
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

Lightning delivery

March 11, 2018

Greetings ,

Many thanks for your cuff .

After two weeks of severe pain, which I suffered while working as a mechanic (forging with a 5 kg sledgehammer), I was finally free of pain again. Just hours after the very strict application of the Masalo cuff! Unbelievable ! I found out about Masalo by searching the Internet. Friends, colleagues and doctorspredicted months of pain and therapy. As I am a skeptical person, I didn't believe anything straight away and looked for solutions for my torn tendons. After a long, very positive phone call with Mr. Röder, I ordered the Masalo. It was delivered in a flash the very next day.

I can't understand why not every doctor and craftsman knows the device.

My large circle of acquaintances will learn about the wonder weapon and be able to benefit from it.

Poor German conventional medicine that closes its eyes to such unique inventions. Drugs from the pharmaceutical industry and operations are paid for, but I have to buy a leather cuff myself. ( but gladly ) .

Best and painless regards to Mr. Röder .

Fritz Hargesheimer

Upper Bavaria

Fritz Hargesheimer, Sinning

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Hargesheimer, unfortunately I'm only able to reply to you today. Thank you very much for your report. Yes, it is often the case that some people spend an unnecessarily long time dealing with tennis elbow because the Masalo cuff is not adjusted tightly enough at the beginning. You have to feel your way around. It's better to tighten it a little at first and then loosen it step by step so that you can manage your everyday life well. Your report reads very well and I assume that you will soon have your tennis elbow completely under control. All our customers are active people and therefore a little impatient (lazy people who just lie on the sofa don't get tennis elbow :-)). so please be patient. You have an extreme workload and therefore it may take some time until you are completely healthy again. If anything happens, please let me know at any time. I sincerely wish you a speedy recovery. Kind regards Harry Röder

Has changed my life

March 6, 2018

My name is Dirk, I'm 47 years old and I work in IT, so I spend all day at the computer. I injured my right arm (tennis elbow) in the gym while lifting weights.

After several visits to the doctor and treatments of all kinds, which were unfortunately unsuccessful, I

Idiscovered the Masalo cuff at the end of November 2017and ordered it after a little skepticism. The cost initially held me back a little. "And this is supposed to help..." I thought to myself. But I was desperate and wanted to get rid of the pain. I had already tried so much through doctors, so what the hell.... ordered the cuff and it arrived in no time at all. After some initial difficulties on my part in adjusting the cuff, it fitted wonderfully with the great support of Mr. Röder (who developed the cuff). I first had to get used to the fact that I was now carrying something strange around on my arm day and night, but people are creatures of habit. Now it was time to wear the cuff permanently. I did, and I have to honestly admit that I was initially disappointed that after 4 weeks there was still no real relief. It has to be said that, as I mentioned earlier, I had injured myself lifting dumbbells and this injury was probably more serious than I thought. Long story short. I just kept wearing the sleeve and what can I say. After about 6 weeks, the pain gradually subsided and I was even able to resume my training program. I also wear the cuff during training for exercises that put strain on the injured tendon. For other exercises, I simply remove the strap that goes over my elbow and leave the cuff dangling from my wrist. This might be interesting for others who also like to lift a few weights in the gym and have concerns. Now, after about 4 months, I'm almost completely pain-free and it's getting better every day. So my absolute recommendation to anyone who wants to finally get rid of their pain. Get the sleeve, be patient and it will help you. My really "HUGE" thanks go to Mr. Röder who developed this really great cuff. I thought I would never get rid of the pain, but with this great invention he has changed my life and for that I am more than grateful from the bottom of my heart.

Greetings Dirk

Dirk Graupe via Facebook

The cuff is a miracle cure

March 3, 2018

I have been undergoing possible therapies for two years. Even in a university clinic, the head physician recommended surgery. I have been wearing the cuff for a week now. I have less pain. My everyday life has become much easier. The cuff is a miracle cure. I would like to pass on this successful result, highly recommended. In any case, experienced people should continue to report. Thank you Masalo!

Guenay Sakar, Moers

Tennis safety

February 27, 2018

My experience with the Masalo cuff has been good so far. Of course, the cuff cannot prevent the elbow from twisting (e.g. if you don't hit the ball in the middle of the tennis racket). What is good for me is that I no longer overstretch my arm. Wearing the cuff gives me confidence when playing.

Greetings from Franz-H. Scheffer 🙂

Franz-Hermann Scheffer, Liederbach im Taunus

Helped heal my tendonitis when nothing else worked.

February 16, 2018


I hurt my right elbow with a petrol 4-1 combi system for the garden.

After about 1 week 4hrs every day i noticed pain all around my right elbow.

I struggled to tie my shoes or lift a kettle. I had no strength in my right arm or hand. It got worse over theweeks that followed.

My GP diagnosed tendonitis due to over use.

I found the masalo brace quite by chance. Reading the reviews all seemed positive so I ordered.

Over the last year my strength has come back and it is very nearly all healed.

I can drive my motorcycle again. Lift a kettle and tie shoes etc with out much issue.

I would highly recommend the masalo brace its made a huge difference and helped heal my tendonitis when nothing else worked.

I tried a small electronic tens type machine but was no use.

Really delighted this has worked and customer service is excellent.

Ivind in Dundee Scotland

Ivind Thoresen, Dundee / Scotland

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