
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

The best remedy for tennis elbow!

February 14, 2019

The Masalo support is the best remedy for tennis elbow. It brought considerable pain relief from the first minute of wearing it. After 6 months I was completely free of symptoms.

In the previous 10 months, 2 doctors using different methods had failed to achieve this. You just have to be patient and wear it consistently and it will workwonders.

Catrin Köpke, Wuppertal

Masalo cuff - finally pain-free again

February 12, 2019

The cuff has finally made my life pain-free again.

After months of shock wave treatment, gymnastics and cortisone injections (none of which helped), we found the Masalo cuff. I am happy and grateful for this solution, it means I can do everything again as before without going to my knees in pain.

Thank you !!!

Susanne Herrmann, Sonnenbühl

Masalo cuff - finally pain-free again

February 12, 2019

The cuff has finally made my life pain-free again.

After months of shock wave treatment, gymnastics and cortisone injections (none of which helped), we found the Masalo cuff. I am happy and grateful for this solution, it means I can do everything again as before without going to my knees in pain.

Thank you !!!

Susanne Herrmann, Sonnenbühl

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Herrmann, we are really pleased to hear that 🙂 Enjoy your regained quality of life. But please continue to wear the support until you are fully recovered. Kind regards Harry Röder


February 7, 2019

I went to the surgeon, had already diagnosed myself and wanted to be prescribed a good bandage.

Unfortunately, the doctor didn't like bandages and wanted to give me a 2-week upper arm cast after various attempts on my own... I couldn't accept that under any circumstances, no matter how bad it was.

I work independently in thecatering trade, I don't have a tennis arm but rather a pan arm,

Anyway, out of the consultation without a prescription...a nurse came running after me with copies of masolo cuff... "it helped my girlfriend" have a look.

I looked, Internet up and down, TV, building trust... they all do... I had to find a quick solution and took a chance. ...and have no regrets!!!

It's not that easy to put it on and everything is fine. But I could feel relief immediately!

After 5 days I'm still adjusting...but yes, because a lot has improved! But: the simple things were almost pain-free with the cuff: putting on and taking off socks, pulling up my pants, screwing on the fasteners!

Sorry if I don't want to give you any further details now...but perhaps it should convince you - as it did me - that you can reach the Röder family by phone at any time.

With kind regards, G.B


Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Mrs. B., first of all, thank you very much for your report. After 5 days you can't say much yet, but what you write should always be the case, you should be able to return to work quickly. However, it can take between 4 weeks and 4 months until you are fully recovered (depending on the degree of injury). It is good that you are really getting to grips with the support and trying out different settings, but you should know by now which settings are best for which work. Perhaps we can still help a little. Please send us more pictures and we will give you tips on how to optimize the settings. Most people have figured this out quite quickly, but fortunately we humans are all individually "built" and so it can also happen that you are looking for the optimum position. As I said, we can certainly help with this and are very happy to do so 🙂 Yes, the skepticism because there is simply nothing bad to find about us on the internet. But we can verify every single report in detail and check whether it really is a customer before publishing it. You were lucky that we were directly available to you by phone, because unfortunately this is not working as well as we would like at the moment, as we are experiencing good growth and unfortunately cannot answer the phone as often. We still need to build this up. However, we are working hard to be able to offer this service again quickly. We wish you a speedy recovery. Kind regards Harry Röder

It helps!

January 31, 2019

I've been wearing my cuff for about a week now and at first I really doubted that it wouldn't work. But after the first day of work I had no pain at first, just the occasional hacking and stinging.

Since I have been wearing this cuff I have at least not had any more pain, only from time to time, butit is still not completely gone and still hurts a little from time to time.

It's just a pity that my health insurance didn't pay for it and that at my age (17 years)

I am very convinced that it will help others like me I am glad that I found and bought this cuff I was skeptical at first because it was online. It's definitely worth the money!

Thank you for this miracle cure that has finally helped me!


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