
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

Pain-free at last

September 4, 2018

My life is worth living again. I struggled with my tennis elbow for about 9 months. I visited all the doctors, underwent shock wave therapy, physiotherapy and did stretching exercises every day. I didn't give up. But it didn't work. I could no longer lift anything with my right arm, let alone shake someone's hand. I woke up at night in pain, and once I even cried from the pain. I noticed myself becoming irritable and slightly aggressive. When you are clear-headed and don't know what to do and nobody can help you? I thought I was going "crazy". I ASKED MYSELF THE QUESTION: WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?

Then I discovered Mr. Röder's unique Masalo cuff on the Internet and followed all his instructions for wearing the cuff. And what can I say? After just two weeks, the pain became more bearable. And after about 6 weeks I was pain-free. It really was a new attitude to life. Only those who have experienced this themselves can empathize.

I can only recommend this cuff. And I already have one.

Of course I wear the cuff, occasionally. And I will continue to do so. It somehow gives me a sense of security.

Mr. Röder, my thanks and respect go to you and your entire TEAM!

Frank Kapust, Bergen auf Rügen

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Mr. Kapust, thank you very much for your great feedback. 8 weeks is a great time, so you found it in time and the tendons were not quite so badly injured. Great, that makes me very happy. Wearing the Masalo cuff prophylactically now is a good idea (most customers do it afterwards), you don't want to have that again 🙂 Best regards Harry Röder

I can only recommend it

September 2, 2018

Hello dear Masalo Team ,

I've had to deal with tennis elbow for about 2 years and have tried everything from massage and tablets to shock waves and the cuffs that doctors prescribe and nothing has really helped

I have been wearing the cuff for about 6 weeks now and even in the first week (after being on sick leave for 4 weeks and not being able to hold anything) I was able to stretch my arm and hold something in my hand without it falling out of my hand

Thank you very much!


Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Andrea, thank you very much for your report. Please wear the brace consistently until you are completely pain-free, which may take a while after 2 years, but it will work 🙂 I wish you a good recovery. Kind regards Harry Röder

Indeed "Simply brilliant"

August 31, 2018

Dear Mr. Röder and team!

I am 51 years old, an educator in a daycare center and live and work in Karlsruhe.

At the end of November 2017, I was diagnosed with tennis elbow on the right by an orthopaedist.

Like most of the people who write their testimonials here, I have tried pretty much everything,

to put an end to this very unpleasant disease:

Cooling, trying out different ointments and stretching exercises, as they are so often recommended, did nothing.

Resting doesn't help either (how can it, if the doctor doesn't give you a sick note and everyday life is so demanding anyway...).

The orthopaedist first prescribed 6 "rounds" with the physiotherapist, who carried out manual therapy on my arm.

My physiotherapist is actually very competent and has helped me many times, but even after another 6 sessions

Unfortunately, this time he was only really successful for a very short time. When I desperately asked the orthopaedist whether he thought it would be advisable to "hang out" on a bar at the front door (I found this advice on the internet), he said very charmingly: "With your weight, I'd rather not hang out there...". (FYI: I am 172 cm tall and weigh 70 KG). I guess it's clear that this nice doctor won't get to see me again...by the way, he didn't even touch me during my second consultation...

My last iron in the fire made me visit an osteopath. But again, no luck - the 6 "sessions" only brought very limited relief, unfortunately in this case also to my wallet...

In my desperation, I remembered a visit to the Internet where I came across your site, among others. But as it is, you don't just spend around €80 if you don't know a product at all - you only find out about it from the reports... you think it's one of many. Far from it - after I decided to order your mansalo cuff at the beginning of May 2018 (I also saw the movie about it), I had no idea that now - almost 4 months later - I would be almost pain-free!!! You were my last hope and the decision to buy was a complete success. I am sooo grateful for your ingenious, but also logical, invention and will warmly recommend the cuff to other sufferers.

I also told my physiotherapist about my experience, who in turn was immediately convinced of the effectiveness of the cuff on your website. He has since recommended it to another patient of his. I am so happy that I am now almost pain-free (I wear them as a precaution when I do a lot of cleaning) and can only advise anyone suffering from tennis elbow to wear this ingenious invention.

All the best for you in the future

by Barbara Riekert from Karlsruhe

Barbara Riekert, Karlsruhe

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Riekert, thank you very much for your report. You can still manage the last part now, just please don't take the bandage off too soon 🙂 Kind regards Harry Röder

Thank you!

August 31, 2018

After more than two years in which I was unsuccessful:

-physio & Osteopathy

- Cortisone injections & tablets

- Health insurance brace

-Shock wave therapy

I have finally been pain-free thanks to the cuff!


Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Nicole, thank you and I am very pleased that you are feeling better again 🙂 Best regards Harry Röder

Unfortunately, the cuff didn't help me

August 30, 2018

Unfortunately, after wearing it for a quarter of a year, it didn't help me. It had also been fitted correctly. I also found it very uncomfortable, but I held out for a long time anyway, unfortunately without success.

Ingo Görrissen, 24850 Schuby

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Please read: Hello Mr. Görrissen, thank you for your feedback and I am very pleased that someone has said "doesn't help". I am of course publishing this because we do not want to engage in censorship. However, I would also like to take this opportunity to ensure that others do not make the same mistake. Several mistakes have been made here. Of course, it is fundamentally possible that the bandage does not help, we are in medicine after all and medicine must always be considered on an individual basis. However, we have always been able to identify this so far. The reasons have always been incorrect application and, rarely, incorrect diagnosis. But what I don't understand at all is why you completely ignored the enclosed brief instructions and are so sure that you applied the support correctly. Even specialist dealers and doctors apply the support incorrectly and still think it is correct, I can't see that, you completely ignored the instructions, otherwise we would have heard something from you. These brief instructions are at the top of every shipment, where the sentence "PLEASE READ FIRST!" is clearly written in bright yellow and bold red at the top right. Directly below the points to create is again in red and bold: *You should feel significant relief immediately after correct application (within 15-30 minutes) (not everyone will experience immediate pain relief, but you should feel a positive effect in any case). Otherwise, please contact us immediately * If the relief does not occur, something is wrong, see below for how to proceed. Go to the application page, send photos etc. or send the support back. You have done none of these things. Some people only proceed according to the fitting video. They simply watch it in full and then experiment with the support. That doesn't work, hence the sentence in the brief instructions. How are you supposed to remember everything that is shown in the video, you have to pause in between until the step has been completed correctly and then continue... You can wear the support for longer, but if the relief does not occur immediately, there is no positive effect and the support is not effective in this case and under these individual circumstances. As I said, so far we have always been able to clarify this and it is almost always a fitting error. However, customers contact us because they want to get better. Only then can we help. Just think about it: if the support didn't work, we wouldn't need to send anything with such a statement in the instructions and would have countless returns (but returns are very rare if the support is used correctly). Read the other testimonials, you'll see that many people can't cope at first, we help and then it works, that's what many reports say. Another piece of information that you have ignored: One of the symptoms of tennis elbow is pain when you lift something with an outstretched arm. Here you do a simple test: 1) lift a full 1.5 liter PET bottle with an outstretched arm - without the Masalo cuff on => there is a clear pain on exertion 2) apply the bandage correctly, properly tight as described 3) stretch the arm with full force in the opposite direction 4) lift the bottle again, now ideally the pain on exertion should be completely gone, or at least reduced to such an extent that the bottle can be lifted without major problems That's quite simple, isn't it? Why are you wearing a completely ineffective bandage for weeks and months without contacting us at least once? I don't understand it. Kind regards Harry Röder

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