
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

I am thrilled

October 10, 2018

I have been wearing the cuff for about 4 weeks now and felt pain relief the first time I put it on.

After a few days, I was pain-free while wearing them - even under stress.

However, I only wear them during the day because I have unfortunately ruined several T-shirts with the buckle (on the inside of the forearm). Would it be - technically - possible to place this buckle differently? Because it has already left its "mark" on my desk too 🙂

Now of course I'm looking forward to the washable version, which will certainly fit better under long-sleeved clothing.

Thank you for this ingenious invention.

MFG Maja Hamdorf

Maja Hamdorf, Großenaspe

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Mrs. Hamdorf, thank you very much for your report, I am very pleased that someone has made it again. Not all customers have the problem with the buckle, but there is no other way to place it. If only you had asked a little earlier, we have a solution for almost everything 🙂 We use high-quality metal parts, as you will have noticed, and normally nothing should happen with clothing, bed linen etc. as the pin of the buckles is rounded and countersunk. With certain textiles, however, it can still happen that you pull threads. Simply take a normal sweatband and pull it over the cuff, then the buckles are covered and the problem is solved. You can also simply cut a piece of a sleeve from an old T-shirt or similar and pull it over the cuff, or you can stick a piece of standard plaster over the buckle (this sounds a bit like a makeshift solution, but it is purely pragmatic). We are all eagerly awaiting the completion of the CE certification for our textile bandage. It turned out really well and we were able to eliminate all the weak points of the leather version. It also looks great and you no longer have to take the pity bonus. The leather version isn't really pretty and you look a bit ill with it, but it really helps a lot. Subscribe to our newsletter at https://www.masalo.ch/shop/newsletter.php. All subscribers receive an extremely generous discount and the opportunity to purchase the new support before the official market launch. All the best to you and best wishes Harry Röder

Simply brilliant

October 8, 2018

I had pain in my elbow for a long time, which got worse and worse until I could hardly lift a glass. My sleep was constantly disturbed at night and I was worried that it would never get better.

My doctor honestly told me that although there are various treatment options for tennis elbow, no 100% curecan be guaranteed.The treatment suggestions were: Painkillers, shock waves, physiotherapy, injections and surgery.

As the tablets only helped halfway while I was taking them, but not after I stopped taking them, I read up on the Internet and came across the MASALO bandage. The reports from customers encouraged me to try it first before undergoing surgery. I also had shock wave therapy and physiotherapy.

The post office had delayed my first delivery, but Mr. Röder reacted super fast and friendly and sent a new support. Many thanks again for that.

Shortly after putting the support on, I felt much better, and 4-6 weeks later (after wearing it almost continuously) I was virtually pain-free. Today I have the support within reach for heavy daily activities or in the office nearby in case the pain breaks out again.

My doctor's conclusion: He who heals, helps.

I can only recommend the support. It's definitely worth a try before you operate.

Simone W., Bruchsal

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Mrs. W., thank you very much for your report, I am really pleased that you are now feeling better too. Thank you also for the recommendations to the doctor and physiotherapist 🙂 Kind regards Harry Röder

Finally being able to think positively again

September 30, 2018

I work in retail and have to work very hard physically.

My pain started on January 2. Suddenly I could no longer lift boxes above my height because of the pain. The pain got worse from day to day.

I tried various ointments and finally bandages and nothing helped. I didn't dare go to the doctor because we were constantly understaffed at work. I found it harder and harder to work, but I couldn't rest. With a broken arm, I had to rebuild shelves, which meant unhooking full shelves and rebuilding them.

I couldn't sleep at night because of the pain and this went on for many months. No sleep, lots of overtime and hard physical work. At the end of April, I couldn't take it any more and was totally exhausted, so I went to the doctor. Pills, injections and physiotherapy didn't help.

The surgeon only wanted to perform sound wave therapy and an operation. I no longer understood the world and panicked that I would now have to live with pain.

Then I found your website on the Internet and my husband immediately understood the principle and thought it would help me. Without thinking twice, he ordered me the cuff.

I am so grateful for them. I've been wearing them day and night since mid-May. Unfortunately, due to this hot summer, they are no longer as attractive as they used to be because of working, sweating and packing pallets.

I am so eagerly awaiting their textile version, because I can no longer work without a cuff and I don't care about every look from customers when they look at my arm and ask in horror what I have done there.

I would just like to say a big thank you to you, the Röder family, for giving me back my quality of life!!!!!

Katrin Kunath, Sandersdorf- Brehna

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Katrin, thank you very much for your report. We are always delighted to read that someone has made it again 🙂 We epicondylitis candidates are all very similar. Always active, conscientious and preferably never resting, impatience is also there. It's just nice that you have such success despite the hard physical work, but that's how most people feel. Yes, you get the pity of your contemporaries for free with the leather bandage. It's not really nice, but at least other people suddenly understand "Wow, it must hurt if she/he wears something like that...". Tennis elbow sounds so harmless and at the time I hated the looks that told me "what a wimp you are, you're acting like that because of a bit of tennis elbow..." Anyway, it shouldn't stay that way. The textile is not only much prettier, it can also be worn under a blouse, shirt or long-sleeved sweater and is even more effective. We are all eagerly waiting for it. But with the leather version, you can at least keep working for so long. Please subscribe to our newsletter https://www.masalo.ch/shop/newsletter.php and you will be notified as soon as the textile is available for sale and receive a very generous discount. In addition, all registered persons will have the opportunity to purchase the textile version before the official market launch. Keep wearing it, I think you will also get rid of your tennis elbow completely, but it can take longer with heavy physical work and it is certainly not a bad idea to use the support afterwards as a precaution during this time. Best regards Harry Röder

The only true solution

September 30, 2018

After using supports prescribed by my orthopaedist, stretching exercises, etc., my golf elbow (which I got from tennis) hasn't really improved after a year. The Masalo cuff relieves the strain on my elbow and I can play tennis and do TaekwonDo (e.g. low block) again. The tips on the homepage are also worth reading; great service. Other tennis club members (female, tennis elbow, LK6 and male, golf elbow, LK8) are also happy with the cuff.


Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Harald, thank you very much for your report. TaekwonDo is a real challenge for the tendons and also the leather, it's great that it works so well. I wish you continued good recovery and lots of fun with the sport. Best regards Harry Röder

Immediate pain relief after application

September 25, 2018

I was eagerly awaiting the cuff and it arrived on Saturday 22.09.18. After some trial and error, I found the right setting and was looking forward to the test. I can now give myself a cup again or pour something to drink from a bottle into a glass etc. without any pain. Simply great - I'm thrilled.

Istruggled with pain in my other arm for years with the usual braces and injections until it somehow got better on its own. Now I've found something early on that helps straight away and doesn't restrict me in my everyday life.

At the beginning it is quite uncomfortable but since I had pain relief I rubbed the cuff with leather care oil and then put the cuff on and wore it.

Now it's 4 days later and I have to say they are much more comfortable to wear. I finally have much less pain.

Kind regards

Caroline Schubert, Neisseaue Groß Krauscha

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Caroline, I am delighted that you are one of those who can get back to work immediately without (or almost without) pain. Thank you very much for your feedback. I know the feeling when you've put the support on correctly and the pain goes away in one fell swoop, you don't believe it at first and wonder if it's just your imagination 🙂 But no, it really is 🙂 You've done the right thing, treating the leather with good care, which unfortunately not all customers do. You just have to read a lot, it's all on our website and explained in the video. You just have to make sure that you use a natural product, without chemical softeners and the like, after all you are wearing the support for some time and directly on the skin... Have you also had the support "kneaded"? That really helps a lot. This breaks the leather fibers and the leather quickly becomes softer and more comfortable. (This is explained in the application video.) You will see that tennis elbow will soon be history for you. Please wear the support as consistently as possible until it is completely healed and if you have to move house, renovate or something similar, please put the support on as a precaution so that it doesn't come up again. Never put the bandage completely out of reach. If you do get it again after it has healed, simply put the bandage on immediately and it should be gone within a week at the latest. (The problem is often that tennis elbow creeps in so slowly and you do something about it far too late, although there aren't really many good options...). In any case, please refrain from tightening screws with a screwdriver in future, as this is almost a guarantee that tennis elbow will drop by for a visit again 🙂 I wish you all the best, a speedy recovery and enjoy your "new life" 🙂 Best wishes Harry Röder

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