
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

Thank you

July 9, 2022

I heard about the cuff from a colleague. Thank you very much. I had given up. I couldn't hold a cup or a pen, let alone sleep, because my arms hurt so much. There's still a long way to go, but I'm already feeling much better after 24 hours.

Kirsten Knust

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Ms. Knust, thank you very much for your feedback. Please wear the brace consistently as this will shorten the healing process, but it will take some time before you are completely pain-free again without the brace. I recommend that you send some photos of your arm with the support in place to our support team at support@masalo.ch. There are often ways to optimize the whole thing. I also recommend our page "Tips for dealing with epicondylitis". This will help you to recover more quickly and prevent possible damage. We wish you a speedy recovery. Best wishes from the Masalo team Harry Röder

The only bandage that helps

July 7, 2022

I now have tennis elbow on my right side for the second time. First in 2019 and now again in June 2022. Anyone who suffers from tennis elbow knows what kind of pain it can be.

In 2019, I was prescribed braces and supports (the usual ones that are available). After these supports didn't help me at all, butrather made the whole thing worse, as I found the pressure from above on the muscle tendons extremely uncomfortable and the pain got worse as a result, I stopped using the supports. I was treated with cortisone injections at the time and then searched the internet for alternatives myself and came across the Masalo cuff, still in leather at the time, and what can I say .... in my opinion only this cuff helped.

The cortisone injections were necessary to get the inflammation out of my arm and the cuff did the rest. At the time, I only took the cuff off to shower and wore it permanently for up to six months, becoming much looser towards the end of course. As soon as I felt a pulling sensation in my arm again, I put the cuff on and after 2 weeks it was quiet again.

Unfortunately, due to too much stress at work and not paying enough attention to the body's warning signs, I put so much strain on my right and unfortunately my left arm that my entire right hand was numb and my left arm also started to tweak. So again, tennis elbow in an acute state, which unfortunately also brought me down psychologically, as my body completely slowed me down.

Dressing, combing, brushing teeth were all only possible with pain, even driving a car and shifting gears was not possible for 1 week.

Now I even had problems with the cuff at the beginning because it hurt when I wore it and I didn't know whether I was squeezing my nerves by putting it on too tightly because everything was numb.

I then contacted Massalo support, who responded promptly and very helpfully and asked me to send photos so that they could assess this. At this point, thanks again to Mr. Siebert from support.

I have now been treated twice again with cortisone injections. Again, the support team told me that this must be treated by a doctor and that the cortisone injections are very effective. After the first injection it took 1 week to get better.

Now the second injection today and I think I should be able to work again next week with the cuff and the cortisone treatment.

Overall, I have to say that I probably put the cuff on too tightly at first, but I just wanted to immobilize the arm as much as possible because of the pain. I ordered another cuff for the left.

H. Struck

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Ms. Struck, thank you very much for your feedback. We are very pleased about this, as it shows us that our support really helps, but unfortunately it is used far too rarely... Unfortunately, anyone who has ever had epicondylitis is always at latent risk of getting another one due to overuse. That's why it's best to always have the bandages with you and put them on as a precaution when things get very strenuous, even if everything is fine. Better prophylaxis than pain... Many customers who still had our former BASIC made of leather don't get on with the new Masalo® Cuff MED straight away. The new version is simply much more comfortable and much more effective, so you don't have to adjust it so tightly. It happens more often, but our customers know that we are there to help. Everything should be fine with you now, otherwise please contact support@masalo.ch Mr. Siebert again ? We wish you a good recovery and a nice weekend. If anything is wrong, please let us know straight away. Best regards, your Masalo team Harry Röder

Super ??

June 22, 2022

I have been wearing the cuff for 2 weeks now. I am really impressed with how quickly and how well the cuff helps.

The Masalo team gave me very good advice and support on the phone and by email.

I can finally work again without pain . I went swimming after wearing it for a week . ? It wasquickly dry again after a shortsunbath. Even cycling without pain is no problem. 🙂 I am really delighted with the effect of the cuff. I finally have my quality of life back after months of pain. ??????

Kerstin Töpfer

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Ms. Töpfer, thank you for sending us your feedback ? Yes, it's really worth contacting our support team and not giving up straight away if it doesn't work immediately. You are now well on your way and I am sure that after a while you will be able to do everything again without pain, even without the cuff. But with the cuff you can already enjoy life again without pain. That makes us very happy ? Please wear the cuff consistently until you are fully recovered. Otherwise the epicondylitis may return quickly (unfortunately, many people take the support off too early, which can prolong the healing process). Continue to follow our tips and you will soon be "out of the woods". If you have any questions or problems, please do not hesitate to contact us. I wish you continued good recovery and lots of fun with your activities. Best regards Harry Röder

The Masalo cuff has an immediate noticeable effect

June 15, 2022

Hello, dear Masalo team,

I would like to say a big thank you, especially to the inventor of this support. For me, it secures my livelihood. Everything is as promised.

I'm a hairdresser and have a permanent strain on my arms. Once I did some unusual gardening work and I had tennis elbow. The doctor gave me an epicondilitis brace,which didn't have the slightest effect.

However, the Masalo cuff had an immediate and noticeable effect and I was able to return to full work immediately. Of course I am not healed after 4 days, but I can work and the healing process is noticeably underway.

So thank you very much, also for saving me the loss of my labor, I think the price for this brace is absolutely reasonable.


Best regards from Bischofswerda

Kathleen Koitsch

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Koitsch, thank you very much for your feedback. Feedback from our customers is always very important to us and fortunately we receive almost exclusively positive messages here... But we can almost always eliminate the negative ones, which are always due to incorrect use and incorrect application. Most of our customers are like you (by the way, we really do have a lot of hairdressers among our customers, as well as many dentists...). Their professional existence is often at risk and can be saved with the help of the Masalo cuff. We are really pleased every time we read something like this. I would also like to thank you for classifying the price and therefore the value of the brace as reasonable. Unfortunately, many people see it differently and don't understand the costs of approvals, development, testing, production, advertising, margins for dealers, personnel, rental costs, warehousing, shipping, etc. We do not even pass on to our customers the cost increases that are also weighing heavily on us due to the current crisis and also think that if the cuff saves livelihoods and relieves pain, it is worth the money. Please wear the support consistently until you can really do everything pain-free again without the cuff. The more consistently you use it, the faster your epicondylitis will heal. I would also like to recommend our tips for dealing with epicondylitis. Reading them will prevent damage and help you to recover more quickly. You can find the tips here: https://www.masalo.ch/tipps-gegen-epicondylitis/ You should definitely get yourself some cheap wrist supports and wear them at work. These should not stiffen the wrist, but only cushion overstretching and hyperextension. This provides additional relief for the tendons and protects against new injuries. (You can find them cheaply on Amazon) I wish you a speedy and full recovery. If anything should happen, please do not hesitate to contact us. Best regards, your Masalo team Harry Röder

Everything is feasible again with the cuff

June 10, 2022

After a lot of back and forth about the price, I had a Masalo cuff prescribed so that it wasn't too expensive.

Worn for 3 days and a rubber was out of the seam...very annoying, especially considering the price. But after an email to the manufacturer, I received a replacement immediately and was even allowed tokeep the defects. Great service and top three it really helps.

I could no longer do anything without pain. With the cuff, everything is possible again

A clear recommendation to buy. I now hope that my tennis elbow will soon be cured.

Mel C

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Mel C, thank you for your review on Google. It can take between 3 and 6 months for epicondylitis to fully heal. Therefore, please wear the Masalo cuff consistently. The more consistently you use it, the quicker you will recover. Only take it off when you can do everything again without pain with or without the support. The important thing now is that you can live and work without pain again. We strongly recommend that you read our tips for dealing with epicondylitis on our website. This will prevent damage and speed up the healing process. We are very sorry that you initially received a defective support, but even with the greatest care, things can go wrong. But now you even have an advantage, you can have the stitching repaired cheaply and then have 2 bandages to change? We wish you a good recovery and should anything go wrong, please contact us again at any time ? Best wishes from the Masalo team

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