
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

Hope for HELP confirmed THANK YOU MASALO

May 4, 2019

Thanks to this ingenious cuff, after weeks of pain and a week of complete repositioning of my right arm, I can finally work again almost without pain

As a self-employed home care worker, it would be impossible for me to be absent for several weeks.

I've been wearing the cuff 24 hours a day for three days now and it's like night and day.

I showed my GPthe cuff as she hadn't heard of it .....I am now her personal test person and she is already very excited 🙂

I can only say she will be amazed.

Thank you very much for this great invention and for the tangible passion behind the product

Personally, I can only say it's worth a try.


Steiner Claudia

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Steiner, thank you very much for your feedback. That sounds very good and will certainly ensure that tennis elbow / golfer's elbow will soon be a thing of the past 🙂 If you like, please send us 2 photos (description on our fitting page, last point) so that we can check the correct fit again and optimize it if necessary. But I think everything is correct. I wish you a continued good recovery. Kind regards Harry Röder

Thank you Masalo

May 4, 2019

I was very skeptical at first, but I was positively convinced. I read all about it on the Internet, it would have saved me a long ordeal if I had heard about this cuff earlier. I also told my physiotherapist about the great cuff and gave her the information material so that she could use it for other patients. My pain has improved by 80 percent in 3 weeks. I wear the cuff every day.

Annika Beck

Unfortunately, it didn't help me at all

May 4, 2019

Unfortunately, it didn't help me at all.

Unfortunately, I seem to be the big exception. I have worn the cuff every day for almost three months and unfortunately I am no better than before.

I clarified with the manufacturer's team (contact via this website) that I had put the cuff on correctly using photos. I have had chronic tennis and golfer's elbow for over 2.5 years, which developed during a phase of my life in which, in addition to my daily work on the PC with a lot of mouse use, I had an additional burden from building a house and replanting the garden.

I wake up in the morning with a pain-free arm and the pain comes back during the day. Unfortunately, the cuff couldn't prevent this when I was working on the computer, doing housework or (light) gardening.

The test with bottle lifting doesn't work for me because it's not certain movements that hurt me, but the pain comes during the course of the day due to progressive use of the arm. That's why I wore the cuff for almost three months to see if it helped, but now I'm giving up 🙁

For PC workers, I can only give the tip that it is easier to operate the computer at least partially by voice control and dictate texts. This reduces the amount of typing and clicking. Apart from that, I can't really recommend any of the numerous things I've tried.

I found the Masalo cuff ok in terms of handling and wearing comfort, but unfortunately it didn't help. Ordering went well and I also had a nice, helpful correspondence with the team to check that I hadn't made a mistake when putting it on.

C. Meunier

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Mrs. Meunier, even if your report does not correspond to our goal - that our customers get well - I thank you very much for it. Of course, it can always happen that our support does not work, but this would be an absolute exception (as you write yourself). It is just as we say, if there is no noticeable relief within the first 15-30 minutes, something is wrong and success may not be achieved. In the vast majority of such cases, there is a completely different indication and I would be very surprised if you really have classic golfer's elbow. What I can't gather from your comments is what kind of further diagnostics were carried out on you. It is not uncommon for the initial diagnosis to be epicondylitis and then, in the course of treatment, further diagnostics reveal that there is a completely different problem. What you write really doesn't sound like typical epicondylitis to me and not at all like golfer's elbow. You have no symptoms whatsoever when you put weight on your arm, which is completely atypical. You also have no pain at rest that could indicate inflammation, which is almost always the case with golfer's elbow. The ulnar nerve also tends to become inflamed here. All of this is completely different in your case. You applied the support perfectly, but unfortunately this doesn't help if you don't achieve relief and there are perhaps other indications. (The relief must be noticeable if the support visibly relieves the tendon area as in your case). I therefore highly recommend that you seek further diagnosis and have it determined exactly what the problem may be. If you like, contact me again with a telephone number, I can recommend a specialist who can certainly at least diagnose the problem thoroughly. In any case, I would be very pleased if you could contact me again from time to time as soon as you have further results from additional examinations. Thank you very much. I sincerely wish you a speedy recovery. Kind regards Harry Röder

After putting on the cuff, I was immediately pain-free!

May 4, 2019

I have had complaints in my right elbow joint for years - diagnosis epicondylitis.

Physiotherapeutic measures and wearing several compression bandages have not yet led to any improvement in the symptoms.

For this reason, my family doctor has now prescribed me a "Masalo® cuff".

As the medical supply stores were not prepared to provide the cuff, I contacted "Masalo®² directly. Mr. Röder (head of the company) advised me personally and gave me the best possible support. The Masalo® cuff was sent to me the same day.

After putting on the cuff, I was immediately pain-free!

I will now wear the "Masalo® cuff every day and assume that the inflammation of the tendon will heal completely in the near future.

I can already recommend the cuff without reservation!

E. Rosenzweig

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Rosenzeweig, thank you very much for your report. I'm really pleased that the sleeve is working so well for you. Not everyone feels it to such an extreme extent, but it is a very good sign that you will soon be rid of tennis elbow. Don't be surprised if you take the support off again now, the pain will return very quickly. The tendons need time to heal. Tendons have a poor blood supply, which means that the healing process can take quite a long time. So wear the support consistently and regularly so that your tennis elbow can disappear with or without the support. I sincerely wish you continued good recovery and that you enjoy your regained quality of life. Kind regards Harry Röder

Thank you Masalo!!!!

May 4, 2019

Hello dear team, I decided to buy the cuff in mid-January. And that was the best thing I could have done!!!

After a long battle with cortisone and radiation therapy, which didn't really help at all, your sleeve is a miracle cure, pain-free after almost 2 months, which is so good for the soul. Anyone whohas tennis elbow knows what I mean!!!

I've written back and forth a lot with my health insurance company, but I've always been refused.... it's funny that the pharmaceutical industry is being helped. But well, the cuff is worth the money, as I am a road builder it is very important that the cuff is made of leather. Extremely robust, that's how it should be!

Thanks again and good luck for the future.

MfG. Michael

Tost Michael

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Michael, thank you very much for your feedback. We are also very pleased that you are able to work again without this permanent and terrible pain. Don't be annoyed if your health insurance company refuses to cover the costs or at least contribute to them. You are welcome to name them here, as you no longer have to stay with a specific statutory health insurance fund and can switch. We have thousands of approved cost reimbursements, but have noticed that there are clerks, especially at 2 statutory health insurance companies, who basically only know rejections. It's not the insurance company that's bad, it's the clerk who obviously didn't understand what you were asking for. But now you have proof that the bandage helps, why don't you try a personal visit to your insurance company, that has often helped. Unfortunately, many clerks "think" "what does the person want with a leather bandage now, we have hundreds of approved products that don't help him, why a leather one..." and simply don't understand that it is a new and effective principle of action. But other health insurers do. (Tennis elbow otherwise costs an incredible amount of money, sick leave, countless therapies, surgery etc... so a health insurance company should "risk" the 79.80 euros) Anyway, the main thing is that you are rid of the pain and can work again 🙂 Please continue to wear the support for a while until it is completely healed and then also as a precaution. I wish you all the best. Kind regards Harry Röder

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