
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

Simply "just" an ingenious invention that deserves a prize. THANK YOU!!!!

January 30, 2019

Since I can hardly use my left hand after a serious accident at work, I have tried to do almost everything at work with my right hand only. I work as a warehouse clerk and have to do relatively heavy physical work. As a result, I quickly developed tennis elbow in my right arm, which almost brought a tear to my eye from time to time, because taking sick leave was not an option so soon after reintegrating after the accident.

Of course, the doctors couldn't come up with anything apart from strong painkillers and the recommendation to have an operation. So I spent hours searching the internet for alternatives and came across Maslo by chance. At first I was also very skeptical about all the garbage that is offered online. However, the website with all the customer and media testimonials really appealed to me, which is no longer the devil's work to falsify these days...unfortunately.

Masalo's offer to test the cuff briefly and to contact customer service if it didn't work after a very short time finally convinced me to order the cuff. It was also delivered quite quickly, despite Christmas and the turn of the year.

It wasn't very difficult to put on thanks to the very good description enclosed and on the Internet. And indeed, the pain that had previously tormented me for almost half a year slowly but noticeably subsided. The bottle lifting test described also worked... and the very best thing came at night... I was finally able to fall asleep again and slept for almost 10 hours in a row... THANK YOU for that!!!

I can work with almost no discomfort, but I have only been wearing the cuff day and night for 2 weeks. Of course you have to get used to wearing them all the time, because comfort is something else, especially at the beginning... but they help very well and that's the point. It doesn't need to win a beauty prize either...only the effect counts!!!

These textile things that the doctor prescribes and the health insurance companies unfortunately also pay for, don't look any better and are SIGNIFICANTLY more uncomfortable to wear, especially if you have to work physically with them...they pinch and tweak and slip like crazy.

I think your cuff invention is simply GENIUS and I wish you and hope that the doctors and health insurance companies will finally decide to make your invention available to EVERYONE...including the poorer and older people who cannot afford it...but who also have to endure the same pain, but who deserve to fight it just as successfully!!!

The health insurance companies should think about the cost-benefit calculation, after all, the other cuffs are not free either...but the effect is quite modest.

Thank you again for your great invention !!!

Yours sincerely

Rainer Lendeckel

Rainer Lendeckel, 30952 Ronnenberg / near Hanover

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Lendeckel, thank you very much for your great and detailed report. I'm sure it will help many people 🙂 I always say "lazy people don't get tennis elbow / golfer's elbow..." and if you work and are active, you are also latently at risk. Especially in your situation. I have to defend the doctors a little, they really don't know a solution either and do what they can - most of them at least (like everywhere else, there are also very special ones who only see epicondylitis as a good source of income, but that is certainly not the case with your doctor). Thank you also for the praise for our website. A lot of work and time went into it. It has turned out so well because Eric Siebert in particular has spent nights on it and still does so every day. I'm not that creative when it comes to design 🙂 but due to my own history and the many contacts at Masalo, I have collected a wealth of information on the subject of epicondylitis. We also have to keep up to date here. I also understand your skepticism, but on the other hand you see all the famous M.S. from A. "Experience reports", here certain people also shorten the name (if they are e.g. in the public service as a policeman or similar), but most write out the name and place in full. You can research this and see "Ah, he really exists..." in many cases. We can substantiate every single report, just like yours 🙂 I'm particularly pleased that you were able to sleep through the night again, it reminds me of my own time. You go crazy when you can no longer sleep and I didn't just shed one tear back then, there were several... I couldn't even button my shirt or get dressed without extreme pain... Yes, we can't hope for the beauty prize 🙂 I would like to say "not yet" because our new support (but that will take months, something is constantly slowing the whole thing down) will be very nice and even better. The main thing is to be able to get on with everyday life and work again without this annoying pain. By the way, nobody has to suffer with us, even if they can't afford the 79.80 euros. We always find a solution. The health insurance companies will certainly cover the cost of the new support, but even with the leather support, some customer-friendly health insurance companies - with intelligence - have already approved a lot of cost sharing. It is still very complicated. Please wear the support consistently and let me know if you have any problems. I wish you continued good recovery and a pain-free time. Kind regards Harry Röder

Simply great

January 30, 2019

I received the Masaloman cuff yesterday, I am totally satisfied, it helped immediately. It is very easy to put on and adjust.

I hope that the product will continue to be produced and supplied.

Many thanks to the ingenious inventors.

Andre Hoffmann, Sülzhayn

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Hoffmann, we are very pleased to hear that 🙂 What makes you think that the product will no longer be manufactured and supplied? Of course the Masalo cuff will continue to be available, as it helps thousands of people. However, we are optimizing and at some point this support will be replaced by a newer, optimized and more beautiful version. Good recovery. Kind regards Harry Röder

Nothing has helped like this cuff

January 29, 2019

Hello everyone,

I had been struggling with severe pain between my lower and upper arm for a long time and had already tried several things. Until I came across the cuff by chance. Now the pain is completely gone.

As I regularly go to the gym and work out, I also use the cuff for fitness.

I can only recommend this product to everyone, as it has helped me a lot and since then I can finally train pain-free again and also spend my everyday life without pain.

Aziz Mojaddedi, Munich

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Mojaddedi, perfect, that's how it should be 🙂 We have so many strength athletes who are affected by epicondylitis. It seems to be part and parcel of this sport. It's best to put it in your sports bag and wear it prophylactically during training to be on the safe side. I wish you maximum sporting success 🙂 Best wishes Harry Röder

Simply brilliant

January 28, 2019

I lived with pain in my right arm for over two years. Injections, several visits to the physiotherapist were all in vain.

After repeated visits to the doctor, I was able to choose between two options. The first, long-wave radiation (the doctor said that this could help, but not necessarily at a cost of €200). The second option was surgery (the doctor said that success was not certain). So I decided against it.

I could have spared myself all this if I had come across the Masalo cuff sooner. I've had it for 4 months now and can only say it's wonderful and worth every penny. I now only wear the cuff sporadically. Thanks to the inventor. The explanations on the internet are also very helpful and easy to understand.

The only small weak point for me is the foam padding which has often twisted.

Werner Mamsch, Biebergemünd

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr Mamsch, we are always happy to receive feedback, thank you very much 🙂 Yes, there is potential for optimization, we have also recognized this and worked a lot on it. Unfortunately, we're not there yet, the tests are still ongoing and we don't expect the new support to be approved before mid-2019. I am very pleased that you have beaten your epicondylitis. However, it is very sensible to continue using the support, at least prophylactically, or when "it starts again". All the best to you. Kind regards Harry Röder


January 27, 2019

I just wanted to give my opinion about the Masalo Cuff within climbing.

Basically it helped a lot to release the tension on the elbow, and together with a lot of stretching exercises I was able to start climbing again in some weeks. Initially with some pain in the elbow, but it was every singletime less and less. Now I do still have some pain up and then, but nothing major, and most of the times it is only because I do not warm up appropriately.

All in all, it really helped me 🙂 So thank you!

In regards to climbing there is just a problem: while climbing, it is normal that the forearms get stressed and pumped. When this happens, it results in a lot of pain on the arm itself, because suddenly the cuff is too tight (while at the beginning of the sessions it may have been just right). So one must play continuously with it and adjust the size during the climbing session.

Riccardo Corona, Vienna / Austria

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