
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

Takes some getting used to but effective

June 15, 2018

My tennis elbow was so bad that I couldn't even unscrew a water bottle, and the orthopaedist said that only an operation would help, anything else would be pointless.

I then searched the Internet and came across this cuff. I have been wearing the cuff for eight days now during all physical activity and thepain is getting less every day. Unfortunately, the leather has not yet softened, so the cuff still feels like armor. But that's really the only flaw and maybe it will improve.

Michael Liebold, Nordwestuckermark

Miracle cure, without words

May 28, 2018

Can't describe it in words and yet it works. I am patient and impatient at the same time. First of all about myself. I am 48 years old (female) and work in nursing. Of course, housework is also normal. I don't play tennis and have less to do with my arms due to sport. I am only a runner and also enjoy swimming. Around the beginning of March I had pain in my right forearm. It felt like sore muscles. I thought to myself....naja, too much housekeeping and too much strain. I didn't think about it at first. It always depends on the situation! Towards the pain, I couldn't even open a bottle. I switched to my left hand! I thought to myself, it can't be that. I went straight to the orthopaedist out of necessity. He had done an x-ray! He then explained everything to me very well; I still wasn't sure about the diagnosis. An injection (a little cortisone, of course, was necessary) and Diclofenac reduced the pain, at least for 24 hours. Of course there was also a prescribed bandage. But you shouldn't wear it at night. I would have preferred that. Because I kept waking up at night from the pain. I put a pillow underneath. Then it worked! When I look at other people's forums, it really scares me, as I've only been dealing with this myself since the beginning of April. I searched the internet and came across masalo. Maybe it was luck, as I didn't want to get involved with pain medication. I even came across globulis, which I thought helped a little. But I thought I'd better get a second opinion. I did so through Mr. Röder (inventor of this manchette). It was a mistake.... The second orthopaedist wanted me to pay €100 in advance for the confirmation and treatment. I thought to myself, not with me. I was already sure enough that shock waves and other measures would not apply to me. I went to the masalo website again and again. I tried to understand and even out of desperation studied the arm muscles and tendons in my mind. I spoke to Mr. Röder himself for a long time and at length. Then the decision was made for me. I happily received the cuff last Friday. I was on late shift! I left everything at home to get to grips with it. A bit unusual at first, I left it on for the first night. That was a mistake. I overdid it. After 24 hours there was an improvement at night. The arm and skin have to get used to it first. The warm weather can change your attitude (especially in the heat). Everyone has to decide for themselves. Nevertheless, I could already feel a noticeable improvement in my mobility on the first day with the cuff. It was and is a pleasant pain. You can and should also do the tendon and hand stretching exercises. The best thing for me at the moment is to have my arm bent and to be able to write without feeling any pain in the truest sense of the word. As I said, you can feel it when you stretch and it gets your energy flowing. But pleasant! Simply vary the setting of the cuff. I'm still practising myself. The inventor of the decade was born through Röder. I'm happy to help wherever I can. That was my preliminary information to encourage everyone else. It is now my new beginning. LG Simone from Rodgau PS: I may have forgotten to write a lot more. Enough for now!

Simone Laux, Rodgau

Not a "fake"! Really helps!

May 2, 2018

For about a year now I've been suffering from pain in my right arm, a tennis elbow. as I'm a nurse, I have to be able to access it every day. had already tried various models of cuffs and physiotherapy. but nothing took away the pain and I was already a little desperate. then I saw the program "Einfach genial" on MDR. you're always a little sceptical at first, but if you don't try it, you don't know if it works. after reading the testimonials, it was clear that the cuff would be ordered! At work I was a bit ridiculed at first, sado maso etc.;-) But no matter, I realized on the first day with the cuff that it could do something.lifting and gripping worked better and my fingers no longer snapped.simply brilliant!!!!

Now after about 3-4 weeks of wearing it I have to say that the pain is almost gone and I only wear the cuff for safety at work and in the garden.

I would like to thank the inventor most sincerely.finally quality of life again.good that there are such people.and I hope that our rich health insurance companies will rethink and finance the cuff!

It's not a "FAKE"!!! It really helps!!!

Ralph Scherzer, Schöneck

12 out of 10 points

April 21, 2018

As there have already been extensive reports here, there is only one thing left for me to say: I give the cuff 12 (!) out of 10 points 😀

It's just incomprehensible why such an effective tool is not subsidized by health insurance companies. I wish the decision-makers there all the pain and restrictions that come with tennis elbow:-|

Many thanks to thewhole team!

Holger Reinelt

The pain is gone

April 19, 2018

Thank you !

I have had tennis and golfer's elbow on my right side since the beginning of the year. I have worn the cuff day and night since the beginning of March. Now I have been able to take it off. The pain is gone.

Wearing the cuff didn't bother me at all. On the contrary. The cuff somehow made my arm feel comfortable.

It's a shame that effective help isnot available on prescription. But the investment was worth it. I will definitely recommend the cuff to others.

Annette Kempf, Rechlin

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