
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

The MED is here?

October 1, 2019

I had two tennis arms for 6 months and am now pain-free again thanks to Mr. Röder. During this time I always had the full support of Mr. Röder, which is certainly not a matter of course. All I can say about the new MED is. RESPECT a Ferrari ?

Wear the new MED at work for safety reasons.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Röder and his team once again ?

Hänel Haiko

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Hänel, great 🙂 After 5 years of development, tests, test phases, material search etc. we really wanted to build something that is top of the range and I really hope we have succeeded 🙂 Thank you for your feedback and I wish you all the best. Best regards Harry Röder

free of symptoms for a long time

September 6, 2019

Hello, I think this further development is really great. Thanks to the Masalo cuff, I can report that I have been symptom-free for a long time.

I would recommend it to anyone in a heartbeat. Thank you for this invention. In any case, and I hope I don't get these complaints again, I will order them again.

I could no longer even lift an empty cup. The cuff was my only hope of escaping an operation.

I never thought I would be so successful with them. If I ever need them again, I hope that they will be available with lots of colorful flowers on them? Once again a BIG THANK YOU


Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Mrs. Böttcher, thank you very much for your message, I am really very pleased 🙂 I wish you all the best and a nice weekend. Best regards Harry Röder

Immediately less pain

September 6, 2019

After suffering for a few weeks with severe pain in my right elbow, applying a lot of Voltaren ointment and Acconit pain oil, I went to the GP. Diagnosed with tennis elbow, I was prescribed an elastic bandage and ibuprophen.

I found the brace very uncomfortable as it was very painful to touch my elbow. A friend introduced meto the Bort elbow brace.It was much easier to wear and put a bit more pressure on the muscle. However, I still had to take tablets as the pain didn't go away even when I was at rest.

I always did all the stretching exercises well, 5 times a day. In the end I had the feeling that it was getting worse.

By chance I came across the Masalo cuff on the Internet and ordered it immediately (as a last hope). Unfortunately, the delivery was delayed (by DHL), but all it took was one message to Mr. Siebert and the cuff arrived the next day (thanks again).

Thanks to the detailed description, I was able to put on the cuff without any problems and carry out the "function test". Although I couldn't lift a coffee cup without the cuff, I was able to lift a full water bottle with the cuff without any pain?

I have been wearing the cuff for 3 weeks now (permanently, even at night). I take the cuff off twice a day, apply cream and massage my elbow. I'm still taking it very easy on my arm at the moment, but I don't need any more tablets and can practise the piano again for longer without pain.

I am totally delighted with the cuff, was very pleased today that the new cuff will soon be available and ordered it immediately. Many of my friends suffer from tennis elbow and I always recommend Masalo out of conviction.

Ruth Weller

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Weller, thank you very much for your feedback. I'm sure you'll make it the rest of the way 🙂 I'm especially pleased that you're able to play the piano again. That brings back quality of life. Yes, these stretching exercises can also cause damage. That's why you should always trust your own instincts, you've done it right and, if possible, shouldn't start doing it again. There are also customers who make progress with stretching, but unfortunately these are exceptions. In many cases, tennis elbow gets worse when stretching and customers often end up with golfer's elbow as well. So please always approach these things with caution. I wish you continued good recovery, lots of fun with the piano and a nice weekend. Best regards Harry Röder

Listen up, kids!

August 28, 2019

I don't do that often. So writing reviews. I really have to go to the extreme and say "Awesome shit!" or "You're the biggest rags with the most ridiculous product on the planet".

I don't like building up suspense, so first of all: you have reached me at the positive end.

Let's start like this : I make a lot of music, have an office job at a PC and do circuit training workouts 3-4 times a week, which draw entirely from the world of CrossFit and push you to your limits (individually, of course). The sweat flies and the muscles ripple. The job and the music weren't very affected, sport was unfortunately more of an issue.

It's pretty big bullshit if you like doing pull-ups and suddenly you have a golfer's arm. A fully functional arm isn't exactly unsexy either. Especially as the internet gives you high hopes with recovery times of several months to years.

After a break of several weeks without any signs of improvement, I just said "Fuck it" and carried on and simply gave up one or two exercises. Most of it worked, but of course the symptoms didn't get any better. Then, in my search for miracle cures, I came across your cuff. And as I'd already had great experiences with chiropractors in connection with back and neck problems, where physics and injections had no effect - why not just measure my forearm and order it in?

No sooner said than done: ordered on Tuesday morning, the new SM toy arrived the next day. I came home from work, put it on (the instructions are meticulously precise and foolproof - if you can build IKEA furniture, you can do it. For everyone else, I'm sure there's a certificate) and went to training and did the usual mimicry-inducing movements. And I almost shed a tear.

The pain was virtually gone! Almost because you could still feel that something was wrong. I quickly tried a pull-up at home: significant relief, but certainly not recommended, as the pain has to heal first. In addition, the usual joyful comments came during training, such as "Now you're finally becoming a machine", "Look, a Transformer" and the obligatory "Can you finally do something?". As you can see, this thing is also fashionable and damn sexy.

I would like to recommend this product to everyone. I put the strap on one evening, the principle works and I'm sure that sooner or later I'll recover thanks to the protection. And for those who are not yet convinced, I would simply like to say, in the words of the Dude, "That's just like your opinion, man!". The rest may weep quietly and continue to rely on ineffective medical concepts supported by the state.

You guys are an awesome store. Thank you for designing the cuff. And now that I've sifted through it so much in one training session that it could just as easily be a bandage from a Rambo movie, I'm going to order a second one for more representative daily use right away or tomorrow morning at the latest. SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!

Peace and get well soon to all you crippled and suffering people out there. Love.

Nils Matusiak

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Matusiak, thank you very much for this beautiful and very entertaining report 🙂 You have a really great way of formulating things, it's a lot of fun to read 🙂 And you've kept your sense of humor, which not everyone with epicondylitis may really be able to do. You hit the nail on the head. The BASIC version certainly won 't win any beauty awards, but it does help. We are aware that the look is a bit of an imposition, which is even worse for women. No matter how much you "prettify" yourself, the leather part spoils the overall image in the long term 🙂 Although this is an advantage for us, as the support is really extremely eye-catching and thus always provides new topics of conversation, which significantly increases awareness, we naturally also want our products to be seen. This is guaranteed with our new textile version, the Masalo MED cuff. It has a modern look and no longer looks "sick" in any way. It is also significantly more effective, easier to use, can be used in water, washed and is really very comfortable. You can even wear it under a shirt. The newly designed belt (patent pending) ensures optimum grip with every movement. Years of development have gone into this (which you can't necessarily see straight away) and we are very excited to see the first reactions. All customers and subscribers to our newsletter will receive a message soon and will be able to pre-order the new support at a special price. Delivery from around the middle / end of September. This support is a quantum leap compared to our tried and tested BASIC. Thank you again for your feedback and all the best. Kind regards Harry Röder

Put on, fits, no more pain. Nothing more needs to be said.

August 27, 2019

About 2 months ago, I got a bad case of 'tennis elbow' due to a stupid strain (no sport!). I've had this before and assumed that it would be over after 3-4 weeks. Unfortunately, I was way off the mark.

After I have not been able to play my favorite sport (TT) properly - actually not at all - for 2 months nowand had to give up the first game of a tournament two days ago because I could no longer hold the racket, I ordered the cuff the same evening.

It's here today. I watch the nice video again to put the cuff on correctly. What can I say, it fits, no more pain. The part is a sensation. That's all I need to say.

Many thanks to Harry Röder for this great invention. I will publicize the Masalo cuff in our club.

H. Schulte

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Dr. Schulte, thank you very much for your great feedback 🙂 However, I have one more thing to say. Table tennis is a sport that puts maximum strain on the tendons, even worse than tennis or other sports. I would therefore ask you to start playing again carefully and to adjust the support as tightly as possible. But we have some table tennis players from the Rhine-Main area (also in the national league) who are successfully playing again with the support 🙂 So I'm sure it will work for you too. What also helps is a simple wrist bandage (there are 2 of them on Amazon for less than 10 euros, "wrist bandages for weight training"...). This also helps, as the wrists are put under a lot of strain during TT and wrist movements in turn put a lot of strain on the tendons... I hope you have fun playing and of course a good recovery (you'll need a little patience until it's completely gone again ;-)) Best regards Harry Röder

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