
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

Positively surprised

July 28, 2019

I got tennis elbow at work last year. I tried a conventional support, but without success. I came across the Masalo Manchette by chance on the Internet and ordered it. The first few days took some getting used to, but it helped me a lot. 4 months later I was pain-free. Now the other arm is starting, I'm ordering it again straight away. Best regards

Helga Keller

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Keller, thank you very much for the lovely feedback. I wish you a speedy recovery for your other arm. Unfortunately, this often happens, if you have a tendency to epicondylitis, it can catch you out from time to time. But there is the Masalo cuff 🙂 Best regards Harry Röder

Fantastic cuff with an effect!

July 11, 2019

I was diagnosed with tennis elbow about 2 months ago because I started playing tennis again after years of abstinence. I have been wearing the Masalo cuff for almost 6 days now and I am very pleased with it! Immediately after simply putting it on, the pulling pain in my tennis elbow was almost gone! Two days later I was exercising with the cuff and it was possible without any problems and above all without any pain! I didn't expect it to work so well! I am completely convinced and enthusiastic about this product and can only warmly recommend it to anyone suffering from pain!

In the meantime, even after 6 days, the pain has decreased so much that it is only a small "pinch".

I will continue to wear the cuff and will also continue to use it preventively when playing tennis.

Thanks to the Masalo team for this great invention!

Stefano Tognocchi

Great help

July 11, 2019

I have had tennis elbow for a good 6 months. I have been wearing the sleeve for 2 months. Initially I felt a lot of irritation at the tendon insertion of my tennis elbow. I then contacted the Masalo team by e-mail. I received an immediate reply from Mr. Siebert. He gave me the tip of loosening the forearm cuff a little and tightening the upper arm cuff a little, which helped me immediately. The support from the Masalo team is really TOP, many thanks at this point.

Now to my healing process. After consulting with Mr. Siebert, I started playing tennis again after about 1 week. It takes some getting used to and you feel a little restricted in your stroke movement. The pain was practically unchanged during the first 3 weeks, even with the cuff. Then, after about 4 weeks, the situation improved abruptly. Without tennis, the pain was only slight. I then went on vacation and, strangely enough, the pain got a little worse again despite wearing the cuff, even though I practically didn't put any weight on the arm for 1 ½ weeks. This could lead to the conclusion that no or only slight strain is counterproductive for the elbow to heal. I'm currently playing tennis with the sleeve on with virtually no pain. After tennis, when I take off the cuff, the pain returns to about 50% of the initial pain level for about 12 hours. The next day I am practically pain-free again.

I think patience, patience and more patience is required. I hope and am convinced that the residual pain will disappear completely in the next few weeks. My overall assessment of the cuff is very satisfactory. Before wearing the cuff, I did physiotherapy (shock wave therapy, various strengthening exercises, massages etc.) for about 2 months, unfortunately without any success. You can save yourself this money and buy the cuff directly. You'll get real help for very little money.

Many thanks again to the whole Masalo team

Diego Caluori

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Caluori, thank you very much for your wonderful report, which will certainly help many tennis enthusiasts. Yes, it is indeed true that exercise is beneficial for the healing process, as experience shows. Many users are also a little hesitant with the settings at first. I always advise creating as much counter-traction as possible at the beginning. The more the tendons are relieved and the faster the healing process begins. You can loosen them again at any time. I can understand that you don't necessarily want to wear the leather bandage after sport and showering. The fact that the leather version is not washable is a real disadvantage. But that will all change with our new, textile and washable MED version. In your case, however, it would be strongly advisable to wear the support outside of tennis at the moment. I would also advise you to wear the support prophylactically for quite some time, at least during periods of heavy exertion. It takes time for epicondylitis to heal completely and you should not prolong this process unnecessarily. I would also like to thank you in particular for your praise of our service. We put a lot of heart and soul into what we do and always endeavor to really help everyone (who wants it) ? My colleague and friend Eric Siebert was one of our very first customers (bilateral golfer's elbow) and, like me, is extremely committed to the fight against epicondylitis. Anyone who has had to go through this knows what it means. His professional career was on the line and, as a passionate strength athlete, taking a break was really stressful. So the Masalo team gradually formed, all former sufferers and people healed by the Masalo cuff. There are now also some doctors who support us ? Have fun with your tennis and good recovery. Best regards Harry Röder

.... so fast-I wouldn't have thought!

July 4, 2019

After I could no longer play golf because of tennis elbow, I was frustrated. If I didn't do anything, the pain went away - but after just one golf swing it was back in full force.

Nice weather and me at home... I already had problems about 10 years ago, at that time many injections with the result that various tendons and muscle fiberswere tornand I had to take a break for about 1/2 year.

I came across Masalo while googling and then contacted Mr. Röder directly. Very friendly and helpful. I then ordered the cuff and went to play golf.

At first I had a totally strange feeling due to the "tension" caused by the cuff - but strangely, after playing golf I had no more pain than before.

And now - just over a week later - the pain is virtually gone and I go out to play every evening. I no longer notice the cuff - on the contrary, without it I would almost miss something!

I can't say directly whether it has improved my golf game :-))

I am really thrilled!

Question: Should I continue to wear the cuff when playing golf - even if I am virtually pain-free?

Stefan Prinz

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Prinz, thank you very much for your experience report, that sounds perfect ? Many people write that the golf game improves with the sleeve, but that is not our aim. You should simply be able to play again and do so with pleasure and without pain. Is that what it's all about? To your question: That's entirely up to you, of course, but I know that athletes continue to use our support prophylactically during sport after they have healed. Now the leather version is not exactly a beauty (but the textile one will be pretty :-)) and perhaps you don't always want to wear it on the golf course. I am quite sure that you will not have any more problems if you wear the Masalo cuff prophylactically when playing golf, but there is also another option. You can simply put the bandage in your golf bag. As soon as you notice during the game (or afterwards) that the epicondylitis starts again, simply put the sleeve on immediately. Usually the pain will be gone immediately or within 24 hours. Just try it out. However, I think you should wear the cuff for at least another 3-4 weeks when playing to be on the safe side (and also outside the pitch). Then the tendons can heal and you have a good chance that the pain won't return so quickly. Have a look at our "Tips for dealing with epicondylitis" at https://www.masalo.ch/tipps-gegen-epicondylitis/ where you will find some useful information on how to protect yourself. I would also recommend a simple wrist brace for strength athletes (available from Amazon in white and black, in a double pack for less than 10 euros). This stabilizes the wrist, but should not stiffen it (the tendons are put under maximum strain by movements of the wrist and fingers) and thus provides additional protection against new injuries. I hope you enjoy your golf and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at any time. Best regards Harry Röder

Simply brilliant

July 1, 2019

I got golfer's elbow from overuse and have worn various supports, but the first time I used the Masalo cuff while playing golf was amazing - no more pain! I can only recommend it and will tell my doctor about it.

Winfried Keller

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Keller, thank you for your feedback and have fun with your golf. As many golfers report that the Masalo cuff improves their handicap, stroke power and accuracy when playing golf, I would be delighted if you could also tell me briefly how the cuff affects your game? Kind regards Harry Röder

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