
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

I can work again without pain

August 23, 2019

Dear Masalo team;

I have to thank you again for this cuff.

A year of pain and since I got my cuff, it's getting better every day!!!

I can work again without pain and even without a cuff (from time to time) I can feel an absolutely clear improvement.

When the textile version is available, will I be informed?

Would thenwant to order 2 straight away.

I have also been asked about this cuff at work and the person has already had it and was extremely enthusiastic.

It takes some getting used to, but is then indispensable?

Thanks again and I'm already looking forward to the washable version.

All the best for you and keep up the good work!

Kind regards

Stefanie Nöske

Stefanie Nöske

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Nöske, thank you very much for your feedback, that's great news again 🙂 You will be informed by us in good time and can then - like all customers and newsletter subscribers - pre-order the new cuff at a very discounted special price 🙂 I am really very pleased that you have made it 🙂 Best regards Harry Röder


August 21, 2019

I was looking for a treatment for epicondylitis for a long time. My orthopaedist is of the opinion that a brace atrophies the muscles. That's why she didn't prescribe one for me.

My GP said that physiotherapy would not necessarily be good and could make the condition worse. So I ordered bandages on the internet. Thesedid providerelief, but only for a short time. Occasionally I even put my arm in a sling, which helped but was quite restrictive.

I watched videos on the internet saying that stretching was the best thing to do. So I stretched, but it didn't get any better. I felt it was getting worse.

At some point I googled the Masalo cuff. I was impressed by Mr. Röder's initiative and his inventiveness ((-:Of course I wanted to try it out. Today, after about 1 month, my condition is much better and, above all, I don't have to go to physio appointments and can carry on with my work.

However, I only wear the cuff during the day, but every day. In the evening I massage my arm with a fascia ball and lubricate it with Traumeel. This all helps me a lot. I also find that occasionally stretching the arm slightly is good.

I can only recommend this valuable Masalo cuff.

Alexandra from Wetzlar

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Alexandra, thank you very much for your feedback 🙂 But you really have had an "unfavorable" history. In my experience, physiotherapy is the most helpful treatment apart from our bandage and I don't understand how this can be described as negative. But some people have a different opinion. You are definitely doing everything right at the moment. The self-massage and creams are great and if you are very careful when stretching (preferably with the bandage on) this can also help. You will notice that as soon as it hurts, it is no longer good. You are welcome to send us photos again with the cuff in place. This may allow us to optimize the fit a little more and you may be over your tennis elbow sooner. We sincerely wish you a speedy recovery. Kind regards Harry Röder

Sport is possible again without pain thanks to the cuff

August 19, 2019

Dear Masalo team,

After suffering for 11 months from massive pain due to tennis elbow and having tried shock waves, X-ray irradiation, injections, acupuncture etc. without success, I came across your product on the Internet.

Due to the many positive reviews, I decided to order your cuff.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank allthose who have taken the trouble to write a review. Otherwise I probably wouldn't have bought the cuff.

Thanks to the very good advice/support from Mr. Siebert, the right adjustment for my arm was found after initial problems. After just one week, I was able to do almost all sports again (golf, volleyball, etc.) with very little pain - nothing like before.

After wearing the cuff consistently for three months, I now only wear it when I'm under pressure. Sport is possible again without pain thanks to the cuff. The tennis elbow is not gone, but everything is within tolerable limits.

Thank you very much for taking the trouble to develop and refine the product.

Jutta Pellny, Bochum

Jutta Pellny

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Pellny, thank you very much for the report. We hope you enjoy your sport 🙂 Best wishes from the Masalo team

Short and sweet - in the truest sense of the word!

August 12, 2019

Short delivery time, short time to get used to the cuff, short time to effect (immediately after putting on). Result: painless (as long as I wear the cuff). I play tennis again with full commitment and only have slight pain when I bring the water bottle to my mouth when changing sides - I can play tennis without any restrictions.

Although Ihave been wearingthe cuff for over 3 months now and notice it immediately when I take it off again, the current gain in quality of life is still enormous.

And another thing: my protective element is a bit worn out after intensive use.

Cost for a new one: 2.20 including shipping!

This is how customer service works 🙂

Simon Wenkelewsky

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Wenkelewsky, thank you very much for your report. It's reports like this and numerous emails that motivate us again and again. Great 🙂 You will be delighted with the new MED, which our customers and newsletter subscribers are expected to receive from mid-September - at a very special preferential price. You will be notified by email. I wish you a speedy recovery and lots of fun playing tennis  Best wishes Harry Röder

Surprisingly good effect

July 29, 2019

I had problems with tennis elbow for months. I tried physiotherapy, acupuncture and a conventional cuff. Nothing really helped in the long term. Out of necessity, I ordered the Masalo cuff and was very skeptical at first.

But as I wanted to go climbing again, I gave it a try. At first it took some getting used towearing thecuff. However, the leather quickly became supple and I was able to use it well in everyday life and even when climbing. With the cuff on my arm, I actually felt immediate relief. I now only feel my right elbow when I'm really doing too much.

Unfortunately, my left arm has also started to hurt for some time now. (According to my orthopaedist, this is a very typical progression) As the healing process is slow here too, I have just ordered the cuff for my left arm and hope that I will soon be free of symptoms again.

A word about the service: in the first few weeks I was very unsure what the right setting was.

The response to my query was very quick, friendly and helpful.

Thank you very much for this!

Moni Bauer

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Bauer, thank you very much for your feedback. Yes, unfortunately it is not uncommon for the problem to occur on the other arm at some point. Our current BASIC version made of leather does not necessarily encourage you to wear it prophylactically without discomfort, but this will be different with the new textile MED version 🙂 I wish you a speedy recovery this time too. If anything should happen, you know that we are here for you. Kind regards Harry Röder

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