
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

I am delighted with the effect of the cuff

June 21, 2019

I have been wearing the cuff for a week now and have immediately noticed how the pain has subsided,

I feel really great and can already do a lot of things again, I can only recommend it. I had a lot of pain at night and could hardly sleep, but now I sleep like a log again. My pain has beenbearable again for a long time, thank you for this invention.

Gabriele Jordan

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Jordan, thank you very much for your feedback. I am really pleased that you are feeling better again. But why "only" 4 stars? Perhaps you could write us something more about this, we would of course be interested to know why we "lost" the 5th star ? I wish you continued good recovery and much joy with your regained quality of life. Kind regards Harry Röder

Great product!

June 20, 2019

Injections and extensive therapy did nothing for my elbow. The brace I was prescribed didn't bring any lasting relief either. The orthopaedist then said that if I didn't take it easy on my elbow, I wouldn't be able to avoid an operation.

I'm self-employed and taking it easy is one of those things. So I did my own research on theInternet. I then came across the Masalo cuff. The many positive testimonials prompted me to buy it. What can I say: I wish I had come across this cuff earlier. I have now been wearing the cuff for six months at work and during my leisure activities.

I immediately noticed how the pain subsided. After about five months, I no longer had any major pain. At the moment I only feel a slight pressure pain. I hope that this will also disappear. I will definitely continue to wear the cuff and will also order the textile version.

I can only recommend the product.

Heinz Schwichtenhövel

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Schwichtenhövel, thank you very much for your feedback ? It is good that you are continuing to use the cuff, because unfortunately we epicondylitis sufferers are always at risk of recurrence. Pressure pain should not occur, it would perhaps be helpful if you could send us photos again so that we can see the fit. I also recommend our page Tips for dealing with epicondylitis https://www.masalo.ch/tipps-gegen-epicondylitis/ Follow the tips there and massage the muscles with a hedgehog ball. This can cause cramps, which you can eliminate in this way. This loosens the muscles and promotes tendon relief. Just give it a try? I wish you all the best and we are always happy to answer any questions you may have. Kind regards Harry Röder

Finally pain-free thanks to the cuff

June 13, 2019

Thanks to the Masalo cuff, I am finally pain-free.

Due to the firmness of the new cuff, I was initially skeptical as to whether it would have the desired effect.

After 3 months I can say that the symptoms have almost disappeared.

The cuff needs 2-3 weeks to adapt to the arm, but then you hardly notice itat all.

Miracles should not be expected, it simply takes time for the pain to subside noticeably.

But for my part, I can only say that it helps.

None of the cuffs previously worn by other manufacturers had this lasting effect

Thank you very much.

B. B.

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. B., thank you very much for your report. That all sounds very good. After 3 months it is usually done, but please continue to use the support for some time so that the epicondylitis no longer has a chance. You're absolutely right, you can't expect miracles and you have to be patient on the one hand and "want to" on the other. You've more or less done it, the rest will soon be over too. Perhaps you will do as most of our customers do and use the support prophylactically when the going gets tough. Then the tennis or golf sprain won't even come up again. I wish you all the best. Best regards Harry Röder

Tip top

June 10, 2019

The best thing that could have happened to me. After injections and shock wave therapy. Both without improvement. I was sent a cuff, fitted to my arm. And I was able to really get to grips with my work again (car mechanic). Many thanks for the cuff.

Frank Brand

May not work for everyone

June 7, 2019

I also came across this cuff while treating my tennis elbow and tried it out. After a few days I found the right position. The cuff fitted well, but not always. Whenever I bent my arm strongly (in the garden or something), the cuff came loose. Probably because the muscle circumference somehow changes when I bend my arm.

When I stretched it out, the cuff pulled itself back into position, but it tilted, so that I often had to *fiddle* with the cuff, so I always had to make sure it was fitted correctly. I could have tightened it even more, but that would have been too much.

This also applies to sport. The cuff interferes with strength training for the same reason. But as already mentioned at the beginning. Everyone's anatomy is slightly different and they will judge it differently. Despite the padding, the strap rubbed on the inside of my upper arm. I made an extra pad out of neoprene that completely encloses the strap. I wore the cuff for 4 weeks, but I couldn't do without this padding. The pad provided is simply too narrow and slips off the leather easily.

I didn't wear the cuff at night. I guess everyone has to find out for themselves. The thing bothered me and I don't put any strain on my arm at night.

I practically always wore them during the day. The questions from my fellow citizens were also a bit annoying. The cuff is quite conspicuous and not dissimilar to a prosthesis from a distance. It's better to wear long sleeves.

After 4 weeks I put the cuff aside again. There was no real improvement of any kind. Another 4 weeks later, my tennis elbow has calmed down a bit. I can shake hands with my colleagues again without grimacing.

I always carry my right hand in my right trouser pocket (at least I try to). I try to do everything with my left hand and consistently take the strain off my right arm.

This is ultimately what all bandages or cuffs do.

I massage the muscle very frequently and do hot/cold treatments. Strength training only in the pain-free area. It is slowly getting better and I hope to be fully resilient again soon.


Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Norbert, thank you very much for your report. I am sure it will help many people, perhaps even more than the many success stories. (Your full name will of course remain anonymous if you wish). We do not claim that our brace always helps everyone (but it almost always works), but I would like to address a few points from your report for all readers. I offered to check the fit of the support once, which you unfortunately refused, as you believe that what we write in the instructions is nonsense and that you cannot feel a positive effect or relief after 15-30 minutes. We would not be particularly wise to emphasize such an important point repeatedly and clearly if this is not the case. The support must provide noticeable relief immediately after correct application, otherwise something is wrong. In more than 95% of such cases, there are small but significant application errors that we can correct quickly, but we cannot force anyone to follow the instructions. Since you doubt our instructions, we have no chance here anyway. Our instructions have constantly evolved and optimized with over 24,000 customers and this important note is a key factor. What would we gain from writing something like this if it's wrong? Just unnecessary support. But we want the support to work after purchase. But this only works if it is put on correctly. The cuff does not twist and the protection is also optimal, unless the cuff is incorrectly adjusted and/or the protection is not fitted according to the instructions. Yes, everyone is anatomically "built" individually, but after 24,000 customers you can be sure that we have seen it all. The support fits. (We have thousands of strength athletes who train pain-free again and all of them are anatomically individual...) Your statement that the arm is not stressed at night is also simply wrong. The arm is put under repeated and sometimes even heavy strain at night by pulling up the comforter, supporting it when turning over, etc. This can't be any different for you. This can't be any different for you either, as people turn over quite often in their sleep and this puts strain on the tendons (although this doesn't cause pain for everyone). However, the biggest misconception of all is "This is ultimately what all supports and cuffs do". This clearly shows that something has not been properly understood. Our support is the only one that does not work with compression and moves and loosens. This creates an additional massage function. The Masalo sleeve "does something completely different" from all other products used to treat epicondylitis. Only the Masalo cuff works with a counter-tension principle and if you apply it in the same way as all other supports, cuffs, orthoses, braces etc., it is no longer functional. I think it is a great pity that you completely refuse our support and consistently pursue your own idea of how the support should be applied. I am quite sure we could have helped you too. It's all about beating your tennis elbow, why don't you want our help? It can only benefit you and costs you nothing. Your statements point to 2 typical application errors, but as I said, we can't force you to follow our experience and instructions. I can only strongly advise against using your left arm more now, I did the same and very quickly had tennis elbow on my left too. That is an unfavorable path. I sincerely wish you a speedy recovery and my offer to help you further remains. Kind regards Harry Röder

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