hill in extreme cases. In the case of golfer's elbow, it may take even longer. I wish you continued good recovery. Best regards Harry Röder

Not as fast pain relief as others - but then pain-free!

January 17, 2017

Dear Mr. Röder and team,

now it's time to post my thanks to you all and tell you about myself and my experiences. i work as a cleaner and am on the job every day. I've had golfer's elbow on the right for about 2 years and have been going from doctor to doctor, all the treatments and applications have madethe pain worseand I've often been on sick leave.Finally, the doctor advised me to immobilize it in plaster. After that, I couldn't do anything at all without the sharp pain!

I was desperate and looked for fellow sufferers on the Internet.... and came across Masalo. At first I was skeptical, but I guess that's the way it is after the odyssey. ...I ordered and got my cuff. I didn't have any problems adjusting it, but I didn't get rid of the pain as quickly as others. So I wrote to Mr. Röder and we spoke on the phone together and found a solution. I wore the cuff continuously for six months and was pain-free!

Unfortunately, the pain started again a few weeks ago. My cuff had unfortunately not been greased by me and was really hard. .... Even then, dear Mr. Röder reacted immediately and sent me a cuff with minor blemishes! Many thanks to you and the great service! My colleague also wears the cuff and I am very happy that it is available.

Kind regards and thank you......Ulrike Zachris-Kaemper

Ulrike Zachris-Kaemper, Verl

Real quality of life without pain

January 16, 2017

I have always had problems with my hands, the last few years and now in the fall it was getting so bad that I didn't know how I could continue my job.

The strain from my gardening work with large hedges and machines, even with double belts, was terrible.

I tried alot of things and it was only by chance that I came across you and will recommend you to others. Now I wear a left and a right REAL LIFE QUALITY WITHOUT PAIN THANK YOU for the great invention!

Ebmer Gerhard, Windhaag / Austria

I am absolutely thrilled!

January 4, 2017

How do you do?

I have been suffering from tennis elbow for 1.5 years.

My doctor prescribed me cortisone several times. Each time this brought me short periods without pain. However, after 2-3 weeks without cortisone, the pain returned.

I read about the Masalo cuff on the Internet and thought I'd give it a try. The reviewslooked good.So I ordered the cuff in October 2016 and tried my luck. It arrived quite quickly by post.

Unfortunately, I had a few initial problems getting the cuff to fit properly. It was very hard and stiff at first. After a few days, however, it felt like the cuff belonged to the arm and the pain disappeared.

I was very surprised that I was able to sleep again at night and not wake up in pain. The pain has now completely disappeared. However, I still wear the cuff as a precaution.

I am absolutely thrilled and will definitely be talking positively about it.

M. Kamphausen

M. Kamphausen

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Kamphausen, creating the system is actually not that difficult. Simply follow the enclosed instructions. Please read the brief instructions first and follow them exactly, then follow the photos in the instructions and check the fit. First place both straps in the first hole so that it is easier to get into the support. Then pass your hand through both loops and put on the support. Now adjust the forearm cuff at the front of the wrist so that it is firmly secured around the middle of the forearm (the skin must move with you when you try to push the bandage further towards the elbow). The forearm cuff must not sit on the elbow where other products are placed. To do this, loosen the Velcro on the front flap, adjust the strap, reattach the Velcro and slide the support towards the elbow. Repeat this until the cuff has a firm hold around the MIDDLE of the forearm (never tighten it on the arm). Now slide the upper arm strap over the elbow, bend the arm sharply and adjust the upper arm strap so that the lower edge of the strap fits snugly when the arm is bent sharply. That's it. If the arm is now bent to about 90 degrees, the support simply fits snugly against the arm. If you stretch the arm to around 100-120 degrees, you will feel a clear resistance - the counter pull. You can only stretch the arm with force. This causes the tissue between the forearm sleeve and elbow to bulge (or contract). This tells you that this area is being relieved. If you then stretch your arm in the opposite direction and hold this for a few seconds, you should immediately feel relief. If you suffer from tennis elbow, lift something heavy with the support in place and the counter-traction active, and you know that it will hurt if you lift it without the Masalo sleeve. This strain pain must be gone with a correctly applied cuff, or at least reduced to such an extent that it is no longer a major problem. The support is then optimally adjusted. Please check the settings after a few days and readjust if necessary, as the leather stretches a little. It is very important that the upper arm strap is always in the guide slot and is not accidentally removed from there (otherwise thread it back in again, see instructions for use at the bottom center, illustration with thick red circle). Otherwise the support will not be held in place and will not work optimally. For care, please use a non-toxic leather grease or a moisturizing leather milk. Thank you for your feedback and all the best. Kind regards Harry Röder

Cuff helps me impressively

December 30, 2016

Hello, dear Masaloists!

I have been using your cuff for a few weeks now and it is helping me impressively. Especially with tennis, which I have taken a liking to again.

Now I would also like to have help with kayaking/canoeing next season and would therefore like to ask you to produce a sleeve made of rubber or suitable plastic.

There should beplenty of buyers for it.So get to work and let us know when the new cuff is available.

I will soon be 73 and would like to be able to use your cuffs for a few more years.

Best regards,

Christian Bräutigam.

Christian Bräutigam, Germany

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Bräutigam, thank you very much for your feedback. We have many water sports enthusiasts who use our Masalo BASIC cuff. These customers simply protect the bandage with a suitable piece of neoprene or waterproof plastic. This is of course amateurish, but it works 🙂 We use so-called blank leather. This is untreated. If the bandage does get wet, it could happen that the fat is washed out of the hide (leather is harder or softer, also depending on the fat content of the hide). In this case, dry the bandage and then re-grease it with a dermatologically safe leather grease or a moisturizing leather milk. Then knead the bandage. Repeat this process until the leather is soft and supple again. We are working on the textile version, which can then also be used in the water. I wish you continued health and lots of fun with your sport. Best regards Harry Röder

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