
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

Pain-free after just one day

October 16, 2019

Unfortunately, I have to admit that I thought about buying this sleeve for a long time because I was put off by the price. I'm an electrician for buildings etc. I have to move my arms back and forth a lot. Work overhead etc.

Doctors and alternative practitioners couldn't help me either. Itried massages, ointments, painkillers, injections, Reitzstrom and I don't know what else, but nothing helped.

So I invested the money and ordered this Maslo MED cuff. I decided on this one because I have a lot to do with customers and a leather cuff is out of the question.

It arrived after about 3 days. I immediately looked for the instructions and put it on. After about 1/2 hour I hardly noticed any pain. No pulling, stinging or pinching in my arm. After one night and one day I was almost on the verge of crying. Finally, after almost 9 months of pain-free sleep and off to work. Every mm of the Masalo Manchette MED is worth the money.

I can only say one thing: buy it and finally be pain-free without doctor experiments.

The only thing left for me to say is a clear recommendation.

I would like to say a big thank you to the inventor and if I could I would give him a hug. Keep up the good work.

Dirk Küchenmeister

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Küchenmeister, what great feedback, thank you very much 🙂 That motivates us and drives us forward 🙂 I can relate to all of this very well, it was the same for me. 2 years of pain, hardly any sleep, nothing helped and you still have to perform because otherwise no money comes into the house. The feeling was also overwhelming for me back then, I put on the first prototype and the pain subsided. Wonderful isn't even an expression for that moment 🙂 That's exactly why we all put our hearts into it, because nobody has to go through something like that. I'm also very pleased that you did everything right and read through the instructions. Unfortunately, not all customers do this and we then receive photos of the support being fitted completely incorrectly, or even a return. This is always a shame, because it is actually quite easy to put on the new MED and if you do it correctly, it will work (if the diagnosis is correct) 😉 Please wear the sleeve consistently and until it is completely healed, otherwise this can happen again and again and only delays things unnecessarily. As an electrician, you have to use the screwdriver from time to time, there's no other way. But this is one of the worst activities and a good breeding ground for tennis elbow. So please do everything a little more slowly and with care, and adjust the belt a little tighter when doing such work (you can loosen it again afterwards). One more tip: if things get a little dirty on the construction site, simply pull a shirt or similar over the cuff so that you don't have to wash it so often. I wish you a good recovery and would be delighted if you could contact me again in 8-10 weeks. You should be out of the woods by then. Kind regards Harry Röder

Immediate relief

October 13, 2019

After renovation work at home, I got tennis elbow on the right and happened to see a report about the cuff and ordered it straight away. I was thrilled.

The pain was hardly noticeable. I have now also bought the textile version, which is very comfortable to wear. I am very satisfied with the cuff and am glad that it isavailable.

I would like to thank the Masalo team for their always friendly, helpful and very patient advice. You can tell straight away that they not only work with understanding but also with heart and dedication. A big compliment.

I will recommend the cuff to others.


Fenia Amanatidou

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Amanatidou, thank you very much for your feedback and praise :-). We are always very happy to help our customers, especially because we know from our own experience what it means to have to deal with epicondylitis. If someone uses our support, then we almost always achieve our goal 😉 We wish you all the best and from now on you no longer have to worry about renovation work etc., simply put on the sleeve as a precaution and then it won't even come up again. Kind regards Harry Röder

The madness - I am overjoyed

October 7, 2019

Hello Mr. Siebert,

I've been wearing the new cuff for 30 minutes now, it's amazing!!!!

It is so pleasant, almost cozy.

I am overjoyed to have become aware of you months ago.

You simply have to do more advertising, because hardly anyone knows about this Superman cuff.

I continue to do a lot of advertising for you because this cuffhas helped mesooo well and supports me every day.

I work in a bakery and am constantly asked about it.

And now our customers will be amazed.

Best wishes and all the best for the future

S. Nöske

Stefanie Nöske

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Nöske, thank you very much for your feedback. We are very pleased 🙂 Best regards Erioc Siebert

Just thank you!

October 6, 2019

The fabric version is perfect. Even the leather version brought me significant relief. I was sometimes unable to hold a ballpoint pen. To make a long story short: Thank you, I'm happy. I hope you have a lot of success with it, you really deserve it.

Hans-Joachim Strauß

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Strauß, thank you for your feedback. It is not a matter of course that people can say thank you 🙂 Thank you also for your good wishes. We hope that everything will continue as it is and that we will survive in this tough market. All the best for you. Best regards Harry Röder

Congratulations on the successful new cuff med

October 6, 2019

Now that I have successfully worn the leather cuff constantly (even at night) for 7 weeks, I can do many things with my right hand again, but I actually avoid doing anything that I don't absolutely have to do. I have stopped doing stretching exercises altogether... they only made the pain worse.

Ireceived the newcuff 2 days ago: great material, it's super easy to put on and can be easily adjusted depending on the activity. It is extremely comfortable to wear, I can't even feel it anymore, nothing slips on my upper arm. You can tell that a lot of ideas and passion have been put into this product over the years.

I will have to wear the cuff for some time to come, but it is the only solution for me. My friends and family have recommended it without reservation (until recently I didn't realize how many people suffer from it).

Ruth Weller

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Weller, thank you very much for your review, we are really pleased. It's a good feeling when you're very committed and it works accordingly 🙂 Yes, epicondylitis is a real scourge. Almost everyone who comes into contact with it for whatever reason is affected by it. Only then do you realize how widespread it actually is and that there is virtually nothing that can really help. We are all the more pleased that our active principle helps almost everyone 🙂 I wish you all the best and thank you again. Best regards Harry Röder

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