
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

Pain-free after a few days

May 25, 2017

Dear rescuers,

I have been suffering from really severe pain for six months, especially after waking up.

My "tennis elbow" was really bothering me.

Physiotherapy and pain therapy could only provide marginal relief. Even a cuff prescribed by the doctor only improved the condition slightly.

Then I found your homepage. I skeptically ordered the cuff.

Unbelievable.The pain was significantly reduced after just one day andone night of wearing it.

I am now almost pain-free after just a few days. Thank you very much! By the way, fitting was child's play. I am very satisfied and grateful.

Ansgar Papoli, Osnabrück

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Mr. Papoli, thank you very much for your report. Another person freed from the painful clutches of epicondylitis - that makes me very happy 🙂 However, you still need a little patience, just because the pain is gone does not mean that the problem is completely resolved. It will still take a while for the tendons to heal completely. It is better to wear the cuff for a while and then never put it out of reach. It can occur from time to time, then simply put the cuff on straight away and it will be gone again very quickly. Or simply wear the bandage as a preventative measure when doing sports, gardening or similar strenuous physical activities, then this terrible torment won't occur in the first place 🙂 All the best and thanks again for your feedback. Best regards Harry Röder

Pain blown away within minutes

May 15, 2017

A big thank you to the Masalo team!

I suffered a left tennis elbow while playing golf. Normal golfing and other activities were no longer possible without severe pain. During this time, I always used warming ointments to temporarily "ease" the pain. After putting on the Masalo cuff for the first time, the pain wasgone within minutes.In the afternoon I immediately went to the golf course and lo and behold, I played a round of 18 without even thinking about the pain. My club speed was immediately back to over 150 km/h. The sweating naturally made the leather a little damp and stretched, but one more hole closed and the counter-pressure was perfect again. I am happy to recommend only this cuff to anyone. Thank you !!! and best regards from Graz

Helmut Spanner, Graz / Austria

On a pain scale I would say from 10 unbearable before the bandage to a 3 with the bandage

May 12, 2017

After a year of severe pain, restrictions, fear of having to quit my job, the existential fears that would result from this and the attempts to alleviate this with physiotherapy, ultrasound, ice, stretching exercises, Voltaren massage, electrostimulation therapy, taping, masses of painkillers and finally acupuncture, I read about this cuff and ordered it. I ordered it with a lot of skepticism, but with the thought that the €70 wouldn't matter anymore, because the IGEL services of the orthopedists had already cost quite a bit. They finally arrived a week later and I put them on straight away. My first thought was: uncomfortable and chafing on the upper arm, but close your eyes and go for it! After a few hours I noticed a slight improvement which has continued to this day (4 weeks later). I can now put my hands back to work, do my job as a nurse and chiropodist without any problems, no longer need any medication, can sleep at night again and my mood is back to pre-pain level! On a pain scale I would say from 10 unbearable before the bandage to a 3 with the bandage and I have hope that it will get better!!!

I will report back, but until then, thank you!!!

Daniel Latz

Daniel Latz via Facebook

I am sooo happy

April 14, 2017

Hello Mrs. Röder,

to say it directly after 3 months of wearing the cuff, I am sooo happy to be able to move my right arm again without pain and thank you. I have worn the cuff about 70% (honestly) of the possible time in the last 3 months. When swimming and when Ihad a polo shirt / t-shirton it wasn't with me. The size chart fits and skin compatibility of the leather is no problem at all for me and hopefully for all other users too. I got my arm problems from endless gardening and probably cutting trees and bushes with secateurs.

As described, the initially "harder" leather has become softer and more supple over time. If the cuff were to break, I would definitely buy it again and would also want to have it here for prophylactic reasons.

With all the positive points, I also have something to improve and hope the lines are not taken out by the editors. The buckle at the bottom of the forearm had damaged my sweater by long office computer work in the sweater fabric (by placing my arm on the desk) and I then attached a rubber protection to the buckle. I can send you a picture on request. Now it is fine. If the clasp was on top, there would be no chafe marks even if it was worn for a long time. But the healed arm is more important to me than any shirt or sweater and I can highly recommend this cuff.

Many thanks and best regards

Gunar T., Niederkrüchten

I am fully convinced that buying the Masalo support was the best decision for my health

March 30, 2017

Dear Mr. Röder,

After wearing the Masalo support for about 2 years, I can say that without it I could only play my two sports, table tennis and golf, with pain.

I am fully convinced that buying the Masalo support was the best and only right decision for my health.

I will soon beordering a second bandage tochange.

Thank you once again for this great invention.

Yours sincerely

K.-H. Schmid

Karl-Heinz Schmid, Sonthofen

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