
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

Top patent

January 28, 2020

First of all I would like to write THANK YOU and a HIGH on the inventor of this cuff. I have already tried one or two other cuffs. But this is the only one that really helps. The price is high, I bought one myself without a prescription, but it's worth the money.

Secondly, I would like to thank you for thesuper fast shipping. Ordered on Sunday 12/01 and received on Tuesday 14/01. It couldn't have been better.

I can only agree with the positive experiences. Once you have found your personal attitude and got used to wearing it, you feel as if you have nothing.

Even my doctor was very surprised that the cuff had such a positive effect on healing. He had never seen or heard of such a cuff before. I immediately asked him if he would write me a prescription so that I could have a second one to change.

He wrote me a prescription straight away, without any fuss. I gave him the prescription number straight away. Because after 14 days you should wash the cuff. Yesterday, January 27th, I went to a medical supply store that also sells Masalo and filled my prescription for the cuff. As a little info, the cuff only costs 80€ with my health insurance.

A little tip from me to Masalo, do more advertising. This cuff simply has to become better known. I believe that the cuff will then sell like hot cakes.

Frank K.

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Frank, thank you for the great report. Unfortunately, we can't influence the co-payments and the amounts are extremely different, but the first health insurance companies have already indicated that they probably want to raise the co-payment for our cuff a little, so the co-payments should soon be lower or disappear completely. Yes, the medical supply stores are one of those things. We have a few that are enthusiastic and really sell a lot of supports, the surrounding doctors prescribe quite diligently and the co-payments for customers are absolutely reasonable and manageable. These are customer-oriented and modern medical supply stores. Unfortunately, however, there are also some very strange stores that call themselves medical supply stores. They literally chase customers away, are unwilling to at least get information from us once and serve the customer. What are you supposed to do? Today I even received a letter from a customer who enclosed a kind of certificate from the medical supply store stating that our Masalo cuff is not an aid at all and that we are cheating with Internet advertising. That is unbelievable. However, the correction has already been requested and the lawyer has already warmed up 🙂 This is really damaging to our business, anyone can find our entry in the list of medical aids via the medical aid number. The second cuff is a great idea, but it dries really quickly on the heater, wash it more often, nothing will happen, just don't put it in the dryer and make sure you close the Velcro fasteners when washing in the machine (max. 40 degrees on a gentle cycle) (it's best to put it in a laundry bag). We are also working on a black version, but that will take some time. You can then use it for work and the white one after work. By the way, we do a lot of advertising, but mainly with Google at the moment. The rest will follow. But the cuff is becoming better known every day and new retailers are joining us daily. It all just takes time. The press and television should become a little more active, but perhaps our customers will draw the attention of one or two broadcasters to us, that will happen. I sincerely wish you a speedy recovery and thank you for recommending us to your doctor. Best regards Harry Röder

Better than any other therapeutic measure

January 20, 2020

After six months of sometimes severe pain and considerable restriction of movement with a diagnosed tennis elbow, I have now been wearing the Masalo Med cuff almost permanently for 14 days. I am overwhelmed and delighted, as the pain is getting less and less every day. As an old school bodybuilder, I was already thinking about the end of my sporting activity, but today I was able to do my back and biceps training again for the first time under full load with a tight cuff without pain. Before that, I had been taking Diclophenac every day for six months, stimulation current, injections, radiation, shock waves - nothing really helped as much as your ingenious cuff. Thank you very much for this !!!!

Ralf Lehmann

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Lehmann, perfect, thank you very much for your feedback. The way you describe it, you can't have done anything wrong 🙂 But please keep wearing the support until it's completely healed. Epicondylitis really does take every opportunity to come back... When training, you are welcome to wear it as a precaution even after full recovery. I also recommend our tips under - Sport despite tennis elbow https://www.masalo.ch/sport-trotz-epicondylitis/ I wish you continued good recovery and maximum success with your sport. Best regards Harry Röder

Thank you for this invention

January 11, 2020

I have had pain in my elbow since March 2019. After an X-ray, I was diagnosed with tennis elbow. I was prescribed a TENS unit, which I used regularly for 4 months. Unfortunately without success. I couldn't even pick up the phone and playing golf was out of the question.

On January 6, 2020,I met a fellow club member who told me about the Masalo cuff.I then went to Bremen and bought the cuff in Bremen. I've been wearing the cuff for a week and immediately felt relief.

Today was the first time I played golf again without pain and I didn't feel any pain afterwards either. That sounds pretty incredible, but it's the truth.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the inventor once again. This Masalo cuff is worth every penny. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Best regards

Rainer Mattern

Rainer Mattern

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Mattern, I would also like to thank you very much for your feedback. That's the way it should be, so we can be sure that your support fits and works properly 🙂 Now you still need to be patient. You will certainly be able to do almost everything without any strain pain. However, healing can take time. Therefore, wear the support as consistently as possible until it has healed completely. We also recommend prophylactic use for golf and other activities. Simply put it in your golf bag and put it on during training and play. Alternatively, carry it with you and put it on as soon as you notice that it starts up again. I also wear the bandage as a precaution when playing golf, especially on the driving range... I wish you continued good recovery and a good game at all times. Best regards Harry Röder

Sport again at last

January 1, 2020

My story started in May 2019 and continues to this day. I've tried almost everything, such as ibuprofen, massages, cortisone, elbow supports in all possible variations and much more. I spent days and nights searching for information on the internet and came across the Masalo cuff and ordered it straight away.

The cuff hasactually meant that I can do my sport again. However, I really have to wear the cuff day and night. When I take it off, I have the pain again, sometimes more, sometimes less.

I hope that I will soon be able to do my sport without the cuff. I would be very grateful for any further tips.

Maybe I didn't do the instructions for carrying quite right.

Best regards Günger Moumin, martial arts teacher and trainer

Günger Moumin

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Moumin, thank you very much for your feedback. We are of course delighted that you can finally do sport again with our sleeve and that you can finally pursue your profession as a teacher/trainer without pain. Please read our "Tips for dealing with epicondylitis", which may help you to overcome your epicondylitis even faster. So that we can make sure once again that everything is correct, please simply send us a few photos of the applied support via our contact form (please take the photos as described there) - please select the menu item "Contact" in the "Customer service" area and then select the item "Question about the fit of the sleeve" under "How can we help you?". You can find the link here: https://www.masalo.ch/kontakt/ We will be happy to take another look at it, although I don't think you have made any major mistakes, but perhaps there is still room for improvement. You have been wearing the sleeve for about two weeks now and after such a short time you cannot expect an injury that has been present for 9 months to have healed. We also recommend wearing the support permanently at first, preferably day and night, so that healing can begin. However, this requires patience and as soon as you take the sleeve off again - initially - the tendons are immediately under full strain again, which can lead to pain. So please continue to wear the support until it has healed. It is already a huge success that you can do sports and work again without pain in the short time you have been wearing our sleeve and that you are generally pain-free while wearing the sleeve. Perfect 🙂 Especially since nothing has helped you so far (but this is also the case for many of our customers). Continue to wear the support consistently and you will overcome your epicondylitis, even if you are now putting full and normal weight on your arm again. The healing process will certainly take between 6 weeks and 6 months until you no longer need the sleeve permanently and can only use it as a precaution. Unfortunately, this is normal for tendon injuries, tendons are poorly supplied with blood and therefore healing processes always take quite a long time - 6 weeks at least... However, I have one final question: Why "only" 4 stars? 🙂 We always strive for 5-star ratings and I can't find anything negative in your lines. I would therefore be very happy if you could get back to us briefly. In any case, I wish you all the best for the new year, continued good recovery and sports free 🙂 Yours sincerely, Eric Siebert

Simply brilliant

December 27, 2019

I have been unable to work since 03.12.2019. The reason is pronounced epicondylitis radialis humeri, or tennis elbow. I'm not exactly the type of person who runs to the doctor for every little niggle.

I'm also not the type of person who likes to take pills just to be pain-free. However, I was in so much painthat I could no longer even hold a ballpoint pen, my right arm hurt so much that I perceived it as a foreign body.

So I went to my family doctor. He also prescribed me a bandage, which I picked up from the medical supply store. I wore it well, but it didn't get any better.

So I came across Masalo on the Internet. At first I was a little put off by the high price, but I ordered the support. That was on 23.12.2019 and I received it on 24.12.2019.

It's hard to believe, but my right arm belongs to me again. It is already feeling much better. I can only say THANK YOU for that.

Today I spoke to my health insurance company and I can't believe it, but they haven't even heard of Masalo, let alone a cooperation agreement. During the phone call, I advised the gentleman on the phone to think about it.

As I said, the price put me off at first, but today I can say that I'm not sorry I spent the money. It is a very good investment.

Susann Wallrodt

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Wallrodt, thank you very much for your report. I am particularly pleased that the support was more or less a Christmas present and that you certainly had a better Christmas than without it. There is no greater gift than health and a pain-free life 🙂 I would like to say a few words about the health insurance. Our Masalo Cuff MED has a so-called medical aid number and is registered in the GKV's list of medical aids. The number is: This means that the costs are covered - at least in part - by all statutory health insurance companies. You do not need a separate contract with each health insurance fund for this (that is what the medical aids register is for). However, the co-payment depends on the calculation of your specialist dealer. However, it may take some time before the product can be found electronically in the medical aids system and published in the Federal Gazette. However, your health insurance fund is welcome to send us an email and we will immediately send a copy of the GKV exemption notice to your administrator or your doctor. I am quite confident that you may still be able to get an additional payment from your health insurance fund. Please read our page - Masalo® Cuff MED on prescription - here is the link: https://www.masalo.ch/masalo-manschette-rezept/ Please also download the documents you will find there. Your doctor may even be prepared to issue you with a certificate, which means that you may even be reimbursed for all the costs. However, this is ultimately a decision for your health insurance provider. Please wear the bandage as consistently as possible, it should improve significantly every day. However, it can take between 6 weeks and 6 months to heal (although you will still be able to work again without pain). Please also read our tips on dealing with epicondylitis, as there are a few additional things you can do to help you overcome this ailment more quickly. We are always happy to help you, please feel free to send us a few pictures with the brace on. The correct fit is a prerequisite for it to work in the long term and for you to be completely healthy again. In any case, I wish you continued good recovery and a happy new year 🙂 Best wishes Harry Röder

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