
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

Pain-free after one week

February 20, 2020

I can also agree with the positive experiences.

I have been wearing the cuff for a week and the pain is gone.

Simply brilliant.

Before that I had tried acupuncture and everything else for almost half a year, unfortunately the success was only minimal.


Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Many thanks for the feedback 🙂

►Noticeable relief, very good workmanship, (however...)

February 17, 2020

'+ I have been wearing the cuff for a week now and have experienced relief and pain reduction since the beginning.

+ The innovation is perfect and well thought out/developed.

+ The fit is good and easy to adjust to the arm with the Velcro fasteners.

+ Hand washing can be done very easily with mild detergent, but please allow for a slightly longer drying time. I needed a whole night in the heated bathroom (not on the radiator) and let the "rest" dry on my arm...works too!

+- The price is not low, but if the effect continues and the pain even disappears completely, it is definitely worth the investment!!!

- Initially, I had pressure points on my upper arm because I had adjusted the cuff tightly. This has improved during the day because the cuff also "reminds" me not to strain/stretch my arm too much. At night, however, I can't influence my arm position and so I still have pressure points in the morning as I seem to "stretch" my arm while I sleep. There is a slight pain and it is uncomfortable...we'll see.

- The Velcro inlay for the upper arm is a good idea, but the Velcro pad has very scratchy edges that leave red and itchy marks...there is still room for improvement here. I will make do with some narrow "Hansaplast" taped to the edges.

Martin Downar

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Downar, thank you for your feedback and constructive criticism. The inner silicone strap is purely optional and is only needed if the support is really extremely loose, otherwise the support will hold without this additional part. Since a micro Velcro strap was also sewn here, it is possible that it may inadvertently protrude slightly at the edges during production. This can be unpleasantly scratchy, but we have not yet experienced this. The micro Velcro is a type of plastic, which is why the support should not be dried too hot, otherwise the Velcro fasteners could become deformed. Please send us some pictures of how you wear the cuff. At night, the bandage should definitely be adjusted more loosely than during the day for heavier loads. Please try this once. The pressure points cannot be avoided, depending on the individual condition of the tissue on the forearm, but should disappear again some time after taking off the bandage. These are generally harmless as long as the blood circulation is not disturbed, otherwise the whole support will have to be adjusted slightly differently. If you send us photos, we will be happy to take another look and may have a few more helpful tips for you. Otherwise, everything sounds right and I'm sure the haunting will soon be over. I sincerely wish you a continued good recovery. Best regards Harry Röder

Simply Top!!!!!!

February 16, 2020

Hello, I can only agree with the testimonials. Super invention that really helps. Perfect.

Birgit Deutgen

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Ms. Deutgen, thank you very much for your review. Great 🙂 Short and to the point. We wish you all the best and a speedy recovery. Should there be anything, we are always here for you. Best regards Harry Röder

Thank you thank you thank you....

February 15, 2020

Since October last year I've been dragging myself around with tennis elbow (ouch), working in retail which means dragging, packing, dragging... I tried painkillers, ointments etc. It got worse and worse so I went to the doctor.

He diagnosed tennis elbow, prescribed me a cuff for which I paid another 20 euros and was told to stretch, stretch andstretch again, as well as physio.

So I stretched in almost every free minute, it brought no success, on the contrary, I had the feeling that it was getting worse (ouch ouch) and the physio didn't help either.

Then I came across the Masalo cuff, my last hope, I didn't care about the money if it helps, I thought before I get a shock wave that I can pay for myself....Now for the cuff I was sooooooo impatient, I ordered it and watched the video 100 times to make sure I didn't do anything wrong.

I felt better straight away, of course it takes some getting used to, but you do get used to wearing it tight.

Exactly after 14 days (24 hours of wearing the cuff) it suddenly got better unbelievably .... I still feel slight pain with some movements but it's not worth mentioning, it's getting better day by day I'm sooo happy.

I already sleep great at night without it. The physios were of the opinion that the cuff is too tight and that you can become dependent on it etc.

I would like to thank you again for the great invention that really leads to success, I printed out the pages for my doctor and he told me that I know it.....Hello why is it not prescribed then?????


Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Silvia, thank you for the great report. We can read how happy you are with the cuff 🙂 and that does us a lot of good. Thank you for that 🙂 Your feedback contains a few important points that are interesting for all those affected, so I would like to go into them in more detail. I don't know exactly how many conversations and emails there have been on the subject of stretching, but I'm sure there have been a few thousand that were quite negative. Stretching can help with tendon and muscle injuries, but with epicondylitis, bending and stretching the wrist (which is the stretching exercise...) really puts maximum strain on the tendon insertions. So you pull on an injured tendon with maximum force... That's why you felt it getting worse. Fortunately, you noticed it in time, as quite a few of our customers have also stretched their golfer's elbow into tennis elbow through excessive stretching. Don't get me wrong, I'm not demonizing stretching in general, but you have to do it really carefully and with caution if you really want to stretch. However, we recommend massages with a hedgehog ball or a fascia roll to release cramps and relax the muscles. This is much gentler and does you good. What your physio says about dependency is nonsense, to put it mildly. The arm is supposed to be moved normally, so the muscles don't regress and we don't have a prosthesis here but a bandage, orthosis or cuff, however you want to put it. The arm is not immobilized and held in one position, how are you supposed to become dependent? Of course, many customers continue to use our cuff prophylactically for sports and work even after healing, especially when they are under heavy strain and want to avoid getting epicondylitis again. Others simply don't put the cuff out of reach and put it on immediately if it has been too much and the problem reappears. But then it usually goes away again within 3-5 days. We don't know anyone who has become addicted to our bandage. There are things... 🙂 Please wear the support until it is really completely gone, otherwise you will only prolong the whole thing unnecessarily. Finally, something very important. The support has already been prescribed for months. The medical aid number is and the health insurance companies cover part of the total cost, sometimes even the full price. I wish you a speedy recovery and hope you can manage the remaining short distance. Kind regards Harry Röder

Fantastic effect after a very short time after application

February 12, 2020

The effect is fantastic.

I felt significant relief from my pain shortly after putting it on.

I also did the test with the drinking bottle and it was painless, which was impossible before.

I immediately ordered a second one for my left arm, which is slightly better than the right arm, but notpain-free.

Thank you.

I still have one question. Should I really also wear the cuff at night, i.e. 24 hours a day?

Thank you and best regards from Vierhausen Andrea Thomsen

Andrea Thomsen

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Thomsen, thank you very much for your feedback. I'm always pleased to read feedback like this 🙂 It's really encouraging and motivating. The additional order for the left arm is a very good idea. You won't regret it, as it will save you from worse. We do recommend wearing the support permanently for the first 1-2 weeks, even at night. However, this always depends on the individual situation. If you wake up at night with pain (from turning over or pulling up the comforter etc.) or wake up in the morning without a good night's sleep (in which case the epicondylitis only slightly disturbs your sleep and constantly takes you out of your deep sleep phases), you should definitely also wear the support at night. If you have no such complaints, it is perfectly sufficient to wear the cuffs during the day and when you are exercising. However, you should allow some time for it to heal completely. Please wear them consistently for that long. I wish you continued good recovery and if anything should happen, we are always here for you. Kind regards Harry Röder

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