
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

Surgery is postponed for now

July 6, 2017

Dear Masalo team, I would like to thank you very much for the extremely competent and friendly advice, especially thanks to Mr. Röder who makes everything possible so that you can use the cuff correctly.

I am self-employed and produce ice cream, which requires a lot of manual labor. I have been suffering from tennis elbow for almost 10 years. I've tried almost everything, stretching exercises, medication and other arm cuffs, but none of it has helped. The last thing I thought about was planning an operation for the winter, when I googled and found the Masalo cuff, which I ordered straight away.

I've been wearing them for a week now and I was pleasantly surprised that they immediately improved the strain on my arm, the pain was a lot less and in the evening the tingling in my fingers was completely gone.

I can only recommend the Masalo cuff!

The operation has been postponed for the time being, hopefully it will no longer be necessary thanks to the cuff.

Thanks again for the super nice advice

With kind regards from Gardelegen Axel Seifert:-) 🙂

Axel Seifert, Gardelegen

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Seifert, thank you very much for your feedback. Yes, yes, those stretching exercises... they can cause a lot of damage, but nobody tells you that. The phone rings every day: '...I stretched and now I can't move my arm any more...'. You really should be extremely careful with this, because by bending and stretching the wrist, you exert maximum tensile stress on the tendons, and the micro-tears there can tear open again each time and become worse. Would you try to repair a torn elastic band by pulling on it like crazy? Probably not... (Tennis or golfer's arm is certainly not a cramp, as the underlying theory of stretching says, is it?) 🙂 I recommend everyone to go to a physiotherapist, get a massage and learn how to use a fascia or hedgehog ball. Then massage your forearm muscles with it in the evening after work to relieve cramps and adhesions and ensure good blood circulation, which helps. Then, when you are feeling better, visit a chiropractor if possible, as the cervical vertebrae are often no longer straight due to prolonged postures. However, you also have a job that *promotes tennis arms*. The whisk is certainly a good breeding ground for this. I'm really pleased that you're feeling better and maybe I'll drop by for a homemade ice cream in the north when I get the chance 🙂 I wish you a continued good recovery and if anything should happen, you know how to contact me. Best regards Harry Röder

I was completely overwhelmed by the immediate effect

July 1, 2017

I was skeptical as to whether such a construction could really do any good and I also thought it was expensive. But then my wife bought it and now I had to use it for better or worse. Once I'd figured out how to put it on and adjusted everything, I was completely overwhelmed by the immediate effect. When I made the first arm movements, I felt pain relief and relaxation. When I turned my arm, the pain was gone. Thanks to the counterpull principle, I can now carry and do the same work as before.

I had previously used a neoprene cuff, which didn't help at all.

It should also be said that the leather is of the highest quality.

When I sent a request to Masalo, the response came by return of post, for which I would like to thank you once again.

Werner Stuth, State of Brandenburg

Unbelievable but true!

July 1, 2017


I had already resigned myself to the fact that I would have to live with tennis elbow.................and then something like this.........

I put the cuff on yesterday and it's hard to believe but true, the pain is simply gone.

There is certainly a lot that is said on the Internet by suppliers about their products, much of it is, as so often, hocus-pocus, but the Masalo cuff keeps what the supplier promises!


A short report on how to put it on and adjust it: it is important to proceed exactly as Fam Röder describes it very well, it really only takes 10 minutes, then it fits comfortably, you can then gradually pull the upper buckle a little tighter with your arm bent until you have the feeling that it fits perfectly.

I have a quick question for Mrs./Mr. Röder, there is a foam pad on the upper strap, which was supplied. I think that you can do without it later. Could you briefly tell me how long experience has shown that this padding should be worn.


Walter von Oepen

Walter von Oepen, Minden

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Mr. von Oepen, very nice, that's how it should be 🙂 The protection element is not fixed and is completely individual. We have customers who like to use this protection permanently and others who don't use it at all. Initially, I find this protection very useful and helpful, especially if, for example, the entire area around the elbow is very sensitive to touch due to inflammation or similar. You also need to wash the protection out by hand from time to time. This is a medical material and therefore a synthetic fiber. For this reason, odors can develop, for example, due to perspiration. Most athletes tear off the protection very quickly and prefer to use the support as it is, without padding. The leather will never smell unpleasant and copes particularly well with sweat. So, use the protection as you feel comfortable (you can leave it off as a test - but please also remove the hook and loop fastener..., a replacement is included - the leather adapts quickly and is then comfortable to wear). I would like to thank you in particular for pointing out that you simply have to take the time to put them on for the first time and read the documentation. We are really happy to provide support and help where necessary, but sometimes it is a bit annoying when customers are simply not prepared to read the instructions and tips, but just look at pictures. The Masalo cuff is really very effective, but only if you use it correctly... I wish you a good recovery and enjoy your pain-free weekend 😉 Best wishes Harry Röder

Super invention and incomprehensible that this cuff is not recommended by doctors

June 8, 2017

After I had massive pain for 3/4 of a year and cortisone, ultrasound treatment and two injections in the affected area as well as ointment compresses had not brought any improvement in my elbow, I came across the Masalo cuff again while searching the internet, read reports and ordered it last Wednesday.

Yesterday (within 2days) the cuff arrived and I put it on as instructed, a little unfamiliar and uncomfortable at first, although now with padding on the upper arm strap, I was skeptical at first and had to correct the setting about 5 - 6 times.

After some initial difficulties, the cuff fitted and the leather adapted better to my arm after a while. Yesterday evening I went to bed with the cuff on and this morning I was totally thrilled, no pain in my arm when I moved, so I was finally able to sleep through the night again.

Today I have already done a few things that would otherwise have caused me hellish pain, but were now bearable and after a period of rest even

disappeared completely!

After just one night and 1 1/2 days, I now have hope that I will eventually be completely pain-free in my elbow again.

For me it is a great invention and incomprehensible that this cuff is not recommended by doctors instead of carrying out endless treatments that bring no improvement.

Many thanks

Andrea Meierjohann via Facebook

Incredible improvements!

June 5, 2017


I unpacked the cuff today and for the first time in over a year I can move my arm almost pain-free again, sometimes with more and sometimes with less pain. I am completely thrilled. I was about to enquire about surgery options and thought to myself: "as a last resort, try this weird cuff fromthe internet, the 70€ won't matter anymore"

And after just 5 hours I notice incredible improvements. I am a hairdresser and was naturally afraid of an operation because a complication would mean I would be unable to work. So you can imagine how relieved I am now.

My wife says: "You're not getting into my bed with that ugly thing" but I guess she'll have to put up with it. At least I probably won't wake up in pain for the first time tonight.

I am very grateful to you!

Best regards

Michael Schwarz

Michael Schwarz, Munich

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