
Browse through hundreds of testimonials from our customers. We guarantee authenticity and can of course verify the sources. We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Masalo cuff after a few weeks. Before you write a negative report, please contact us with photos so that we can help you.


Even though many customers report immediate pain relief, this may not be the case for you. It may take longer to get rid of your tennis elbow / golfer's elbow and of course the Masalo sleeve may not help you. Epicondylitis is a medical problem and medical issues are always individual. The healing process is different for everyone and depends on many factors. For legal reasons alone, we cannot and must not give a healing guarantee. Good recovery!

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 457 ratings)
Very good4%
No effect1%

Finally pain-free after years

April 19, 2020

Hello dear masalo team, I have been suffering from tennis elbow for about 10 years. I have tried everything, acupuncture, electricity, shock wave therapy and finally injections.

It went away again and again but last year in March it started again due to mountain biking and even injections didn't help. I could no longer ride a bike and couldn't even open a bottle. Then I googled on the internet and came across your cuff in September 2019. I ordered them for both arms and was able to ride my bike again the same day without any pain.

I have worn them continuously day and night and have finally been symptom-free since March.

I am so happy about your invention... just great;) I continue to wear them when I'm under pressure, i.e. at work and during sport, so that I never have to experience such pain and restrictions again.

Thank you very much for your tireless work. Good luck

Jenny Bonk

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Ms. Bonk, thank you very much for your report. You have done everything right and will continue to do so. Please continue to wear the cuff when cycling and other activities. That way the epicondylitis won't come back. We are really pleased that you have overcome this extremely painful and annoying injury and wish you lots of fun in the fresh air. Please stay healthy. Kind regards Harry Röder

Noticeably less pain after a few hours

April 17, 2020

I've only been wearing the cuff for a few hours now and I'm very impressed. I can hold a glass again for the first time in 10 weeks without it hurting. I can make a fist and the pain is only minimal.

Now I will wear the cuff for a few weeks and hopethat my arm recovers completely. But I'm already glad that I bought it. It still takes a bit of getting used to but I think that will settle with time. The main thing is that the pain is getting better.

Many thanks again.


Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Dear Steffi, thank you very much for your feedback. Please wear the cuff consistently so that the injury can heal completely. The healing process is almost never linear, but rather an up and down process. If it gets worse again, please contact us with some photos, this is almost always due to small adjustment errors that we can quickly optimize. We wish you a speedy recovery. Best regards Harry Röder

Now weight training is fun again

April 10, 2020

I have been doing weight training for 5 years and at some point I got pain in my right hand, it turned out to be the infamous tennis elbow!

I didn't think anything of it, just kept training until the pain was no longer bearable!

I tried everything with gels, massages, cooling, applying warm bandages etc.

Everything didn't work!

This went on for about 7 months, and I was slowly getting desperate until I came across Masalo Manschete in February 2020.

I also bought them, but I was dissatisfied at first because the effect was not immediate.

But then around the beginning of April 2020 improvement in sight, now I can at least train pain free and continue to do sports! " I'll still wear them for sports to be on the safe side! Thank you

Daniel Lueger

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello Mr. Lueger, thank you very much for your report. I am pleased that it is now working. If there are problems again, it might be a good idea if you could send us a few photos by email of your arm with the bandage on, or even better, use the contact form (under Customer Service, last item => Contact, then click => How can we help you? > Question about the fit of the cuff...) briefly upload the pictures with a few lines. The cuff must help immediately, otherwise something is usually wrong and these are almost always small things that can be quickly fixed with a few optimizations. It is important that the forearm cuff sits in the middle of the forearm and not on the elbow and that the support builds up sufficient tension during movement. It is better to tighten it a little, especially at the beginning. Please continue to wear the support for a while when doing sport so that the problem does not return. Weight training is very hard on the tendons and protection is really advisable. I am pleased that you are able to do sport again. That is particularly important in these times. We are always happy to help you. Good recovery and stay healthy. Best regards Harry Röder

What lasts slowly, lasts well

April 1, 2020

I had been struggling with epicondylitis since July 2019. Initially, I started with the usual measures - rest and Voltaren ointment. This was followed by cortisone injections. After 4 weeks, however, the pain flared up again vehemently. That was the moment when, after 6 weeks of osteopathic treatment, I discovered the Masalo cuff at the beginning of December.

Youcan't expect a miracle with severe epicondylitis, but you have to be patient and learn to accept fluctuations in the healing process.

I initially wore the cuff virtually day and night for 2 months. Only very slowly did I start to have better days. At the same time, I continued my treatment with shoulder and neck massage, stretching exercises and other exercises that I found on YouTube tutorials.

It wasn't until the third month that I started to stop wearing the cuff at night. Initial attempts to leave them off during the day failed at first. I usually had to put it on again after 1-2 days.

After 4 months, I have finally been able to do without the cuff for 10 days and can even slowly start playing the piano again.

In the first few days after I considered my elbow to be largely free of pain, I still had pain in the sheath. But with continued stretching exercises and light, albeit often painful, massages with a small fascia roller, this pain is also gradually subsiding.

9 months after the onset of my epicondylitis, I can say that I am as good as cured thanks to the Masalo cuff. Even though I often despaired at times and doubted whether it would lead to a good end for me, I can now say: yes, it has worked the miracle that I could almost no longer believe in.

Thank you!


Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hello, thank you very much for the detailed report. As we are always being asked whether you are cured straight away, your report will certainly help many of those affected. It just takes time until you are really healthy again and it takes patience and perseverance. Tendon problems are generally quite protracted as tendons only have a few blood vessels and this prolongs the healing process. But it does work out in the end 🙂 Yes, it's true that the healing process is never linear but has highs and lows, which depends on a wide variety of factors. What's more, golfer's elbow is often more protracted than tennis elbow. We sufferers are all very similar. We like to be active and don't necessarily have a lot of patience 🙂 I can only advise everyone to get in touch with us right at the beginning with a few photos. What we often find when things are progressing quite slowly is that the cuff is worn too loosely or the forearm cuff is too close to the elbow. If we can take a quick look at this, it usually helps a lot. However, I do not want to imply that you have not put the cuff on correctly, the period until recovery is not unusual at all. Please always keep the cuff within reach. Unfortunately, it can always happen that you overdo it and the epicondylitis wants to come back. If you notice this, please put the cuff back on immediately and the problem should be resolved within a maximum of 2-3 days. (If you notice it immediately and do something about it straight away, it cannot develop into a chronic problem. You are now sensitized and would notice immediately if it happens again). Thank you again for your comments, we wish you all the best and stay healthy. Kind regards Harry Röder


March 27, 2020

Great cuff. After putting it on, my arm was pain-free after three hours. I also wore it at night. After a week and a half, the pain was significantly less without the cuff. I am on the road to recovery. Sport is possible with the cuff.

Oliver Suhr

Answer from Masalo Cuff Switzerland

Hi there too 🙂 Of course we are very happy about that. Keep up the good recovery and enjoy your sport. Best regards Harry Röder

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