
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

Significant improvement after 4 weeks

May 4, 2019

In October, I developed tennis elbow due to overuse. Initially treated with ointment and bandages, it went on like this for a few weeks. Everything was still "manageable", but then in mid-December it was no longer possible to shake someone's hand or carry the coffee pot.

What now, so close to Christmas? Icame across the Masalo cuff. Ok, it costs a few euros, but if it's ever no good it's annoying but it won't ruin me. So I bought the cuff and wore it day and night for 4 weeks as recommended.

After 4 weeks only at night and after 6 weeks slowly started strengthening exercises with a cuff again. After 2 months I also stopped doing them at night, as the pain was almost completely gone.

Now only wear the cuff when you're doing strenuous activities such as digging in the garden or fitness training.

Of course the tennis elbow isn't completely gone yet. It takes months, but I didn't think I'd be back in such good shape now, barely 2.5 months after it started.

I can therefore only recommend not waiting too long and wearing the cuff before it gets even worse.

I ordered the cuff online from Body-Planet.

Nick Mueller

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Müller, thank you very much for your report. As you describe it, the problem should soon be completely resolved, but it is always advisable to wear the support as a precaution for strenuous activities such as sport, gardening, etc. However, if you forget to do this and it occurs again, simply put our cuff back on straight away and it will usually be over again in a few days. I wish you all the best. Kind regards Harry Röder


February 27, 2019

It all started in mid-October last year. The pain in my elbow became so severe that it was hardly possible to lift a glass. After several visits to the doctor and 6 weeks of sick leave and still no improvement in sight, I came across the masalo cuff..... I ordered it without hesitation. I didn't care about the price, something had to happen. After 2 days it was already there. I put it on alone at first and was not satisfied. Hardly any or no improvement. I then sent photos of the fitted cuff to the masalo team. My application was absolutely incorrect and they explained to me exactly how I could achieve the best effect. I have been wearing it for about 8 weeks now and am virtually pain-free, which is a miracle for me. I have now stopped doing krankengym and I only wear the cuff when I am under pressure as otherwise it is no longer necessary

Thank you

K .small

Masalo cuff - Super help

February 27, 2019

I have had severe pain in my right arm (tennis arm) since August. The first doctor gave me a cortisone injection , cortisone tablets and a bandage . After a few weeks I had to go to the emergency service because of all the pain so I got a Gibs. Unfortunately that didn't help either. At some point I came across the cuff thanks to the internet. I have been wearing it for 2 months now and I can say that it has improved by 80%. I am completely at peace.

Elke Waller, Hirrlingen

Finally (almost ) pain-free again.????

February 25, 2019

I have been wearing the Masalo cuff since November 2018.

Day and night for the first 2 months. After just 5 days, I noticed a clear improvement under load.

However, I have to say that I still received shock wave therapy (5 times).

At the moment I am also having physiotherapy (18 times). I am now 80% pain-free.I now only wear the cuffwhen I am exercising and I would never have thought that the cuff would help so much.

Thank you very much for this invention.

Ingrid Orth, Lippstadt

Skepticism has been refuted - the cuff really helps, even in weight training

February 24, 2019

After lengthy research and 2 unsatisfactory visits to the doctor a la "keep calm and everything will be fine in a few weeks", I ordered the cuff.

At first I thought €80 was a tough price to pay on the premise of what happens if it doesn't help. Since I simply didn't want to start a 4-8 week "keep your arm still" program, becausethat is simply impossible, I ordered the cuff.

Timeline: Pain started at the beginning of November, until the middle/end of December I hoped it would go away on its own. Then ordered the cuff at the end of December.

The cuff was put on in January.

The first week consisted of a few hurdles that had to be overcome, fitting is individual and the instructions only help to a limited extent. I had to adjust the cuff 3 times to get a good fit.

The first time I probably put them on too tightly and my arm "swelled up" a bit - but it wasn't too bad. After that it worked. And now for the best part: after the 2nd week I felt an immense drop in pain - suddenly it only hurt half as much. After 4 weeks, the pain was almost completely gone. Really intense. I simply hadn't expected it.

After 3 weeks I had already started doing sports - I could even play American football.

God willing I will never need a cuff again, but if the worst comes to the worst I will get one straight away or put the old one on.

Current pain status btw: almost no more pain, only with extreme strain on the forearm it still pulls. However, I'm not using the cuff for the time being as I don't have any pain in everyday life, only when I put provocative strain on my forearm.

So why only 4 stars:

1. because nobody reads the 5-star reviews anymore, everyone thinks it's fake 🙂 But believe me: it helps

2. because two things aren't quite so cool after all: I completely scratched my desk with the buckle. A problem that is difficult to fix in terms of construction. And then there's the issue of sport. Unlike a sleeve or something similar, the cuff just looks super dirty from sweat etc. at some point. Even repeated cleaning only helps to a limited extent. So it does help, but you don't really feel like it. Of course, I have to say that this is completely normal.

Conclusion: Treat yourself to the cuff, in the end €80 for a healthy arm is a joke. And: stick with it, you should be able to hold out for a few weeks.

Kai Nass, Birkenwerder

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello and thank you very much for the nice experience report. Yes, it is true that the support is extremely effective, but still has significant potential for optimization in the areas of appearance, application and comfort. However, the "problem" with the buckle is easy to fix. If you sit at your desk a lot, you should either cover the buckle with a plaster, for example, or even better, pull a sweatband over the entire forearm cuff to prevent the desk from being scratched. If anything occurs, always contact us straight away, there is always a solution 🙂 We also have a lot of nursery school teachers and other people who work with children or in the care sector. They make do with a sweatband or similar and pull something over the buckles for safety. The buckles are of extremely high quality and to date there has never been an injury, but in certain areas it doesn't hurt to cover them a little. These things have all been fixed in our upcoming textile version, unfortunately it will take much longer than expected until we have completed the CE documentation and certification and until then you still have to put up with the small disadvantages, but you will get rid of the annoying epicondylitis 🙂 All the best and maximum sporting success. Best regards Harry Röder

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