
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

I am thrilled and can play golf again without pain!

June 3, 2019

Dear Masalo team

I've had tennis elbow for almost a year now, from working on my PC and playing golf. Golfing is a great passion for me, which is why I've already had the doctor give me two cortisone injections because the pain was simply too severe to play.

After that I had 3 months of rest, but thepain came back every time. I didn't feel like having a third injection, so I came across Masalo through internet research and ordered the cuff.

Shipping to Switzerland went quickly and without any problems and I was delighted that it arrived in time for my Whitsun golf vacation. Thanks to the sleeve, I was able to golf for 4 days almost without pain - incredible!

I only felt my arm again after I had removed the cuff. But by then it was quite sore again. But I have to admit that I probably overdid it a bit, but it was just so great not to have any more pain when I was playing.

At the beginning, the lower part of my elbow hurt a bit where the strap goes through. I also first had to find out how the cuff works best and try out different settings. How much tension does it tolerate/need? It was also unusual at first to play golf with Masalo on my arm. However, this quickly subsided and I now even have the impression that the traction that occurs when stretching could be beneficial for my golf game and that I swing more cleanly.

I now also wear the cuff for work. It is getting softer and more comfortable and soon I will try it without the padding. I also do stretching exercises several times a day. Even though I have only had the cuff for a short time, I am confident that I will be able to bridge the time until it "burns out". I'll show my doctor the cuff at my next visit and I'm looking forward to hearing what he thinks.

If my initial euphoria should change for any reason, I would of course let you know. But at the moment there is a lot of enthusiasm.

Many thanks to the development team - well done! I'll be happy to promote you and your great invention from now on.

Best regards

Sandra H.

Sandra H.

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Sandra, thank you very much for your feedback. What you write is quite typical. Cortisone injections often help quite well and your doctor seems to have dosed the injections optimally. Unfortunately, however, the cortisone wears off after 2-3 months and the pain comes back. We epicondylitis candidates are all quite similar. As soon as we feel better, we go full throttle again, we are active and also impatient ? You don't expect the pain to come back, but the cortisone doesn't eliminate the injuries to the tendons and if you continue to put full weight on them, it often gets even worse afterwards. As I said, this is quite typical. We also hear what you say about improving your golf game very often. Many even improve their handicap ? I would still recommend that you watch out for possible inflammation. The tendons are now protected, but the possibility of inflammation recurring cannot be ruled out. Please keep an eye on it and see a doctor again if necessary. If it progresses as you have, there have always been reports of success after 2-4 months. Then everything should be over and a pain-free life with and without a support should be possible again. Please be careful when stretching. This puts enormous strain on the tendons. If you notice that this causes pain, it is better to take a break. You can find many tips on this and other supportive measures on our pages (Info & interesting facts => Tips for dealing with epicondylitis). Enjoy your golf and continue to have a good recovery. Kind regards Harry Röder

There is nothing better. Simply TOP

May 30, 2019

could not be reached for weeks. Beitseidig!

Cuffs helped immediately. It's well known what doctors prescribe. And nothing has helped If only I had found you on the net much earlier. I would have saved myself a lot of pain. Thanks to the great invention. I have recommended you to everyone I know with a tennisarm. I would recommend the Golfer Arm. L. G

Hänel Haiko

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Hänel, thank you very much for your feedback. We are very pleased that you are able to grip again. You do feel extremely restricted when you are virtually unable to move without pain. Nevertheless, you need to be patient. Epicondylitis takes longer to heal completely. Please pay attention to possible inflammations and have them treated by a doctor. We wish you a speedy recovery. Kind regards Harry Röder

Acknowledgments - finally pain-free golf again

May 27, 2019

Hello Mr. Roeder,

After 6 months, I can only confirm that every word on your website is correct.

After putting on the splint, there was immediate relief. After wearing it for a month in January, the healing process was noticeable. The inflammation spread to the wrist

back. I was completely pain-free in March. That's crazy. I still wear the splintto the gym and now I always wear it to play golf so that the predetermined breaking point in my elbow doesn't come back.

I'm now also on a mission because people ask me about it.

- and just as an aside, for people who have a tendency to bend their balls when teeing off, it also helps to keep the balls super straight.

Do you already know when the chic textile version will be available?

Kind regards

Helga Karl

Helga Karl

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Mrs. Karl, it's really nice to read that you are now well again ? The textile version has finally been certified and we are preparing for production. Have you already subscribed to our newsletter? You can do so here: https://www.masalo.ch/shop/newsletter.php All subscribers will receive the new version before the official market launch at a very special price with a generous discount. We expect to be able to deliver the first Masalo cuffs MED in about 6 weeks ? And yes, I often hear that you can even improve your handicap with the cuff because you can hit much more accurately and with more power, which is a great side effect ? The textile version will inspire you, we have really achieved a masterpiece and it also looks good ? I wish you all the best and lots of fun with your golf. Best regards Harry Röder

Incredible effect!!! Unconditional purchase recommendation!!!

May 25, 2019

I got a tennis elbow while playing table tennis. About 4 weeks ago, after a long break (due to pain in my arm), I played for 90 minutes and was in extreme pain afterwards! After a few days of stretching exercises and a fascia roll, I felt better, but the pain was still there. After thorough research, I became aware of the Masalo cuff and ordered it. Just under €80 is a hefty price, but more than worth every penny!!! Immediately after the cuff arrived quickly, I went to the table tennis tournament. Unbelievable! Played for about 4-5 hours and only slight pain!!!

I have been wearing the cuff day and night for exactly 3 weeks. To date, I have noticed a 90% improvement. It takes some getting used to at first because the leather is still quite stiff. This will improve over time. The only annoying thing was the black padding, which you have to put on at first, because the thin end pieces kept twisting and then pressing on the hard leather. I removed the padding about a week ago. Since then, the cuff sits even better and more directly! Now I often don't even notice it any more!

I also stretch my arm with special stretching exercises (YouTube) and roll/massage it with a small fascia to make the muscle more supple and relieve the tendon. Every now and then I use Voltaren ointment against the inflammation.

So: Anyone who suspects or has been diagnosed with tennis elbow: Buy the Masalo cuff!!! This thing is awesome!!! Many thanks to Mr. Röder for the development and all those involved who make it possible to buy the cuff!!!

Torsten Wesnigk

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Wesnigk, thank you very much for your report. Feedback like this gives us strength and energy and is the most important reward for our work. You play table tennis and this is always particularly stressful for the tendons, so it is all the better that you can play this beautiful sport again without pain and with pleasure. Please continue to wear the support consistently until you have managed the remaining 10%. I recommend that you continue to wear the sleeve for table tennis as a prophylactic measure for at least a while after you have healed. If it occurs again later, put the support on straight away and it will soon be over again. All the best and thank you again for your feedback. Best regards Harry Röder

Relief from the very first moment!

May 23, 2019

The sleeve fully meets my expectations. The pain has almost completely disappeared thanks to the permanent relief of the inflamed tendon. I hope that this will also speed up the healing process. As I sometimes had severe pain at night, I also wear the cuff while I sleep. This has also brought an improvement.

Michael Flossbach

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Mr. Flossbach, thank you very much for your feedback. Is that exactly how it should be? You are well on the way to beating the epicondylitis soon, but you will need some patience until it is completely over. Please always listen to your body and watch out for possible inflammation. It always makes sense to have additional therapies carried out by a doctor to combat inflammation. I sincerely wish you a speedy recovery. Kind regards Harry Röder

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