
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%


October 4, 2019

I am completely convinced by this cuff. I had good success with the leather version when I was suffering from acute pain in my left arm. I am now pain-free. It was not always comfortable to wear, as it slipped easily at the elbow and the buckles sometimes got caught in my clothing. But I put up with it because I noticed less pain.

When I read about the textile bandage, I immediately knew what I was doing. Order it ? In the meantime, I've been plagued by constant pain in my right elbow due to overwork at work. I had to take advantage of the introductory offer. The delivery arrived today and I put the support on straight away.

Conclusion for now in comparison: easier to put on thanks to Velcro straps, fits tightly and doesn't slip. Now it's time to wear it and wait for the pain to go away.

Thank you very much for this great invention for the benefit of many pain sufferers.

Best regards

Quick question... Can I wear the support on both arms? Left/right is requested on delivery. Is the effect then more limited?

Sabine Knoll

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Knoll, thank you very much for your feedback. We are very pleased that you like the new MED, a lot of work and dedication went into it 😉 You can certainly wear a left brace on the right for a while if necessary and vice versa, but that is not a permanent solution. Our arms are built differently and the shape is linked to this. So left arm left brace and vice versa are optimized accordingly. Good recovery and have a nice weekend. Best regards Harry Röder

The new Med cuff

October 4, 2019

I have been prone to tennis elbow for around 10 years. I put so much strain on my arms, especially when playing sport, that it always led to problems. Thanks to the Masalo leather sleeves, I was able to play sport again without any restrictions and let my arms heal well. This would never have worked without these cuffs. I can say this because I had previously tried tapes and bandages that were not effective enough.

My tendency to tennis elbow is still there despite the healing, so I have always worn the leather cuffs as a precautionary measure when doing sports.

When the Med cuff came onto the market, I ordered it immediately and tested it yesterday with a high load. Everything was great. For me, the advantage over the leather cuff is the quick adjustability and therefore the adaptability to the load situation thanks to the Velcro fastener, the hygiene and the fact that the sweat on the med cuff doesn't bother me as much during sport - in the height of summer.

I also tried the sleeve over a thin sleeve and this also worked for me. I no longer feel any restriction at all. I can recommend the sleeve to anyone who has tennis elbow.

The delivery was great.

Jörg Pannenborg

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Pannenborg, perfect, that's exactly how it should be 🙂 Of course I mean our new product. All sufferers are familiar with recurring tennis elbow. If you are prone to it and then move accordingly, there is unfortunately a good chance that it will recur. It's the same for me, which is why I avoid working with a screwdriver at all costs... I don't wear the support when I do sport, but I always have it with me. However, I don't do any weight training either... I do it in such a way that if I can even feel it starting, I put the sleeve on immediately, if it's bad I'll have it gone again within 3 days, if it's only mild, I wear it overnight and everything is fine again the next day. But you're doing it right. Prevention is the best option 🙂 Thank you very much for your feedback and I wish you all the best. Best regards Harry Röder

Immediately pain-free

October 3, 2019

Yesterday I received the basic version of the Masalo cuff and I am absolutely delighted with it.

My tennis elbow on the right has been bothering me for about 2 months now during certain activities. I probably overdid it with sport (strength training with the Isokinator). I have continued to train despite the pain - because training with the Isokinatoris so much fun.I have already undergone the usual therapies: manual physiotherapy and ultrasound. But as you already know, that doesn't do much or anything at all.

The pain in my right arm is not so bad. For example, I can grip firmly with my right hand. Light strength training is also possible. I'm a sports shooter and tennis elbow is a real hindrance. Holding the gun with the right hand on the outstretched arm (elbow almost pushed through) was only possible with pain.

It was almost impossible to hold the gun steady. As I wrote above, I received the cuff yesterday and tested it straight away. The result: no more pain when holding the gun.

I even had the impression that I could hold my arm even more steadily now, so I didn't have tennis elbow yet. The cuff provides a little support for the elbow joint. Strength training is also pain-free again under normal/full load.

I wouldn't have thought that the cuff would work so well.

Thank you very much for this tool.

Dirk Fieber

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Fieber, thank you very much for your report, which will certainly be of interest to some sports shooters, biathletes and people who have to master shooting with weapons for professional reasons. I have received hundreds of responses from such customers, but I don't think we've had such a detailed report on this before. I'm very pleased with what you write - that's exactly what the brace is supposed to do. It is also absolutely true that you are certainly hitting better because, as you write, the joint is stabilized and the arm is simply calmer as a result. However, you still need to be patient, as it can take up to 3 months for the tennis elbow to disappear completely. But you are on the right track and I am sure it will work out 🙂 Good recovery. Best regards Harry Röder

Leather cuff, new textile cuff

October 2, 2019

I have been wearing the leather cuff for months. It helped me well against the pain in my mouse arm. Unfortunately, it kept slipping off my upper arm. As soon as I bent my arm, the distance between the strap and my arm was too great and I had to keep pushing the cuff upwards to get a better grip. When putting it on, I often got the buckles caught on the clasp. Nevertheless, it helped me well and I wore it during the day and took it off at night.

I received the textile cuff yesterday. It looks very high quality. Putting it on worked much better than with the leather one because the straps can be pulled continuously.

There is now also an elasticated band and an anti-slip pad for the back of the upper arm. I find this textile cuff very comfortable against the skin.

They don't constrict my feet and offer a very stable hold. As they are washable, I'm not worried about them getting dirty.

I've only been wearing them for a day, but when I compare the two I'm already very impressed with the new one.

The pain I had months ago has become much less.

They only occur partially and with greater strain.

I used to have constant pain that extended into my shoulder area and was also there at night.

Bettina Daisenberger

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Daisenberger, thank you very much for your report ? I am very pleased that you are feeling better and wish you a continued good recovery. Kind regards Harry Röder

Immediate help, but not for a long time!

October 2, 2019

I have been wearing the cuff since mid-August. I noticed that the pain was immediately relieved when I put it on correctly.

I wore the cuff almost continuously for the first few weeks, and it looked correspondingly dirty. I was even able to do my active sports with it in moderation. Now I only wear them at workand once a week for sports. Unfortunately, it has not yet led to any improvement when I don't wear it.

Today I'm getting the new textile version and I'm looking forward to the possible improvement.

I'll get back to you with an assessment.

Uwe Roewer

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Roewer, first of all thank you for your feedback, our sleeve normally supports the healing process until complete recovery. However, you really need to wear the support until the problem is completely healed and preferably for another 2 weeks afterwards. You've only had the support for just under 8 weeks, so you can't expect it to heal completely in such a short time, even with the sleeve 🙂 Which doctor or other therapy can demonstrate the kind of success you've already achieved with the sleeve in just 8 weeks? As you have no doubt read in the information on our website, tendons are what is known as bradytrophic tissue. In other words, tissue with few blood vessels and therefore little blood supply. However, blood is important for healing. As a result, healing processes on such tissue are always lengthy. As a rule, complete recovery takes between 6 weeks in less dramatic cases and over 6 months in severe golfer's arms. However, this can only be achieved if the brace is worn consistently and not just when under strain. The whole thing is also heavily dependent on which movements and activities you perform, how old you are, the overall condition of your body, whether you have enough nutrients, how badly or severely the tendons are injured, etc. etc. It is simply a medical problem and therefore completely individual. So far, I know of three cases (out of almost 30,000 customers) where freedom from pain is not possible without a support. However, these 3 people had / have had epicondylitis for 9 to 15 years and all 3 have already passed the 75 year age limit. Continue to wear the brace as consistently as possible and I am quite confident that it will work for you too, but you will certainly need patience. Good recovery. Kind regards Harry Röder

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