
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

The bandage is awesome

September 13, 2017

I was lucky and discovered the brace early on. Only 4 weeks with the usual epicondylitis brace, then quite simultaneously massages (transverse friction and Japanese rod massage) and the Masalo support. The former hurt like hell the first few times, but brought about immediate changes for the better. And the bandage is awesome, immediately after putting it on there was a clear improvement in all movements. The combination of the two seems ideal for me.

After around 2 weeks, gardening again for the first time, cutting, weeding, digging - hardly any pain and no deterioration. 2 days later, i.e. after less than 3 weeks, careful removal of the support. Computer work is possible again without it, with pads of course. If it gets uncomfortable, quickly put the bandage back on for 1-2 hours and everything is fine.

I also stretched, carefully and not too often (usually 2 sessions of 3*30 seconds a day and only to the extent that it didn't hurt). I don't think the comparison between tendons and elastic bands is entirely justified. There is, for example, the shortening of the Achilles tendon caused by permanently wearing high-heeled shoes, whereas rubber bands can only wear out. For me, stretching in moderation was pleasant and supportive. Exaggeration is certainly not a good thing, as with everything.

Irene D., Hamburg

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Irene, thank you very much for your report. Recently, most of the feedback has come by phone, perhaps because some people think we already have enough testimonials. But these are very valuable, especially yours, and there can't be too many :-). Yes, you are right, the comparison with rubber bands is not really one hundred percent correct, but it is still the case that the tendons are injured and you pull on them. As a general rule, you shouldn't pull or tear an injury. The Achilles tendon is a completely different matter. Tennis elbow or golfer's elbow has nothing to do with a shortened tendon. I advise people not to do stretching exercises, because you can seriously and permanently injure yourself. I just don't understand why this is allowed to be spread so easily on the internet and why even trained medical professionals advise it (but there are fewer and fewer of them!). In any case, you did it right and very carefully. But the question arises - does it really help? Once you have overcome tennis or golfer's elbow, you can gradually achieve a minimal lengthening of the tendons and train them by stretching consistently, but as I have already said, this is extremely dangerous because you overload the tendons and can very quickly get epicondylitis again (you have no idea how many phone calls I get where people tell me - I have stretched and now I am unable to move, or I've got golfer's elbow on top of tennis elbow)... It's a really big risk, it can go well, but it doesn't have to. In my personal opinion, the risk of a chronic injury in relation to any possible benefit is not acceptable. The support can usually manage this on its own. I also recommend a fascia ball or hedgehog ball. In the evening, use it to massage the forearm muscles for 5-10 minutes with light pressure, which loosens cramps and ensures good blood circulation, which in turn supports healing. Incidentally, you are the first of our tens of thousands of customers to have had positive experiences with stretching exercises. So far, there have only ever been bad consequences. So please take care of yourself. Anyone who has epicondylitis tends to get it again (all it takes is an unfortunate movement, you shouldn't provoke it), which is why many of our customers wear the support even after recovery as a preventative measure when doing heavy work or sport. It is always active people who get tennis elbow or golfer's elbow, so please be careful. I am extremely pleased that you are feeling better again 🙂 Best wishes to Hamburg Harry Röder

I can only recommend this cuff to everyone, success is guaranteed.

August 14, 2017

Dear Masalo company.

During a ski tour last winter, my ski binding came loose.

I fell as a result and suffered a tennis elbow.

I then underwent therapy but there was no improvement.

The doctor gave me a course of injections, which helped me for a few days, but later the pain came back.

I came across your address on the Internet by chance. I ordered a cuff from Masalo and then wore it.

After about a week, this sleeve completely eliminated the pain and I am now completely free of symptoms.

I would like to thank you for your valuable help.

I can only recommend this cuff to everyone, success is guaranteed.

Karl greets you from Ötztal-Tyrol.

Karl Falkner, Ötztal / Austria

Just wanted to tell you that its brilliant

August 11, 2017


Remember me buying a cuff from you in May?

Just wanted to tell you that its brilliant and I have had no pain since wearing it I hope you have lots of customers and that they find it as much a relief as I did.

Thank you


Lesley Harvey, Swindon / United Kingdom

Quality of life restored!

August 2, 2017

Hello dear Masalo team,

I bought the cuff almost a year ago. Before that, I had had pain in my elbow for years.

Shortly before the purchase, I went to the doctor again because the pain was unbearable and had to take Diclofenac for 14 days. I also had to wear the usual cuffs. After these 14 days, the pain waseven worse.

I started googling and came across your site. As I had nothing to lose and was prepared to do anything to get rid of the pain, I ordered your sleeve. It arrived three days later.

At that point, I honestly didn't believe that anything else could really help me.

I put the cuff on and despite the unfamiliar feeling and the initial stiffness of the leather, I immediately felt relief when I moved. I left it on at night, of course, and was completely surprised to wake up the next morning without any pain. For the first time in months, I didn't wake up several times due to the pain.

The pain wasn't completely gone straight away. But during the day 75% right away and at night 100% better.

For about 2 months, I have been almost always pain-free without a cuff. I have also been able to resume strength training. I am only reminded of my elbows in very few situations.

Thank you very much for your great product. It has restored my quality of life!

Doris W., Neuenstadt a.K.

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Doris W., thank you very much for your feedback. That was an exceptionally long way you had to go, so I assume you have golfer's elbow? Golfer's elbow can sometimes be extremely stubborn, whereas tennis elbow is usually overcome much more quickly (usually 6 - max. 12 weeks). But this is really different for everyone and also depends on your profession and sport, as well as the degree of the injury. Or have you done any stretching exercises? This also keeps epicondylitis alive for a long time and is unfortunately recommended somewhat prematurely and rashly (never stretch, otherwise it won't go away and will probably even get worse, nobody should pull on an injured tendon... or would you try to repair a torn rubber band by pulling on it extremely hard? Probably not...). If you want to relieve cramps (tennis or golfer's arm itself is NOT a cramp, as the theory of stretching says), which can be caused by postural rest, you should get yourself a hedgehog ball, fascia ball or similar and massage the entire forearm musculature with light pressure for 5-10 minutes in the evening when you are at rest (there are plenty of instructions on the internet, or ask your physiotherapist how). This relieves cramps and ensures good blood circulation and blood is important for healing... Then cool the elbow down moderately (do not place ice cubes or similar directly on it, please use a cooling pad) and use an ointment/cream of your choice. This will do you good and provide additional relief 🙂 In any case, I am very pleased that you can be active again and enjoy your life again. You should wear the support as a precaution, especially when doing sport. I always say: lazy people don't get tennis or golfer's elbow 🙂 This always affects active people and unfortunately it happens that those who have had it once tend to get epicondylitis again on the same or another arm. But now you know how to get rid of this nonsense 🙂 (if you get it again, put the bandage on straight away and it will soon be forgotten...). Best regards Harry Röder

I am so grateful

July 21, 2017

I developed tennis elbow whilst playing golf about 2 months ago and thought that my golf playing days for this summer were over. Whilst investigating this condition I came across the Masalo site and after reading the reviews thought that I would give this device a try despite it being fairly expensive. I received the cuff/clamp quite quickly with updates and information about it's delivery progress from the company and put it together using the instruction leaflet supplied. I was immediately pleasantly surprised by the effect that the cuff had on my symptoms. The pain was greatly reduced in everyday life situations and even more pleasing was that when I tried playing golf I also found that the pain from the tennis elbow had gone and the condition was not any more painful at the end of the round. I have now managed to get back to playing golf several times a week and the tennis elbow has almost completely disappeared. This is something that I never thought was going to be possible and I am so grateful to the Masalo cuff for this.

I am really glad that I decided to take a chance on the Masalo cuff and would recommend its use to anyone suffering from this condition if they want relief from it and a return to an active life.

Many thanks to Masalo.

Dave Forsyth

Dave Forsyth, Aboyne / United Kingdom

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