
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

Enormous relief after just 8 weeks

August 2, 2018

Not only does the principle of action make sense, but after about 8 weeks I am virtually pain-free. I now only wear the support occasionally and purely as a prophylactic measure.

Many thanks for this bandage and the brainpower you have invested - very good ????

Judge Ralf, Giessen

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Richter, thank you very much for your report. You are doing the right thing, but please make sure that it has really healed completely, otherwise it will take an unnecessarily long time. If you notice that something is still there, just wear it for another week. Best regards Harry Röder

Pros and cons of a great invention

July 30, 2018

I also bought this cuff a good month ago and after a long email exchange with the really very friendly Mr. Röder, I was able to get the cuff adjusted to some extent. Here comes the biggest problem for me, I never really found the perfect setting, the cuff was really very uncomfortable and was so tight on me (otherwise it kept slipping off my upper arm) that I got abrasions on my upper arm. The cuff was also unusable for strength training and I still don't understand how to train with it and I tried every setting.

But now to the positive: The cuff was my last hope for improvement and I really tried everything medically possible in this area beforehand. I then wore the cuff for 2 weeks with a little more or less pain and as Mr. Röder told me "NO MORE PAIN" my pain actually got better from day to day and currently the pain has almost disappeared. I can really only recommend the cuff to everyone Try it out. I hope Mr. Röder you don't take it amiss that I have to deduct 1 star because of the fit, otherwise thanks to you my pain is finally gone and I can train again.


V. Haubrichs, Müsntermaifeld

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Haubrichs, I will never hold it against anyone to honestly report their experiences, that would be terrible 🙂 The support still has potential for optimization, without a doubt, that's why the textile will come in a few months (it doesn't rub anymore...) However, something is wrong with you. We have so many strength athletes and body builders who all train with the support and none of them have skin abrasions. In your case, it was simply the protective element that was incorrectly positioned. This must be attached to the upper arm strap so that it is flush with the upper edge of the strap. Otherwise - as in your case - the belt cannot rest on the padding but comes into contact with the skin. This can lead to irritation if a lot of force is applied, as is the case with sports. It's all good. You're feeling better, that's the most important thing. I wish you continued good recovery and try to attach the protection correctly (several pieces of Velcro are included, otherwise you will get a new one). Best regards Harry Röder

The doctor said: "It's no good, but

July 20, 2018

...he was wrong. What really helped was putting the cuff on every day. At the end of February 2018, the pain was so bad that I hoped it would help, which it did. Now, in summer, I no longer wear a cuff at my part-time job. Four weeks ago, I stopped wearing one because I no longer thought about being in pain and it worked. Hard to believe, because my family doctor is skeptical and of course what he prescribed should be followed, in this case I had to disagree and I only found help in this cuff. I already saw surgery ahead of me and as a real remedy for tennis elbow; think again!!!

I can recommend the cuff without reservation, because I was rather convinced of the operation, but I was taught a better lesson. It helped. Thank you for this idea of help.

Hans Werner Jung, 35510 Butzbach

Does work - but only acutely for me

July 19, 2018

Tennis elbow since 01/18. I wore the cuff day and night for a good 2 months. It was ok with the cuff, but not pain-free either. As soon as I took it off (even after 2 months) the entire problem returned. Two weeks ago I started to completely change the therapy: several minutes of training with the Gyrotwister several times a day and........... massive stretching exercises. I know people here warn against stretching exercises, but I noticed a clear improvement after just a few days. I'm still not completely free of pain, but I could even live with the current "residual pain". But it's still getting better almost every day. So what - everyone has to find the therapy that helps them.....

Oliver Janko, Petershagen

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Mr. Janko, everyone should be able to report on their experiences here, without censorship. I have to be honest, I'm quite happy to get a 3-star rating, because many people often regard all the 5-star ratings here as fake, but the reports are all genuine and verifiable, and there are another 350 or so on eBay and plenty on Facebook. The whole internet is full of positive reports... actually unbelievable . You received the bandage from us at the end of April 2018 and we have also had email correspondence. All of us who have been or are affected by epicondylitis are similar people. We are active and also all impatient. You have my full understanding. It's annoying when it just won't heal quickly enough. However, if you like, you should read the testimonials here in more detail. There are many customers who have healed after 4-6 weeks. However, they all reacted very quickly after the onset of tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and used the sleeve permanently. They did this for a while, but you simply can't expect epicondylitis to heal after 2 months, you have to allow for 3-5 months, as do many of our customers. We don't always go to the doctor straight away when we feel a pinch and only when we can't go any further. But tennis elbow already exists weeks or months beforehand, it almost always comes on slowly... What you write doesn't really make sense to me with classic tennis or golfer's elbow. The cuff has enabled you to cope with everyday life normally, so it has had a positive effect (even if you still had pain after 2 months AFTER putting it down and when straining without the support on). The Masalo sleeve works against the tensile forces, pulling the tissue, tendons etc. towards the elbow where the tendons are located. It pulls the tissue, tendons etc. towards the elbow where the tendon insertions are and relieves them. In your case, this meant that it was "OK so far", i.e. the pain was relieved. Now you exert the most extreme loads on the tendons and pull them back in the other direction with a Gyrotwister and stretching exercises with maximum force - and it gets better... (Apart from stretching exercises, one of the worst things you can do with tennis elbow is work with a screwdriver, which is why many people get tennis elbow). I can't really understand your description, but medicine doesn't have to be logical and is always individual. Perhaps you really only have cramps, which are normally best massaged and thus eliminated. I don't understand why both the pulling force against the load - i.e. in the direction of the elbow and tendons through the Masalo cuff - and now a pulling force in the other direction work. You can of course do these stretching exercises, it's up to you. But you should be aware that the main strain on the tendons is generated by precisely these movements (movements of the hand, wrist and fingers). You are now pulling with maximum force on the injured tendons (if there is an injury). In your own interest, I would ask you to be careful with this, I have had so many customer contacts in similar situations where these people have stretched themselves to the point of being unable to move and - because you stretch in both directions - have also developed golfer's elbow and tennis elbow. Please be careful. Your story is certainly interesting for many people, but for me it is incomprehensible. Did I understand you correctly that you no longer use our brace? I would ask you to contact me again in about 3 months, I am really interested to see how it turns out. If it doesn't heal, simply use the support again, as you now know that it helps. However, you may make it worse at first and then start all over again, or maybe it will be fine for some reason. I look forward to your feedback and wish you a speedy recovery. I am always happy to answer any questions you may have. Best regards Harry Röder

I was very skeptical ????

July 19, 2018

I never actually write testimonials, but I have to do it here, just to say: I am more than thrilled. I could hardly move my arm after 5 months of severe pain. My orthopaedist told me he could prescribe all sorts of things, but nothing would help. I should just not do what hurts. I was extremely unhappy with this, as I was now also having severe back problems due to my posture. Then I came across this page while browsing the internet. I watched the video. As I am a craftswoman myself, the technique made sense to me. But I still wasn't convinced.... I tried it out with a cloth that I put around my arm in a similar way to the bandage and realized how comfortable it was. I was determined to order it. It arrived very quickly. It was a little stiff at first, but immediately gave me a pleasant, comfortable feeling in my arm. Of course it doesn't take 5 minutes to heal, you have to wear it to get a result. It helped me a lot, especially at night. It was worst in the morning. Now, after several weeks of wearing it, I only have the slightest problems with a few movements, but I can still get them under control with the Masalo 😉 Thank you very much for not keeping your idea to yourself and thus relieving many people of their suffering! Thank you very much

Yvonne Beeck , Lübeck

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