
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

Remarkable recovery!

March 29, 2017


Just letting you know I'm having remarkable recovery coupled with ecercises and physio with your cuff. Such a good buy and safe to use. I have used it with the black tape and a bit of ruby grip for comfort. Fantastic.

I would thoroughly recommend this and I would also suggest thatyour phone message is in English for support to customers.

Very happy.

Jackie Atkin

Jackie Atkin, Birmingham / United Kingdom

I would have you nominated for a Nobel Prize if I could 🙂

March 29, 2017

Ladies and Gentlemen

You are welcome to post this short report in your forum !

I have had severe pain and problems doing some things for about 2 years because of my tennis elbow (right)

As soon as I put on your cuff, I felt a clear improvement after the first few movements (countertraction)! !

I have tried countless things, including tablets, cortisoneinjections and shock wave therapy. Nothing has worked.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you briefly and would nominate you for a Nobel Prize if I could 🙂

Best regards from Austria

Eisenmann Alexander

Eisenmann Alexander, Saalfelden / Austria

I was almost immediately 90% pain-free

March 23, 2017

Hello Mrs. Röder,

Hello Mr. Röder!

Two weeks ago I developed pain in my elbow due to overuse. As I was diagnosed with tennis elbow 17 years ago (which was eventually operated on), I was familiar with the pain. However, as I had to continue working (horses don't look after themselves), it naturally didn't get any better.

I can still remember the odyssey back then and didn't want to go through it again this time. So I searched the internet and came across your website. I then spoke to my boss and he ordered me your cuff on Sunday.

Yesterday I went to my family doctor. I just wanted to have my "self-diagnosis" confirmed. Which she did. However, in addition to the diagnosis of "tennis elbow", I was also diagnosed with "golfer's elbow". So both at the same time. Jackpot. She clamped me to the stimulation current device for 10 minutes and bandaged my arm from my wrist to the middle of my upper arm and said "Don't move any more."

Your cuff arrived today. I unpacked it, studied the instructions for use, put the cuff on and was almost immediately 90% pain-free. My decision: I'm no longer going to my GP, I'm no longer taking all the painkillers, but I'm happy that I can carry on "normally" without having to cry in pain.

Thank you for your invention 🙂

Best regards

S. Cancer

Sarah Krebs, Knüllwald

I recommend the Masalo cuff 100%

March 18, 2017

Hello everyone,

I have/had tennis elbow since mid-December. After several visits to the doctor (tablets, massage and a brace paid for by health insurance), I was quite at a loss as to how long I could and should not do anything with my arm. After ordering the Masalo cuff, I didn't really believe that it would help me.

Now after about4 weeks of wearing them I can say that I am as good as symptom-free. I wear them all the time at work. I work in the chemical industry and often have to carry heavy loads and the cuff does everything it promises! I recommend the Masalo cuff 100%. Also a THANK YOU to Mr. Röder who was always available by e-mail and always answered my questions immediately!

Marcel K.-W., Düsseldorf

I cannot imagine life now without my cuff!

March 17, 2017


Thank you so much for the cuff. It did provide instant relief. With a house move and shifting furniture and boxes myself - my already weakened arm and wrist had become so painful and swollen. Over the first week I experimented with the position of the straps and even tried using it over asoft long sleeved t-shirt. It works best of course, directly on the skin and is a very comfortable support. I am telling everyone I know about this product and directing them to the website. I have suffered for over 30 years with my chronic 'tennis elbow' and RSI conditions and unfortunately am now developing arthritis. I am no longer frightened that there is no suitable solution - and I am returning to exercise and swimming. I cannot imagine life now without my cuff and am curious to see the continued improvement in the future, as is my physiotherapist and doctor.

I look forward to telling you how I am getting on in the future!

Kindest regards

Sally Morgan, Scotland

Sally Morgan, Kilmaurs / Scotland

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