
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

Amazing, so great. THANKS to the inventor

October 9, 2022

I have had problems with my right elbow for a year. X-ray brought no result. As a result, my arm was put in plaster and I had to take strong painkillers for 4 weeks, which didn't help.

My orthopaedist gave me two injections two weeks apart. The success did not last long. I was then given X-ray irradiation.That didn't really help either.I was also prescribed a bandage and a brace.

Neither helped as I only ever felt pain in my elbow. Gripping or lifting something was only ever possible with pain.

I then had the Masalo cuff prescribed. What can I say... I've been wearing it for four days now. My pain has disappeared and I could even play tennis without any problems. There is still a slight pull from time to time, but in the short time I have been wearing it, it has been such a success,

I am super enthusiastic and can only thank the inventor of this cuff...

Thank you very much!!!

Sabine Sieding

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mrs. Sieding, thank you very much for your feedback. You seem to have done everything right, as this is exactly how the cuff should work when it is put on correctly. If you now wear your cuff consistently and don't take it off too soon, you should soon be able to forget about your tennis elbow. However, you will need a little patience until it is completely healed. I wish you continued good recovery and lots of fun playing tennis. Best regards Harry Röder

Thank you!

September 11, 2022

For the fourth year in a row, I now have both tennis and golf elbow in the summer due to my job.

Being self-employed as a farrier means I can't afford to rest to let it heal and my arm is under a lot of strain every day. I haven't felt any improvement from any therapy so far, so I haven't even gone to thedoctor.

I put the cuff on and after 5 minutes I felt the first improvement. I wore it at night and was able to sleep again for the first time in weeks! I can only thank the inventor of this cuff!

I am more than thrilled and above all very relieved that I have finally found an aid that helps me and does not cause me any additional pain.

Saskia Huwig

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mrs. Huwig, thank you very much for your lovely feedback. Such news motivates us again and again ?we know from our own experience what it means to be able to sleep and work again without this permanent and extreme pain. We have quite a few farriers among our customers; in this profession, tennis elbow or golfer's elbow is almost unavoidable sooner or later. Please wear the bandage consistently, even if you notice that it is already much better, and wear it until you can do everything completely pain-free with and without the bandage. Many users remove the support too soon and then everything can start all over again, so please avoid this. Ideally, you should also wear the support at work after healing as a precaution. Please also read our tips on dealing with epicondylitis. We wish you continued good recovery. Kind regards Harry Röder

The first cuff/bandage that provides relief

September 6, 2022

I have had tennis elbow for almost 1 year now. Anyone who has had this knows the pain and problems I can't get a grip on, etc

Several bandages from the orthopaedist, painkillers and cortisone did not help.

The bandage was recommended by my sister, which first brought her relief and then freedom from pain.

I've been using the cuff for 3 weeks now and it'sincredible. I can grip without much pain. This is not possible without a bandage.

I hope that I will also be pain-free in some time.

Kerstin Peschel

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Ms. Peschel, thank you very much for your feedback. Reports of all kinds are very important for us and the people who read them. It reads as if you are on the right track. Nevertheless, I would ask you to send us 2 or 3 pictures of your arm with the brace on and perhaps write a few more lines about your medical history and what else you have done and tried and what additional therapies you are currently doing or (having done, only if you like). Please write to support@masalo.ch. We can certainly give you a few helpful tips and perhaps even optimize the fit of the cuff so that you can overcome your epicondylitis more quickly. In any case, you should be free of pain in the short term with the support in place. However, it may take some time before tennis elbow or golfer's elbow is completely healed and you can do everything pain-free again with or without the Masalo sleeve. At least 6 weeks, more likely 3 months and with golfer's elbow it can also take 6 months until you can take off the support and are also pain-free without it. As soon as you are pain-free with and without the brace, I still recommend that you put the brace on as a precaution whenever you have to put a lot of strain on it. Otherwise, put it on straight away if you notice that the problem wants to come back. But I am sure that you will also overcome the epicondylitis. I wish you a speedy recovery. Kind regards Harry Röder

Immediate relief

August 24, 2022

I have had tennis elbow since around May 2022. Initially ignored and dismissed as a trifle, my symptoms worsened and normal movement was barely possible.

At first I used physiotape to help myself, which also helped, but these tapes don't last very long.

The day before yesterday I looked for bandages and looked at various types and brands.

As a nurse, I have a certain background of knowledge and would like to say a huge thank you to the inventor of the masalo cuff for his cleverness and understanding in inventing and offering a practical bandage.

The Masalo cuff arrived today and I used it straight away. It fits perfectly and directs the forces past the painful area.

The promised pain relief set in after 10 minutes. Perfect ? Wearing the cuff is still unusual at first, but I will soon get used to it.

Thank you for this great, useful and helpful cuff.

Gunnar Luther

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Luther, thank you very much for your feedback. That's exactly how it should be, you really have to feel the relief immediately. If it is tennis elbow, the function test must also work. Feel free to experiment a little with the settings and, if you like, send us a few cell phone photos, perhaps we can give you some additional tips and optimize everything a little. For your work as a nurse, I recommend that you tighten the support a little more during work (at least when you are working hard). But in such a way that blood circulation is always guaranteed when bending and moving. If everything goes normally, you should be able to work without pain, or at least without major pain, and the epicondylitis should heal in a few weeks. (However, this can also take 3 months or longer in some cases) If there is anything else we can do to support you, please contact us. We wish you a speedy recovery. Kind regards Harry Röder

Honestly - this is incredible, helps immediately

August 2, 2022

Hello and good day Mr. Harry Röder,

Now that a few months have passed in which I have worn the two Masaloman cuffs regularly - even at night - I would like to describe my experiences. What I am writing to you sounds almost unbelievable and when I say this on the review portal, people say"that's fake". But it's not. Everything is true as I will now write it down.

After an odyssey of almost 3 months, I finally got the two machines and as soon as I put them on, I felt an improvement within a few minutes. I was able to do a lot of things again, for example lift a 1.5 liter water bottle without pain. Even drinking a cup of coffee was only possible again because of the rotation of the wrist.

I didn't go easy on myself, in fact the opposite was the case. I carried 10-liter cleaning buckets, carried a 20-liter petrol can and washed my SUV, which is quite high, several times. Vacuuming the apartment, cleaning the stairs and windows was no problem as long as I wore the cuffs.

When I got careless and thought I could do without cuffs, the punishment followed on the heels. So I carried on as before. And then it really started.

We had our garden redesigned, but we still needed to finish off with a border in the ground. I had already planned everything last year and there were already 25 one-meter-long granite edging stones weighing around 30 kilos ready and waiting to be installed. With the cuffs, it was no problem at all to excavate the site and to simply burn, align and dig in the kerbstones by hand without any tools. The job took several days. But it was completely painless.

After this construction site was completed, I had a few weeks of peace and quiet before the next project came along. Our heating was switched from oil to gas and we now had the basement where the oil tanks were. I flooded the whole area, had to carry 40 kilo sacks, move heavy packages of tiles, paint and plaster everything. Then I had to put up shelves and put everything away.

I was busy for a whole week and made the mistake of doing without the cuffs towards the end. The receipt came promptly. I had the usual pain again. I immediately wore both cuffs again for a few days and have now been pain-free for over 3 weeks and am currently not wearing them.

Mr. Röder, I would like to thank you once again for your help and good advice. Without your invention, I would be nowhere near where I am today. If you would like to publish my report, please allow me to give you my full name. However, as I mentioned at the beginning, I don't think anyone who doesn't know me personally will believe my story.

Best regards from Voerde

Yours, Dieter Banaszak

Dieter Banaszak

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Banaszak, thank you very much for the report. It's great, it's the same for most users. I always say that those who are lazy don't get tennis elbow and those who do always have a lot to do ? But I'm posting the report, it doesn't matter if someone thinks it's "faked". Anyone who buys the cuff and puts it on correctly will realize that it's true ? I wish you all the best and stay healthy (although you should wear the bandages as a precaution if you are going to be under extreme strain, it's better than getting pain again afterwards). Best regards Harry Röder

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