
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

The best on the market so far

September 24, 2018

In spring 2018, my left arm - in the elbow area - started to hurt; it felt like sore muscles or a slight strain for a while.

When it wouldn't go away, I could no longer carry my son on my shoulders and at some point even felt a twinge in my arm when I lifted my teacup,I finally wentto the doctor. Diagnosis: tennis elbow.

I was prescribed a hyaluronic acid injection, an expensive epicondylitis brace and 10 sessions of physiotherapy (which I didn't end up using). The brace (pressure bandage) had no effect. My arm just sweated under the brace and started to itch.

Fortunately, one of my colleagues had already had very good experiences with the Masalo cuff; in addition to his opinion, I also read up on the Internet and finally bought the cuff.

I found it quite difficult at first; I kept trying new settings because it just didn't feel right. After treating it with a good leather grease, the cuff felt a little more snug. I also have to admit - during this year's long, very warm summer - I only wore the cuff at night due to the somewhat strange looks and inquiries from the people around me.

However, the positive effect at night convinced me to wear them during the day as well. I have been wearing the cuff day and night for about 5 weeks now. I play volleyball once a week and am also a very active person. Currently: my arm hurts a little with the cuff, but still noticeably without it. So I don't know whether playing volleyball has a strong influence on the healing process or whether I'm just too impatient.

I will continue to wear the cuff day and night until Christmas (it will be 4 months) and hope that I will be pain-free again by then.

Today I did the test with the 1.5 l water bottle as I still wasn't/am not 100% satisfied with my setting. I sometimes have the feeling that if I put the cuff on too tightly, I pinch or damage muscle areas underneath. I will certainly continue to test here and there, but thanks to the many positive experiences, I am confident that I will be pain-free again by Christmas and will be able to help carry the Christmas tree.

Many thanks for your truly ingenious invention! We wish you continued success!

Anka B., Berlin

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Anka, thank you very much for the report. Yes, I can understand that the bandage was not necessarily comfortable in the warm summer, but the fact that you did not wear it during the day unfortunately delayed the whole thing. The cuff is certainly not a beauty and you can be sure that other people will feel sorry for you. It just looks very "sick". However, very few people are bothered by this, as the positive effect far outweighs this 🙂 But I understand that women in particular are not happy with the appearance of the leather bandage. But the new textile bandage is really pretty and you can wear it under a shirt/blouse. It will also be even more effective. We can't wait until we can offer this great product for sale 🙂 Please subscribe to our newsletter https://www.masalo.ch/shop/newsletter.php then you will receive timely news and a very generous discount like all registered. All newsletter subscribers also have the opportunity to purchase this new support before the official market launch and I think that when you are through with tennis elbow, like most athletes, you will use the support prophylactically to avoid getting into such a situation again. You should always do sport, exercise is always very good. I strongly recommend that you stabilize your wrists during sporting activities or heavy physical work. The main strain on the tendons is caused by movements of the wrist and fingers. In the case of tennis elbow, it is the extension (stretching the wrist towards the top of the hand, if you do this with your arm outstretched and also pull your middle finger towards you, you will feel a clear strain pain on the tendon), in the case of golfer's elbow it is the flexion (bending the hand towards the palm...).) You can do this by wrapping an elastic bandage around your wrist several times and repeatedly between your thumb and index finger, or you can buy a cheap bandage for your wrist. This is not intended to stiffen the wrist, but simply to dampen the bending and stretching a little. Smooth movements are not the problem, there can always be setbacks if there are jerky movements, which then tear open the micro-tears again. Despite your progress, I would like to take a look at 2 pictures (description of how to take pictures on our landing page) to see if there is still potential for optimization. The arm should now be almost pain-free with the bandage on, with most movements and only the occasional tweak. It can be a bit of a fiddle at first, most people don't find it that way, but some do. The arm is then often quite sensitive, very often there is inflammation etc. and this makes it more difficult to find the right settings. It then takes about 3-5 days until it starts to improve and you really notice the effect of the support. What must always happen, however, is that you can successfully perform the function test and feel relief. In any case, you are on the right track and by Christmas it should all be just a bad memory 🙂 I wish you continued good recovery. Kind regards Harry Röder

Help at last

September 18, 2018

I am a wheelchair user! I also used to work as a media designer. This puts a lot of strain on my arms.

I have had severe pain in my elbows for years. Medication and other cuffs have not helped at all. I came across your website on the Internet and am delighted.

It was a bit difficult at first to drive a wheelchair with the cuff, but yousoon get used to it.

My pain is now almost gone after a short time and my quality of life has improved a lot. I can only recommend her!

Anthony Aristodemou, Löhne

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hi Anthony, thank you very much for your feedback. Unfortunately, epicondylitis often affects wheelchair users and that is particularly bitter. You need your arms even more to be able to move at all. I am therefore all the more pleased that you were able to achieve such great relief so quickly. The fact that the wheelchair is really putting extreme strain on your tendons means that I'm not entirely sure whether it won't break out again and again after you take off the brace, but we'll have to see. The important thing is that you can move again without pain. Our new textile version will be a quantum leap compared to the current BASIC made of leather 🙂 It doesn't bother you and you don't have to get used to it until the leather has adjusted. I wish you all the best and enjoy your regained quality of life 🙂 Kind regards Harry Röder

Finally delivered what was promised!!!!!

September 14, 2018

Had problems for weeks with my tennis elbow or even golfer's elbow. The visit to the doctor was unsatisfactory because medication was to be prescribed straight away and the affected arm had to be completely rested for months.

Anyone who does regular strength training knows that this can set you back years (mentally and, above all, lost muscle mass :o() .

Iheard about the Masalo cuff by chance in my gymand simply gave it a try. Unbelievable, the pain in my arm was almost gone the first time and then disappeared completely after a few days.

I can recommend this cuff with a clear conscience (maybe the Masalo inventor will give you a delicious vitamin drink as a thank you *grin*). So people, have the courage to invest a few euros, it's definitely worth it!!!!


Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Ernst, with strength athletes / body builders the support always works the fastest and best because there is enough tension on it. The more counter-traction, the greater the relief (it doesn't necessarily feel comfortable at first, but the effect is massive straight away). Please sign up for our newsletter https://www.masalo.ch/shop/newsletter.php. We will give all registered people a mega discount on the upcoming textile support and the opportunity to buy it before the official market launch. This support is a milestone, even more effective and really comfortable. It is also ideal for all types of sport. In cooperation with Body Planet (Tamer Galal, multiple German champion and former Mr. Universum), we also want to expand our range in the future. Then there will also be a shake or something similar 🙂 But it will take some time. Thank you for the report. I wish you continued good recovery and maximum sporting success. Kind regards Harry Röder

Cuff helps a lot

September 7, 2018

I've been suffering from tennis elbow in my right arm since spring 2018. I couldn't even hold a pen anymore because of the pain. Painkillers, shock waves, stretching exercises, ointments, bandages and various braces didn't help at all.

I then found the Masalo cuff online and ordered it. The order/delivery to Switzerland/Liechtensteinwent very quickly and smoothly.

I took a close look at the operating instructions and the videos and found the perfect setting after some trial and error. It started to improve after just 10 minutes.

I wore them day and night for almost 2 months and now I mainly wear them to work.

My doctor and therapists have already recommended it. I will then also order the new version of Masalo.

Thank you for the ingenious invention.



Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Christina, thank you very much for your report and I hope that it will help many people. We have so many inquiries about topics that we have already explained in detail on our website in a way that is easy to understand. We also receive a lot of exchange requests, even though the size is right. Just like you, you really have to take your time and read, read, read, then it can work out the way it did for you. Many people probably expect a comfortable product, but the BASIC version is not. On the other hand, our Masalo cuff is extremely effective for epicondylitis. I hope more customers will take the time to read all our information. The new application page is really very good and everyone should be able to use it now 🙂 You've almost made it, but please be careful, it's certainly not 100% healed yet. Don't put the bandage out of reach and as soon as you even begin to feel that something is happening again, put the bandage back on for a few days. Oh and thanks again for the recommendations 🙂 We now have so many doctors and therapists who are convinced of our principle of action that I can no longer count them. It's a good feeling that there are so many doctors who have a strong interest in really helping patients - great. Please subscribe to our newsletter, we hardly ever send out news, only when there is really something new. We will offer all registered people an extremely generous discount on the upcoming textile version and the opportunity to purchase this really excellent cuff before the official launch. You can also unsubscribe at any time. Click here to register: https://www.masalo.ch/shop/newsletter.php I am very pleased that you are now well again and wish you all the best. Kind regards Harry Röder

Brilliant! I can finally use my arm again.

September 4, 2018

Hello, I have been diagnosed with tennis elbow for a few months now and it has caused me a lot of pain. My doctor then prescribed me a brace, which I think made things worse. It was incredibly painful and I always felt numbness in my arm in the evening.

It was so bad for me at timesthat I could hardly drive and couldn't even lift a vacuum cleaner or a slightly heavier bottle.

Then I did some research on the Internet and came across the Masalo website. Of course, I was a bit skeptical at first. After all, not everything on the Internet is pink. But out of sheer desperation I finally ordered this cuff.

I found it a bit difficult to put on at first and the cuff also pressed a bit. But that was also described on the site, that the leather has to soften first. In the meantime, I have to say that I wear the cuff all day, can go into the garden again, carry boxes and life is worth living again. But only ever with the cuff. I still can't do anything without it, but I've only been wearing it for a short time.

However, as a drawback, I have to say that I regret that my health insurance didn't pay for it at all. I think that's pretty poor for such a great invention. The health insurance company subsidized this stupid brace.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you very much for this great cuff. I can only warmly recommend it to anyone who has tennis elbow.

Birgit W.

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Birgit, thank you very much for your experience report, especially for writing how most of our customers feel. You read the pages, think to yourself "Sure, it's logical, it must work" and then you start to have doubts. "Why doesn't my doctor know about this?" Why isn't it known everywhere in the specialist trade?" Why can't you find anything negative about it on the internet?" "It must be a scam..." It's important to remember that epicondylitis is a billion-dollar business and not everyone is really interested in ending it with a simple support... There are stories about it here... Our customers are not necessarily internet-savvy and know little about distance selling laws, return options, withdrawal, etc. It's actually quite simple. As long as the support is unused and you are careful when trying it on, the support is not dirty or the straps are not unnecessarily kinked, you can send it back and get a full refund. Simply buy it, put it on correctly, feel the relief (if you don't feel relief immediately within a maximum of 15-30 minutes) something is wrong. Then you can get in touch here, preferably with 2 pictures (but they only help if you photograph them as they appear on our fitting page) and we will help you put them on, or you can say "It's not for me", pack everything up again and send it back. Quite simply, you don't have to suffer unnecessarily 🙂 Please continue to wear the bandage as consistently as possible, as it can take time to heal completely. Also be sure to check for possible inflammation and see a doctor immediately if you suspect it. Doctors are very good at treating inflammation. I wish you continued good recovery - best wishes Harry Röder

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