
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

Only this cuff really helps.

August 19, 2018

After I was diagnosed with tennis elbow, I tried various supports and therapies (physiotherapy). None of them even came close to relieving the pain. Bowling, fitness, lifting my son up on my shoulders - none of this was possible for me. With the cuff, I can be active again. After just under a week, I hardly have any pain at all. The cuff is actually very uncomfortable for the first few days. However, if you go all the way through this period, it becomes more and more comfortable and supple. Depending on the load, I also vary the tension setting, which can be done within seconds. A great product. Unfortunately, my health insurance company (Heilfürsorge Niedersachsen) has refused to cover the costs. I would like to be informed as soon as the washable version is available ????

Tim Rupprecht, Osnabrück

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Rupprecht, first of all thank you for your report 🙂 I would perhaps like to speak to the cashier again, did you proceed exactly as explained under "Questions & Answers" on our website? Here is the link again: https://www.masalo.ch/faq-masalo-manschette/ (Last point, because we have quite few rejections now.)... I would like to ask you to subscribe to our newsletter at https://www.masalo.ch/shop/newsletter.php Since the new data protection regulation, which I personally consider to be the greatest nonsense (you automatically click on "I agree to everything" when you visit websites, who has the time and energy to set this up accordingly everywhere, so the data is much less protected and the crowning glory is that you are virtually no longer allowed to accept telephone orders, as you do not receive a legally secure declaration of consent to record and process them... just unbelievable nonsense), you are no longer allowed to contact anyone. All subscribers to the newsletter will receive a very generous discount and the new cuff even before the actual market launch. You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time, but you will notice that we do not send annoying emails all the time, but only when there is something new about epicondylitis or we really have something to report (we have only sent one such newsletter since 2012). These newsletters in general are quite annoying 🙂 Please wear the sleeve until it has really healed completely, otherwise you are inviting the tennis elbow to stay for an unnecessarily long time... I wish you continued good recovery. Kind regards Harry Röder

Tennis elbow - on the road to success with the sleeve

August 15, 2018

I was very happy when I got the cuff, I felt an immediate improvement, but I was a bit depressed on the second day. The leather was stubborn and took a lot of getting used to.

I then stuck Leukoplast to the rivets and overlapping parts of the cuff and applied plaster to the skin in particularly sensitive areas. Thathelped a lot. I went all the way and the wearing comfort got better every day.

As advised, I wore them day and night for the first 2 weeks, then only during the day for about 7 weeks. Now I only wear them when I'm under extreme pressure and always to work.

However, I have currently experienced an extreme improvement and think that I will soon be able to do without it completely.

Thank you for this great product.

No doctor was able to help and it was a long road, but hopefully it will soon be over thanks to the cuff.

Thank you

Sandra Rieger, Ketsch

Tennis elbow - on the road to success with the sleeve

August 15, 2018

I was very happy when I got the cuff, I felt an immediate improvement, but I was a bit depressed on the second day. The leather was stubborn and took a lot of getting used to.

I then stuck Leukoplast to the rivets and overlapping parts of the cuff and applied plaster to the skin in particularly sensitive areas. Thathelped a lot. I went all the way and the wearing comfort got better every day.

As advised, I wore them day and night for the first 2 weeks, then only during the day for about 7 weeks. Now I only wear them when I'm under extreme pressure and always to work.

However, I have currently experienced an extreme improvement and think that I will soon be able to do without it completely.

Thank you for this great product.

No doctor was able to help and it was a long road, but hopefully it will soon be over thanks to the cuff.

Thank you

Sandra Rieger, Ketsch

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Rieger, thank you very much for your report. Yes, you can only succeed if you go through with the cuff and want to get out. If you take the bandage off too early or are bothered by the fact that it can be a little uncomfortable at first, it obviously won't work either 🙂 It sounds like you've almost made it. In any case, I recommend that you wear the sleeve for another week or two until it has really healed completely. You are probably back at the stage where it started and you should wear the sleeve until the tennis elbow (or golfer's elbow) is completely healed. Otherwise it could possibly get worse again and drag on unnecessarily 🙂 I don't know if you are very sensitive to pressure on your arm, but normally you don't need to pad the cuff separately. At the end of the day it doesn't matter, you have helped yourself and it was successful. Our rivets are extremely flat and nickel-free. The leather is a little stiff at first because we use so-called blank leather (also known as orthopaedic leather). This is vegetable-tanned and otherwise untreated. You can knead the bandage thoroughly and then treat it with a dermatologically safe leather grease (or a moisturizing leather milk) (use sparingly, it is better to add more). Kneading breaks the leather fibers and, together with a grease, the leather quickly becomes softer and more pleasant to the touch. Otherwise this must happen more slowly through wearing and body heat. Leather is harder or softer, also depending on the fat content in the hide. For this reason, leather should be cared for a little, especially during physical work or sport when sweat is involved. This can wash out the grease and the leather could become hard again when it dries. I am really pleased that you are feeling better. Another person who has made it - especially after such a long ordeal 🙂 I wish you continued good recovery and if there is anything, please just send me a short email, I will be happy to help you. Best regards Harry Röder

Pain relief

August 5, 2018

I have had pain in my right arm since March.

Visits to the doctor didn't help much, cortisone injections, bandages that did nothing but make the pain worse. The first doctor said torn muscle fibers, the second said tennis elbow, nothing could be done and it would take up to 2 years, great prospects.

I then looked around the net myself,searched for reports on what to do about it and came across Masalo.

After thinking about it for a while (and being advised against it by friends who told me that it was not an approved medical product) I ordered them after all. At first I had problems with it, somehow I didn't adjust it properly ( too tight, had strong impressions of the leather on the skin ) after very nice mail contact I got it adjusted.

The cuff is now part of my everyday life, I can't do without it any more. It provides relief, but doesn't relieve the pain (several tendons are torn after an MRI scan).

I take 1200mg Ibuprophen and 500mg Novalgin daily.

I am very glad that they exist, in my opinion they should also be available in washable form, because the leather does not look so great after and during use.

I had my orthopaedist issue me with a certificate stating that only this cuff makes sense and helps and that what is available on prescription does not help me.

I submitted this certificate (costs €5 from the doctor) with the prescription for an epicondilitis bandage to my health insurance company and they reimbursed me €52.

Maybe you'll have some luck with refunds.

In any case, I can only recommend the cuff.

Thank you 1000 times !!!!!!

Rene Schuelke, Everswinkel

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Schuelke, an interesting report, thank you very much. First of all, the statement made by your friend. That is not correct, of course our Masalo cuff is "approved", it is just not in the list of medical aids because it is not washable. In order to be allowed to sell a medical device in the EU, you have to obtain CE certification. This is not as simple as for other products, but involves a great deal of effort and extensive documentation with assessments and tests over almost 200 pages. Otherwise, no insurance company would approve the costs (and there are really quite a lot of them). But now to you. Have you had an MRI scan and found that your tendons are completely torn? I've never heard that before, but I'm very glad that the Masalo cuff is providing you with relief. I would love to see photos of how the support is worn. Please send me 2 pictures (please take the photos as shown on the page where you put it on). I hope you don't do any stretching exercises, I don't think that would be good for torn tendons as this puts maximum strain on the tendons at the elbow. Could you please contact me again? I sincerely wish you a speedy recovery. See you soon. Kind regards Harry Röder

Regained quality of life within a few weeks

August 4, 2018

In mid-March of this year, I noticed the onset of tennis elbow pain on both elbows (degree of pain left 7/10, right 2/10), whereupon I immediately ordered these meshes for both elbow joints.

Problem-free and fast delivery! I was practically pain-free on the right within just under 2 weeks, and on the left after about 3 months, although I felt a noticeable reduction in pain after just a few weeks.

I currently only wear both cuffs prophylactically during physically strenuous activities.

I am absolutely thrilled, price / performance ratio absolutely in line!

I can only recommend trying this cuff for tennis arm complaints!

Dietmar Herbst, Finland

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Herbst, thank you very much for your report. The Masalo cuff is really not a comfort product, but if you put it on correctly, follow the instructions and wear it consistently, it really is very effective. A nice message from you, we are always happy when someone has made it again 🙂 Best regards Harry Röder

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