
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

Immediately pain-free

November 8, 2019

I've been working on my tennis elbow for three quarters of a year without success. It was always better and sometimes worse, and somehow you get used to it.

I came across the Masalo cuff by chance and very quickly ordered it in textile. Of course it's a lot of money at first, but whenyou add up everything I've already spent on other things to keep my arm still...

It took me a few days to find the optimum setting, but I was pain-free and fully resilient from the very first moment. Running around with children, passing loads on my outstretched arm - no more problems.

I've had them for two weeks now and still wear them all the time. It's a blessing, especially at night, as I often didn't know how to position my arm and was in a lot of pain. Now I sleep through the night again.

I still have to be careful when I turn my arm, it still hurts. But it was to be expected that it wouldn't be over after two weeks.

I am glad that I bought this cuff and would do so again at any time. Absolutely recommendable!

Cornelia Gutzeit

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Gutzeit, thank you very much for your feedback. It all sounds exactly as it should and we are very pleased 🙂 Now you need to be patient until you are completely rid of your epicondylitis and have to expect small setbacks from time to time. This is completely normal, we epicondylitis patients are all a bit like each other. As soon as things get better, we like to go full throttle again and this sometimes goes a little wrong 🙂 But it's not bad, with the cuff it's usually good again quickly. Please use your arm as normally as possible and if you get a bad case of it again because you've done a bit too much, simply tighten it a little. If anything should happen, we are always there for you. We wish you a speedy recovery. Kind regards Harry Röder

With a recipe? But it's that simple... and it helps!

November 6, 2019

I took a long time to finally go to the doctor with my problem. I did a lot of research on the Internet beforehand and finally came across your website. I couldn't get the Masalo cuff out of my head.

I had feared that it would be an act to get this cuff over the cash register.

The doctor diagnosed tennis elbow and I had an aid prescribed for it. Then I phoned our medical supply store. They told me a few brands, but they didn't know about Masalo yet.

I had to think about what to do next. I didn't want just any cuff.

At first I thought about getting in touch with the cash register, but I thought that would be quite awkward.

Then it occurred to me to print out the Masalo documents and take them to the medical supply store. They took time for me there. The cuff was ordered. - I had no idea how much the co-payment would be for me; that wasn't so important, the main thing was this cuff.

When the cuff arrives, I should get a call. I waited patiently. On Monday, November 4, 2019, my arm was particularly painful and I thought longingly about the cuff. The redemptive call came in the afternoon. I immediately went to the medical supply store. They helped me put on the good piece straight away. This was also something new for the staff there. When I went to the checkout, I was very pleasantly surprised.

The additional payment was only € **.**. I left the medical supply store quite happy with my new cuff.

After two and a half days, I can say that I have got used to it very well. I can grip again and without pain. I'm very confident about my recovery.

Thank you very much!

Many greetings from Kempten in the Allgäu,

Ute Zeller

PS: I purchased the cuff from the Dambeck medical supply store in Memminger Straße in Kempten.

Ute Zeller

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Zeller, thank you very much for the report. It's really nice to hear that there are such great medical supply stores, unfortunately that's not the case everywhere. I'm very pleased that they really care about the product and that they gave you good advice as a customer. That's how it should be. We wish you a speedy recovery. Kind regards Harry Röder

My salvation after years of pain on both sides - I am so grateful!!!

November 4, 2019

I have suffered from tennis elbow on both sides since I was 18. I am now 40 and have really tried everything in my pain career: starting with physiotherapy, cortisone injections, plastering the whole arm, strong tablets, leech treatment, shock wave therapy... and much more.

I continued to work for years despite severe pain and could barely hold a pen or a cup. Shopping, computer work,carrying my baby... nothing worked anymore. As my right and left were affected, I couldn't "switch" and do anything with my left hand.

I finally had surgery in 2001, first on my right arm and then on my left arm. After that I was fine for a while and the pain was gone, but after a few years everything started all over again and I was very, very depressed. In 2011, it was so bad that I could no longer work and was on sick leave for almost nine months.

I received pain therapy to learn how to deal better with the chronic pain. If you have tennis elbow on both sides, you can imagine what it means to no longer be able to do what you want to do. Be it at work or at home.

At some point I found out about the cuff on the internet and ordered it without any great expectations. I put it on and immediately felt relief, it was amazing!!!

The tighter I put them on, the less pain I had. Of course, I had to wear the cuffs day and night for a few months before I felt any lasting relief. But eventually I was completely pain-free even without the cuffs!!!

I am soooo happy and have tears in my eyes as I write this because I have really become symptom-free.

It's incredible and I still don't understand why no physiotherapists or doctors recommend it. It has given me back an incredible quality of life and saved my job (bank clerk).

At the moment, I have ups and downs. Sometimes I'm completely pain-free for months and no longer have to wear a cuff, but the pain comes back when I do certain activities. Then I immediately put the cuff on and after a few days or weeks I'm pain-free again.

I have ordered the new MED version and just ordered the leather version again because I think that as a chronic pain patient I will always be able to make good use of it over the next few years. Conclusion: even after years of pain, healing is still possible, it really is a miracle!


Ivonne K.

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ivonne, thank you very much for your testimonial, which is typical for many of our customers. Time and again we hear that customers recover with our supports even after multiple operations. Unfortunately, it really is the case that anyone who has had it once and is prone to it can get it again if the corresponding stresses occur due to work, leisure activities or sport. I always say: lazy people don't get epicondylitis and the active ones unfortunately get it sooner or later. 🙂 You will certainly have to get used to the MED. We always get questions from customers who previously used the BASIC as to whether the MED is just as effective 🙂 However, the MED has been proven to be significantly more effective than the BASIC, although it is also much more comfortable. Therefore, you may have the subjective impression that it is not as effective as the leather version. If you feel the same way, please send us 2 photos with the MED on, as it has to be put on a little differently and we are always happy to help. But you are doing it just right. It's best to always take the MED with you, put it in the car or in your bag and put it on immediately as soon as you notice that the epicondylitis is coming back. Then you'll get over it again in no time. I myself always have to be careful when working in the garden or with a screwdriver. If I forget to put on a bandage as a precaution, I have a good chance of getting tennis elbow again. However, it will be gone again in a maximum of 2-3 days with a support 😉 We now have a lot of physiotherapists, general practitioners, orthopaedists, sports physicians etc. who recommend and prescribe our support (MED is now available in Germany with a prescription and co-payment by health insurance companies). These doctors either had epicondylitis themselves and were able to heal themselves with our Masalo sleeve, understood the principle of action and considered it promising, or simply experienced it through several patients. We are making progress, but there is still a long way to go before we are really established 🙂 I wish you all the best and thank you again for your feedback. Best regards Harry Röder

Applied and considerably less pain after a short time.

November 2, 2019

The cuff arrived very quickly. After initial difficulties with fitting (which was down to me!), I immediately felt the problem subside. There is a familiarization period for people and material (basic product, leather).

I have hardly felt the orthosis for 2.5 weeks now. I wear it 24 hours a day and the pain is only marginally noticeable. Itno longer determines my everyday life.

The price should not be an obstacle. It saves visits to the doctor and gives the muscle/tendon "rest" to heal.

I am very satisfied! I hope it will one day be recognized by the health insurance companies as an orthosis.

Markus Ludorf

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Mr. Ludorf, thank you very much for your report. Our new version Masalo Cuff MED now has the medical aid number and can be purchased by prescription from specialist retailers. The health insurance companies contribute a share of the costs. If you are interested, please go to https://www.masalo.ch/faq-masalo-manschette/ Questions & Answers Masalo® Cuff MED - last point, where you will find all the information you need. The BASIC leather version is no longer produced as it cannot be given an aid number because it is not washable and is made of animal material. I wish you all the best. Kind regards Harry Röder

Gardener - tennis elbow & golfer's elbow

October 28, 2019

I have had constant pain in my elbow since February last year, when I was potting plants in a nursery for 6 hours at a time, every day, with a very tense neck. That's when the tennis elbow pain started.

In July, I started working in gardening and landscaping, with paving, roofing and heavy hedge trimming for 8 hoursat a time. Then, in addition to the massive pain, I also developed golfer's elbow. It was just awful. I was so afraid of losing my job that I kept working no matter how bad the pain was.

I was then made redundant in August 2019.

I was repeatedly unable to work due to massive pain. Even plucking weeds was super unpleasant. I received everything...bandages, injections, physio, electro, massage, even the unstable shoulder was considered for surgery and in the meantime 2 series of radiotherapy.

On my own research I found your cuff and after many very friendly e-mails, I have now also understood how to wear the cuff and when I wear it, which I now do 24 hours a day, I am pain-free so far, can do more again and am currently applying for lighter gardening jobs, where I then also pay more attention to my physical possibilities ; ), and generally do more sport again.

So a big thank you to you, that I can now sleep without pain again, have some hope that it will eventually go away and that I can even work as a gardener again appropriately and with the safety of the cuff.

Keep your fingers crossed for my application for a job in a nursery with people with disabilities!!!!

I recommend you everywhere...also to physiotherapists and doctors...they always look quite perplexed because they don't think outside the box...Best regards

Jarka Müller

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Müller, thank you very much for your feedback. Your report really touched me emotionally. We are really keeping our fingers crossed for you and wish you all the luck in the world that you find a new job  The tennis and golfer's elbow should heal completely, but there is always a "chance" that it will recur in your profession. Either wear the cuff as a precaution or put it on as soon as you even begin to feel it coming on again. Kind regards Harry Röder

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