
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

Finally pain-free again

November 13, 2018

I had problems with my right elbow about 10 years ago. At that time, my family doctor immobilized my arm with a plaster splint. After that I had some peace and quiet. Now the pain started again, so bad that I could hardly lift anything.

This time I didn't want to immobilize it because of work. Myarm didn't just hurt when I put pressure on it, it became a constant pain and nothing helped. I then came across the cuff on YouTube, which I ordered after much hesitation.

I think I wore them for about 8 weeks. Since then I've finally been free of pain, I can finally lift things again without it falling out of my hand because of the pain.

Thank you very much for this ingenious invention.

Christiane Neuwerk, Tarp

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Neuwerk, thank you very much for your report and the good news it brings 🙂 Yes, it can help to rest the arm, but that is not really often the case. I am very pleased that you are feeling well again. Please don't put the bandage out of reach and if it"catches" you again, please just put it back on straight away. I also recommend that you simply wear the support as a precautionary measure during heavy physical activity, such as work and sport, so that the tennis elbow doesn't come back in the first place. Kind regards Harry Röder

The solution for me

November 9, 2018

I have had the Masalo since the beginning of September. I couldn't do anything without it or only with severe pain. I simply didn't tell my doctor and ordered the cuff. ????

Once I had them on, things like holding a cup, using a fork, zipping up my pants, etc. were relatively painless. Iwore them 24 hours a day for the first few days.I only took them off to wash/shower.

Since then, work has been "doable". For a few days now, I've only been wearing them at home when I get a load on my arm. Otherwise I only wear them at work. And it's getting better there too.

As I always have weight on my arm/hand at the checkout, I will definitely be wearing the Masalo for some time to come.

This is my experience with the Marsalo cuff.

Kerstin Kinzl, Döhlau

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Mrs. Kinzl, thank you very much for your feedback, we are happy about every feedback and everyone who has beaten epicondylitis 🙂 I wish you all the best for the future. Kind regards Harry Röder

Simply brilliant!

November 3, 2018

I am a physiotherapist and had severe pain in my arm for about 2 years.

I have used various therapies (physiotherapy, tapes, injections, .....). Unfortunately, everything was short-lived. At the beginning of the year, I discovered your cuff by chance on the Internet and ordered it (initially very skeptical.......)

I then wore them day and night for about 3 months. After a relatively short time, I felt some pain relief. I am now (still!!!!!) pain-free and wear them now and again when I feel I want to do something good for my elbow.

I have also recommended her to many of my patients.

I can only say: thank you very much for this super "invention"!

Renate Mende , Freudenberg

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Mende, thank you very much for the great experience report. We are pleased to be gaining more and more "fans" of the Masalo cuff, especially among physiotherapists, and of course especially pleased that you are well again. Just wait for our new textile version, it really is perfect. Hopefully all the documents will soon be drawn up and the tests for CE certification completed so that we can finally sell this great product. Best regards Harry Röder

That is incredible

October 31, 2018

Hello, I have been struggling with tennis elbow for more than 6 weeks, this burning and pulling in my elbow has made me crazy.

I am a rather active person and was very limited by the constant pain. After a lot of back and forth with plastering, creaming, taking pills to keep me calm, Icame across the Masalo cuff on the Internet, everything I read there applied to me and the testimonials were great, but then I was a little skeptical. Everyone knows that on the Internet everything always sounds great because you want to sell it.

Then I slept on it for a night and asked my doctor and he said just try it out and then I asked the health insurance company if they would give me anything in return and the answer was, as expected, no, but my husband said to me darling, don't worry about the 80 euros if it helps you.

Yesterday I got the Masalo cuff and it was a bit fiddly to put on but once it is adjusted correctly it is great to put on and off. And I tell you the 80 euros are a good investment when I wear the cuff I am pain free I can get dressed on my own again, open bottles, carry the shopping and much more I wear it day and night and it doesn't bother me at all I hope it gets better now and I am over the moon with the cuff

Many thanks to the Masalo team

Melanie Grotzke, Harsefeld

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Grotzke, thank you for the report. Many people find that the pain virtually disappears as soon as the cuff is put on, but this does not mean that you are immediately healthy again. Please wear the cuff consistently for a few weeks, then try it without the bandage on, but never put it out of reach. If you experience discomfort again, please wear it for another 2-3 weeks. You will soon find out. You should get better with the cuff and not have to worry about having to walk around with it for the rest of your life 🙂 I wish you a good recovery and if anything should happen, just get in touch again. Best regards Harry Röder

I can finally lift again and move my arm normally

October 16, 2018

I have been using the support for about a week now. I can only recommend the support to anyone who has problems with tennis elbow. I went to the doctor once a year and had cortisone injected into the inflamed area. Since I've been wearing the support, I can finally lift again and work normally at the keyboard at work. The support relieves the painful area enormously and I have felt much better since then.

Many thanks to the whole team and the excellent work you have done on this support. I will definitely recommend the product to others.

Stephan Ring, Uetersen

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Ring, thank you very much for your report and good luck with your recovery. Best regards Harry Röder

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