
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

Very good workmanship

December 17, 2017

The cuff has freed me from my "semi-depression".

Painful nights with too little sleep, not being able to do a lot of work during the day, plus the feeling of being out of therapy from an orthopaedic point of view... the dear reader knows what it's all about. I've had the brace since September and it has already done a lot of things thatwere not even remotely possible without it.The workmanship is very good, no eyelet is broken or even torn, which is nothing short of a miracle in my work, and the price (to talk about money in this context is in bad taste, but for the faint-hearted here...) is absolutely fine. Many thanks to Mr. Röder and his team

The world needs lateral thinkers

Reinckens Manfred, Eglfing

I am clearly convinced by this product

October 27, 2017

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Unfortunately, I am only now able to share my experience with your product - leather sleeve for "tennis elbow" - with you. (Purchase May 2016)

After some initial, unusual movement restrictions, I wore the sleeve for 14 days and didn't play tennis. After that, I started slowly again and the discomfort became less.

After about 8weeks I was pain-free and continued to wear the sleeve in competitions as a precaution.After a further 4 weeks, I only wore a support that enclosed the elbow joint - still only as a precaution. At the end of the season, I was also able to stop wearing this support.

I am clearly convinced by this product and wish you many more customers! Even if that sounds a bit nasty now...

Kind regards

Roland Döring

Roland Döring, Neuenhagen

My tennis elbow is as good as gone

October 5, 2017

Hello Mr. Röder,

After a short period of difficulty putting it on, I have been wearing the Masalo cuff constantly for about 2 weeks now and my tennis elbow is as good as gone. I played tennis for the first time yesterday and all my bones hurt today, except my arm.

It's good that you have now added the video with the creation to thepage. It really makes it a lot easier. But I've already done it before with your help on the phone.

Many thanks for everything

Roswitha Meis

Roswitha Meis, Filderstadt

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Meis, you wouldn't believe how good it feels to receive feedback from customers again and again. It builds you up and motivates you to keep going. Thank you very much for that. (I still get quite a few calls asking me "why isn't there anything negative about Masalo on the Internet?"... I understand that, if you try and treat for ages and nothing helps, you become skeptical. That's why these testimonials are so important). Yes, the video helps a lot. We've always managed it by phone and with pictures if it didn't work straight away, but only with customers who got in touch... I hope you continue to enjoy your tennis. Stay healthy 🙂 Best wishes Harry Röder

My doctor is also impressed

September 29, 2017

Hello Mr. Röder

We spoke on the phone a good week ago. Today I am almost completely recovered. If I make a fist and squeeze really hard, I still feel a little, but apart from that I've been able to leave the cuff off since yesterday and slept very well last night for the first time without a cuff. I think in afew days I won't feel a thing and yesterday I was able to train my back and biceps for the first time in 4 weeks.

I was sure that your principle would work and would not have bought the cuff otherwise, but it is really impressive to what extent exactly what you predicted has happened!

A friend of mine is a doctor, albeit an internist, but is also active in many different sports and, as president of a boxing club, also works as a wrestling doctor and triathlete. He is equally impressed and has thanked me for the useful information and will certainly recommend the cuff to others if he is approached by those affected.

Thank you very much and all the best and much success with your product. I will recommend you at every opportunity.

Timo Caroli

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Caroli, great, thank you very much for the report. Yes, I know, at first you don't believe that it actually works and then you might even be surprised that it does. I understand the skepticism 🙂 I'm very pleased that you can be active again. There's almost nothing worse you can do to an athlete than take them out of sport, it spoils their good mood... But it's getting better now 🙂 Incidentally, most athletes continue to use the Masalo sleeve as a preventative measure even after recovery and I've now learned that in the bodybuilding sector, many candidates use the support purely as a preventative measure in the pre-competition phase without any complaints (there are now studios where most people train with the Masalo sleeve). Especially in the phase before competitions, the tendons are particularly vulnerable due to diet etc. and nobody wants to have to give up shortly before the finish line after all the work because they can no longer lift a barbell. I wish you continued good recovery and maximum sporting success. Best regards Harry Röder

Highly recommended!!!

September 28, 2017

In addition to tennis elbow, I also had golf elbow.

No improvement in sight despite resting the arm.

I drew my GP's attention to this cuff that I had found on the Internet. The answer was quite plausible, try it out.

After buying it at the end of July, I approached the tennis thing very skeptically. It actually works. I play without pain. You do notice that you've done something to your elbow the day after, but it's not a problem. A day later I'm free of pain again.

I use the cuff purely as a sports cuff for playing tennis.

Highly recommended!!!

Klaus Knoche, Arnsberg

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