
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

Not a miracle product, but effective help

January 11, 2019

I have had tennis elbow for about 3 months. The symptoms started slowly and got worse and worse. My doctor first prescribed me Diclofenac tablets and then Iboprofen 600 when my stomach couldn't tolerate this medication.

The tablets relieved the pain as long as I took them. After I stopped taking them, however, the pain returned in its old intensity.

I foundout about the Masalo cuff on the Internet. I ordered it. It was delivered promptly. After several failed attempts to put the cuff on correctly, I watched the video. It worked well and I had immediate relief.

I still have slight pain, especially when I pinch my arm. I have been wearing the cuff 24 hours a day for about 2 weeks now. I have much less pain with the cuff. As soon as I take the cuff off, the pain is back, although I have the impression that it is getting less and less.

Let's see how it develops. To summarize, I can say after this relatively short period of use: The cuff is not a miracle product, but it helps very effectively. I cannot yet say whether wearing the cuff will lead to healing.

Michael Wiener, Kaarst

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Mr. Wiener, thank you very much for your wonderful testimonial, which will certainly help others too. Of course, our Masalo cuff is not a miracle cure, but as you write yourself, it is very effective 🙂 Our principle of action is based on logic and relieves the tendon insertions - allowing them to heal. Yes, putting them on is also a really laborious act for some people. We are aware of the need to optimize the BASIC version and have already developed an optimized textile support. However, it will be some time before this can be sold. CE certification is still ongoing and will not be completed before March. What you describe is completely normal. As long as you wear the support, you will have significantly less pain because the tendon will be relieved; if you take the support off, the pain may return - because the tendon will then be under full tension and strain again. (The tendon is injured and this injury must now heal, which takes time and patience). The sleeve relieves the injured tendon, which drastically reduces the pain or often even makes it pain-free. This means that you can return to work or sport very quickly despite acute epicondylitis. The rest has to be managed by your own healing powers - often supported by massages, inflammation therapies, physiotherapy, etc. This is usually successful (we only have a few customers with advanced age and a very long medical history of 7 to 21 years for whom the problem is so serious that it will always be necessary to wear the cuff during activities, these are absolute exceptions and only affect 3 of our customers - to our knowledge). The fact that the tendons are protected even under strain (never 100% and never in every situation) means that they can heal even though you are putting strain on the arm. But this takes time. In the case of tennis elbow, many customers have managed to heal after just 4-6 weeks, but it often takes 3-4 months to be completely pain-free with or without a support. With golfer's elbow, it can also take up to 6 months (also only in exceptional cases). This always depends on the individual situation and the severity of the injury. You are doing everything exactly right, continue to wear the support as consistently and as often as possible. The more consistently you wear the support, the faster you will recover. Please do not remove the sleeve too soon, only when you have really healed (otherwise you will unnecessarily prolong your recovery). As soon as you are fully recovered, I recommend that you use the cuff prophylactically during strenuous activities. In any case, please never put it out of reach, because if it should occur again at some point, put the bandage back on immediately and experience has shown that the problem will be solved within a few days. Please readjust the bandage after a while (the leather widens and stretches a little, muscles are rebuilt etc.) and always pay attention to the guide slot, which unfortunately can be forgotten after a while. If the belt keeps slipping, this is almost always due to the guide slot or incorrect settings. If there is anything wrong, please let us know straight away, we will be happy to help you. I wish you a speedy recovery and eagerly await your final success report  Best regards Harry Röder

It actually works! THANK YOU!

January 9, 2019

I can only agree with the positive reports here. Great advice, very friendly, they even took care of my problems on Saturday during the company's move.

I didn't find it too difficult to put on thanks to the Viedo, I personally find that the leather version is more comfortable to wear than any other bandages I've tried thatdon't work. I also expected to have to deal with bruising, as I am very prone to it. But that is not the case.

Effect: Mouse elbow, relief was immediate, after three days the pain is almost gone.

I play badminton, which is also much less painful now, and I expect things to get even better in the next few days, as the inflammation will hopefully subside completely, but that takes time. An absolute recommendation!

Even if the health insurance doesn't pay for it, it's a shame that doctors don't refer to the product, for me it was the last resort. The product should be presented in the "Lion's Den"! You don't have to go into a deal :-).

And yes, I'm one of those people who is very suspicious of promises on the Internet, so I've never bought a medical product there. But one of the things that made me do so was the structure of the website. Here you can see that someone has really thought about it and put themselves in the "customer's" shoes. I would gladly award a sixth star for this.

Stephanie Hofschlaeger, Leverkusen

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Hofschlaeger, thank you very much for your nice review 🙂 We are always happy to be there for our customers and are very pleased when this is accepted and appreciated. Thank you for the praise. Keep at it, wear the support as consistently as possible and the whole thing will soon be history 🙂 Good recovery. Best regards Harry Röder

Amazing effect

January 9, 2019

After remodeling our house, I've been bothered by tennis elbow for over six months. I used to play the guitar a lot before the pain. But then it was hardly possible.

I have been using the cuff during the day for just under a week now. The success is amazing. When I play the guitar with the cuff, I cando so almost without any problems. I would not have thought...

Thank you very much

Best regards from Munich

Peter Stenzel

Peter Stenzel, Munich

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Mr. Stenzel, thank you very much for your feedback. You have had a good breeding ground for tennis elbow. Building a house/craft AND playing the guitar are both often responsible for this painful ailment. Please continue to wear the brace as consistently as possible and, if possible, until it is completely healed. Unfortunately, tennis elbow can come back later due to overuse, so never put the sleeve out of reach. If you notice at some point that it is starting again, put the support on straight away, then it will usually be over again very quickly (or put the support on as a precaution if you have heavy work ahead of you). I wish you a speedy recovery. Kind regards Harry Röder

Quick help for recurring ailments

January 9, 2019

In the past, I had tennis elbow in each arm, which slowly healed with rest and massage. I started playing golf in spring 2018 for health reasons. It didn't take long for tennis elbow (not golf elbow) to return.

I didn't want to simply give in to the fate of the long healing process. Iordered the sleeve without hesitationand after a short familiarization phase I was able to continue playing golf. After about 2 months I could do without the cuff. However, I continued to wear it for another month to be on the safe side. The principle is great, it works. The price is not too high for an average earner. However, the health insurance companies should cover the costs, as the savings on visits to the doctor are more economical.

When wearing the cuff, however, you should take into account a small restriction in your freedom of movement when playing golf.

If I now have minor problems with my arm, I have the feeling that I can remove the cuff again after putting it on for a short time and it has healed slightly.

I hit myself with the cuff while playing golf. The slight pain disappears and I can continue the round without the cuff.

Pannenborg, 26316 Varel

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Mr. Pannenborg, thank you very much for the nice report and the friendly phone call. I hope you continue to enjoy your golf and stay healthy 🙂 Kind regards Harry Röder

Helps, but takes some getting used to at first

January 8, 2019

First of all, the cuff really helped me a lot. Actually 5 stars for that.

Also for the very nice contact and super customer service definitely 5 stars.

Nevertheless, only 4 stars because the cuff takes some getting used to. Putting it on for the first time and adjusting it correctly is - despite the enclosed explanation and the video -quite awkward at firstand it took me many attempts and personal advice before it fitted correctly.

The first few days also took a lot of getting used to, I always took them off at night from the start because the cuff disturbs me when I sleep. It also looks really scary in my opinion - more reminiscent of an instrument of torture than a medical product.

However, as it fulfills its purpose - and does so much better than other stocking cuffs or similar, which had no effect on me - it really deserves the 4 stars.

Thank you very much!

Joachim Haug

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Mr. Haug, thank you very much for your helpful report. Yes, you have hit the nail on the head. We have an extremely effective product against epicondylitis, but the BASIC leather version will certainly not win any beauty prizes or awards for comfort 🙂 Not everyone finds it so difficult to put on, but sometimes we have to help a little. In the end, however, it almost always works out. We have already significantly optimized the points you mentioned with our new development of the Masalo MED cuff. This new version is easy to put on and is even more effective. It also looks really stylish and modern 🙂 A great product and we can hardly wait for all the tests for CE certification to be completed so that we can start selling it. (Which will certainly not be the case before March to July 2019). Please subscribe to our newsletter at https://www.masalo.ch/shop/newsletter.php. All subscribers will receive a very generous discount and the opportunity to purchase this version before the official launch. As most of our customers continue to use our support prophylactically at work and in sport after recovery, this could also be of interest to you. We wish you all the best for the new year. Stay healthy. Best regards Harry Röder

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