
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

Finally something that helps

December 7, 2018

I've been walking around with pain in my right elbow for almost three months, sometimes I couldn't hold a bottle anymore, so I went to the doctor for the usual ointments, injections, zinc and glue bandages etc. I saw the report from einfach Genial by chance and started to wonder whether it was all fake or whether it really works. 80,- €uro which is not covered by health insurance, why not? I have had the support for 2 (two) days now and am almost pain-free after 2 days, so I could have saved myself a visit to the doctor and all the medication. From me clear RECOMMENDATION to BUY the 80,- €uro are worth the result !

Gunther Haase , Berlin

Sensational cuff

December 6, 2018

Hello dear Masalo Team

I received the cuff today and am absolutely thrilled. I did the Selter bottle lifting test straight away and was blown away without any pain.

After weeks of therapy and painkillers that backfired, I first put on another bandage, but that didn't help much either. Even acupressure and stretching exercises didn't helpmuch. Now with this cuff you can do a lot more than before. A big compliment to the developer. I am delighted.


Sven Reuter

Sven Reuter, Schwentinental

I am completely thrilled!

December 6, 2018

Wow, I am absolutely thrilled! I've been struggling with a radial epicondyle since the beginning of June 2018, I've tried everything, starting with ointments and ice treatment and of course painkillers without end, continuing with injections and finally physiotherapy! I wore a tennis elbow brace the whole time... none of it really helped, the pain kept coming back!

I came across the masalo cuff on the Internet and, after much deliberation, decided to order one for myself. What can I say, the friendly letter carrier delivered the package within two working days. I placed the cuff according to the application video and admittedly it's a bit tricky, but when everything was set up, I tried to lift something with my arm outstretched and it worked without the stabbing pain!!!! The relief was immediate, it sounds like a miracle... but it's absolutely real.

I would like to thank Mr. Röder and his team for the fast and uncomplicated delivery.

Norbert Wörner, Linsengericht

Help at last - thank you very much

December 3, 2018

Dear team of inventors and manufacturers of the Masalo cuff!

I have been wearing your cuff for 6 weeks now (sporadically during the day for various activities and not at night). I am already 76 years old but still a passionate tennis player.

I would just like to mention that I had a serious cycling accident in 1996 and as a result I ammissing anextensor muscle in my elbow joint.

Since there was and is no real aid for my injury in the trade and in the entire orthopaedics sector, I had to make do with my self-made support bandage.

Your invention convinced me as soon as I read it that this could be a decisive aid for me to alleviate my perpetual pain during and especially after a tennis match.

Then there was the so-called tennis elbow this year.

I discovered your advertisement on the Internet by chance and am now convinced of my decision to buy this cuff.

Last week I tried tennis again (after 6 weeks).

My findings on this:

I always had a slight to moderate pain on contact with the ball, but the pain remained constant and did not get worse with longer playing time so that I could play the entire game (3 hours, doubles).

I didn't feel any pain at all after the game, which was like a small miracle for me.

I hope that this remains the case and say goodbye with the words

Thank you

PS: I have already passed on your contact address to other sufferers (tennis elbow) and will continue to recommend this cuff in my area of activity with a clear conscience.

Rudolf Loidl , Kapfenberg / Austria

The baby arm is gone!

November 13, 2018

I struggled with a "baby arm" for months.

Two cortisone injections, stretching exercises etc. have unfortunately not helped. And resting is not an option with a baby. When the pain became really bad even when I touched it alone, I got over myself and ordered the cuff (miracle cures from the internet are not usually my thing...).

What can I say... got it today, put it on after a bit of fiddling and the difference is incredible. I'm not completely pain-free, but I can do everything again without having to grit my teeth. And that was just the first day, I'm looking forward to the healing process. I'm sure I'll get through the baby/toddler years without any problems.

Thank you!

Sophie Carrena, Munich

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Mrs. Carrena, thank you very much for the nice report. We are also parents and my wife also had the baby arm and that with twins... (but we have a remedy for it 🙂 it's not a miracle cure, it just works logically 🙂 ) It's really bad when you can no longer pick up and cuddle your child properly because your arm hurts so much. What you describe must at least occur when the support is correctly applied. You must feel a clear relief immediately. For some people, the pain is then immediately gone, while others at least feel significant relief. If this does not occur, there is almost always a fitting error. But please also pay attention to possible inflammation, which a doctor can treat very well. Experience has shown that there is always inflammation involved, especially if you are sensitive to touch. This inflammation must now either recede noticeably within 3-5 days and must not spread towards the shoulder under any circumstances. Please discuss this with your doctor if necessary. You can also wear the bandage over a blouse or a long-sleeved T-shirt... Please keep adjusting it if necessary as the leather softens and stretches a little. I wish you a good recovery and lots of fun with pain-free baby lifting :-). Best regards Harry Röder

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