
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

Mouse arm, can work again.

July 17, 2018

I've had mouse arm for months. My boss was already satisfied when I was on sick leave for 10 days. Unfortunately, the sick leave didn't help at all because it got worse afterwards. My orthopaedist recommended the usual useless therapies. So I did my own research and tried the Masalo cuff.

I had a few problems at the beginning because the leatherwas still hard and I didn't know how tight to wear them. In any case, I have to wear it tighter than shown in the films so that I can't stretch my arm fully or feel a strong counter-pull when stretching and then it really works. It's painless to work with. Especially when using the mouse, the tension must be adjusted so that you no longer feel the pain. So far so good.

Apart from that, however, I have not yet achieved any real healing without a cuff. Actually, that's what I was hoping for after all the testimonials. I've been wearing the cuff for a month and have got used to it well, but as soon as I take it off the pain is back.

So I live in the hope that one day I will be able to live without a cuff again.

Incidentally, I am the guinea pig in my office because I have a few colleagues who are struggling with this.


Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Marina, thank you very much for your detailed report, which I would like to reply to. You have had the sleeve for almost 4 weeks now and have a job that really puts a lot of strain on the tendons (once you have mouse arm, tennis elbow or golfer's elbow). You are on the right track and have not only understood the active principle but have used it in exactly the right way for yourself. I don't know your profession, but it seems that you really work a lot with the mouse (we have radiologists as customers, for example, who also needed a good 4 months or more before they were able to work again without the Masalo cuff). If you also buy a stabilizer for the wrist (available for little money on Ebay and in medical supply stores), it will go faster. You need to know that the main strain on the tendons affected by mouse elbow (which is also tennis elbow) is caused by movements of the wrist and fingers. That's why I strongly advise against stretching exercises for acute epicondylitis. This can cause the micro-tears to reopen again and again and dramatically worsen the problem. I am not a doctor, you know that. My comments here only reflect my personal experience and opinion and are in no way a substitute for medical advice. Just for the sake of good order. Do you already have an ergonomic mouse and keyboard? I strongly recommend that you do. You should also buy a hedgehog ball (on Ebay for as little as 6 euros in a double pack). Then use it several times a week in the evening to massage the entire forearm muscles of the affected arm for about 10-15 minutes, applying light pressure. Many people find it pleasant to apply a quark pack afterwards (take the quark cold from the fridge and apply to the elbow, place a cloth over it until the quark is warm again, then wash it off again) and then apply a good anti-inflammatory ointment of your choice. This alone will not make your arm healthy, but it will support the healing process. Yes, the testimonials... You read that and think, "Wow, put a bandage on and then you're healthy." But if you browse through the reports in more detail, you'll find that it usually heals in the end (with 2 exceptions I know of, a 74-year-old lady with 21 years of tennis elbow and a handyman over 80), but it takes time. I always say that as long as it took until it was really there, it will take as long until it is gone again. Many people who treat it in time are over it in 4-6 weeks. For most people, however, it takes a good 3-4 months before they can go about their daily lives without any pain and without a brace. Unfortunately, we tennis elbow and golfer's elbow sufferers are all quite similar, because lazy people don't get them. We are therefore automatically impatient. But you need patience. The Masalo sleeve is not intended to be a prosthesis, but to help your tendons to heal again (even if many athletes continue to use the sleeve purely prophylactically during sport after recovery). Please keep a close eye on your tennis elbow and if you notice that inflammation is present or recurs, please see a doctor immediately. Inflammation can be treated well and this is always the "second problem" with epicondylitis (the inflammation usually disappears when the tendon starts to heal, but it can also be persistent in some cases). You should definitely avoid inflammation spreading from the upper arm to the shoulder, as this can lead to bursitis and other nonsensical complaints. Otherwise, I think you are on the right track, it just takes time. At the moment you are already a good deal further on and can at least work pain-free with the support, so you can see that it is working 🙂 I wish you continued good recovery from the bottom of my heart. Please contact me if you have any questions. Best regards Harry Röder

Fast healing

July 16, 2018

I was at home for 5 months because of a right tennis elbow. nothing helped, no injections, no electrotherapy, no KG, no osteopathy, no ointment. only when I got this cuff from Masalo did I realize after just one week that it was extremely improved and was able to resume my job at Kaufland, with success!

The next time you have tennis elbow, go straight to my Masalo anddon't wait any more pointless months.

Sascha Lerner, Hermeskeil

Simply top

July 15, 2018

I have hardly slept through the night in the last few months without pain. During the day only problems with the smallest activities at home. Injections, braces, nothing has helped. I'm a passionate table tennis player, I like to do handicrafts and work. I got the cuff 5 days ago. I put it on immediately ..... Then the unbelievable thing happened: I slept through the first night and all the following nights, and today I even went to table tennis training and was thrilled that everything went really well.

Tanja Könen, Wittlich

Super great thing!

July 12, 2018

Super great thing, I got the cuff and put it on straight away, after a very short time I noticed (and without painkillers) how the pain subsided!

I can only recommend the cuff!

Heiko Dittrich via Facebook

The cuff really helps

July 12, 2018

The cuff really helps.

I have had huge problems with my tennis elbow for over a year. I have been wearing the sleeve for about 1 1/2 weeks now. It really helps. I have more strength in my arm again and my beloved strength training (with the cuff) is starting to be fun again. It takes some getting used to at first...but that soonpasses. The arm feels more stable overall. Thank you for this invention... because nothing else has helped. (...and I really have been through it all!)

Bernd Purgstaller via Facebook

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